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Q47610: Directory Listing for QuickC 2.00 Distribution Disks (5.25) |
/kb/047/Q47610/ |
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Article: Q47610
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 2.00
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | QC | mspl13_c
Last Modified: 6-FEB-1991
The following is a directory listing for the QuickC version 2.00
distribution disks (5.25-inch disk set). This is a superset of the
information presented in the PACKING.LST file for QuickC 2.00. This
list includes the size (in bytes) of each file and the time/date
Disk 1: Setup
DOSPATCH <DIR> 12-21-88 5:25p
SAMPLES <DIR> 12-21-88 5:25p
SETUP EXE 49543 12-13-88 11:32a Setup program: installs
PACKING LST 7052 12-13-88 11:35a Packing list (this file)
README DOC 39666 12-21-88 4:16p Release notes: QC 2.00
FIXSHIFT COM 690 10-06-87 10:49a BIOS bug fix Compaq\kbds
HELPMAKE EXE 46828 12-07-88 9:05a Creates help files
MSHERC COM 6749 10-26-88 7:37p TSR for Herc. card grafix
8 File(s) 4096 bytes free
<subdirectory DOSPATCH>
. <DIR> 12-21-88 5:25p
.. <DIR> 12-21-88 5:25p
PATCH320 DOC 2169 2-19-88 4:29p Patch for DOS 3.20
PATCH87 DOC 3937 2-19-88 4:30p Patch for README.DOC files
PATCH87 EXE 4206 1-29-88 2:30p ""
RMRHS EXE 543 6-29-86 4:00a ""
SETRHS EXE 543 6-29-86 4:00a ""
STKPAT BAT 94 6-29-86 4:00a ""
STKPAT SCR 30 6-29-86 4:00a ""
9 File(s) 4096 bytes free
<subdirectory SAMPLES>
. <DIR> 12-21-88 5:25p
.. <DIR> 12-21-88 5:25p
SAMPLES DOC 3518 12-02-88 6:04p Sample C programs
GRDEMO C 18582 12-15-88 4:25p " -- Read SAMPLES.DOC
MENU C 11114 12-14-88 12:31p ""
MENU H 1956 8-29-88 4:15p ""
GRDEMO MAK 617 11-08-88 6:09p ""
TURTLE C 13511 12-14-88 5:26p ""
TURTLE H 3933 11-22-88 11:30a ""
CHRTDEMO C 58162 12-07-88 2:00p ""
CHRTSUPT C 14174 12-06-88 8:11a ""
CHRTDEMO H 3742 11-23-88 11:46a ""
CHRTDEMO MAK 560 12-06-88 8:14a ""
CRLF C 9355 12-07-88 11:41a ""
LIFE MAK 562 11-08-88 6:02p ""
LIFE C 35018 11-21-88 6:42p ""
TOOLS C 3157 11-21-88 6:43p ""
TOOLS H 1199 8-10-88 12:15p ""
18 File(s) 4096 bytes free
Disk 2: Learning the Microsoft QuickC Integrated Environment
LINK EXE 121347 12-05-88 3:24p Linker: Win and OS/2
LEARN COM 29264 12-05-88 1:14p Tutorial and intro. to QC
LC PGM 27456 12-05-88 1:14p Tutorial support files
QCCBT CTX 73796 12-05-88 1:14p ""
QCCBT SCN 49548 12-05-88 1:14p ""
QCCBT SOB 44554 12-05-88 1:14p ""
6 File(s) 13312 bytes free
Disk 3: Integrated Development Environment 1
QCENV HLP 56718 12-14-88 8:57a Help on QC environment
QC EXE 286126 12-19-88 11:59a QuickC intgd. prog. env.
