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Q38218: Why pointer1++ = pointer2 Is Illegal |
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Article: Q38218
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 5.00 5.10 | 5.10
Operating System(s): MS-DOS | OS/2
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | | mspl13_c
Last Modified: 21-NOV-1988
Why is the following statement
pointer1++ = pointer2 ;
illegal, causing error 2106 : left operand must be lvalue,
when the following statement is legal?
*pointer1++ = *pointer2 ;
Both pointer1 and pointer2 are declared as pointers to the same type.
Because the post-increment operator ++ has higher precedence than the
assignment operator =, the following statement
pointer1++ = pointer2 ;
is equivalent to the following statement:
(pointer1++) = pointer2 ;
As defined by the post-increment operation, the result of evaluating
the expression (pointer1++) is NOT a lvalue. So (pointer1++) cannot
be used as a left operand of the assignment operator.
However, a statement such as the following, which is equivalent to
*(pointer1++) = *pointer2 ;, is legal:
*pointer1++ = *pointer2 ;
This statement is legal because although (pointer1++) is not a lvalue,
it can be used for indirection and *(pointer1++) is a lvalue.
It is very important to understand the difference between the value of
the expression (pointer1++) and the value of pointer1. Although
(pointer1++) has higher precedence in the above statements, the result
of evaluating (pointer1++) has the old value that pointer1 had before
the evaluation of the expression (pointer1++). Because of the side
effect of the post-increment operator, the evaluation of (pointer1++)
causes the value of pointer1 to be incremented by 1 only after the
rest of the statement has been evaluated. In other words, as an
address, (pointer1++) points to the same memory location as pointer1
used to. Therefore, *pointer1++ or *(pointer1++) represents the same
object as *pointer1 used to.
The following example has the effect of assigning "a" to memory
offset location 0x100, then incrementing ptr1 to point to memory
offset 0x101:
char * ptr1 = 0x100; /* ptr1 points to memory offset 0x100
in the current data segment
for small or medium memory models */
*ptr1++ = 'a';
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