2 File(s) 18432 bytes free
Disk 4: Integrated Development Environment 2
INCLUDE <DIR> 12-19-88 4:27p
C1 ERR 17267 12-14-88 7:34p Comp. err. msg for QC/QCL
QCC OVL 169477 12-19-88 10:51a QC overlay for integrated
NMAKE EXE 66711 12-05-88 5:04p Program maint. utility
4 File(s) 9216 bytes free
<subdirectory INCLUDE>
. <DIR> 12-19-88 4:27p
.. <DIR> 12-19-88 4:27p
SYS <DIR> 12-19-88 4:27p
ASSERT H 939 12-05-88 6:54p Include files
BIOS H 4739 12-05-88 6:54p "" Read files for details
CONIO H 862 12-05-88 6:54p ""
CTYPE H 2174 12-05-88 6:54p ""
DIRECT H 602 12-05-88 6:54p ""
DOS H 5513 12-05-88 6:54p ""
ERRNO H 1346 12-05-88 6:54p ""
FCNTL H 1127 12-05-88 6:54p ""
FLOAT H 4870 12-05-88 6:54p ""
IO H 1206 12-05-88 6:54p ""
LIMITS H 1256 12-05-88 6:54p ""
MALLOC H 2911 12-05-88 6:54p ""
MATH H 3182 12-05-88 6:54p ""
MEMORY H 975 12-05-88 6:54p ""
PROCESS H 1836 12-05-88 6:54p ""
SEARCH H 935 12-05-88 6:54p ""
SETJMP H 815 12-05-88 6:54p ""
SHARE H 450 12-05-88 6:54p ""
SIGNAL H 1800 12-07-88 10:41a ""
STDARG H 533 12-05-88 6:54p ""
STDDEF H 1075 12-05-88 6:54p ""
STDIO H 4326 12-05-88 6:54p ""
STDLIB H 4717 12-05-88 6:54p ""
STRING H 2117 12-05-88 6:54p ""
TIME H 2137 12-05-88 6:54p ""
VARARGS H 561 12-05-88 6:54p ""
GRAPH H 13508 12-13-88 11:47a ""
PGCHART H 8654 12-13-88 12:18p ""
31 File(s) 9216 bytes free
<subdirectory INCLUDE\SYS>
. <DIR> 12-19-88 4:27p
.. <DIR> 12-19-88 4:27p
LOCKING H 468 12-05-88 6:54p ""
STAT H 1301 12-05-88 6:54p ""
TIMEB H 740 12-05-88 6:54p ""
TYPES H 734 12-05-88 6:54p ""
UTIME H 952 12-05-88 6:54p ""
7 File(s) 9216 bytes free
Disk 5: Utilities
BRIEF KEY 130 12-14-88 7:42p Keyboard files
EMACS KEY 155 12-14-88 7:42p ""
ME KEY 116 12-14-88 7:43p ""
QC KEY 258 12-14-88 7:43p ""
EPSILON KEY 155 12-14-88 7:42p ""
QCC DAT 31568 12-19-88 10:51a Data file used by QC
ERRORS HLP 62639 12-09-88 1:16p Help on error messages
LINK EXE 95532 12-05-88 3:05p Linker
ILINK EXE 48073 12-18-88 11:44a Incremental linker
ILINKSTB OVL 4214 12-13-88 11:09a Ilink overlay
MOUSE COM 14674 9-20-88 6:32p MS mouse driver, V6.24a
LIB EXE 35659 12-05-88 5:59p Library maintenance
MKKEY EXE 36967 12-15-88 10:03a Custom kbd command files
CRLF EXE 14053 12-07-88 11:42a Del CTRL chr, ins.
14 File(s) 9216 bytes free
Disk 6: Microsoft QC Advisor
QC HLP 355940 12-13-88 9:34a Help on C and lib
1 File(s) 6144 bytes free
Disk 7: Command-Line Compiler
QCL HLP 1482 11-17-88 12:14p Help on QCL
CL ERR 1583 12-14-88 7:15p Error msg for QCL and QC
GRAPHICS HLP 94922 12-16-88 10:30a Help on graphics fncs.
QCCOM EXE 207872 12-19-88 11:59a Cmd-line compiler drvr.
QCL EXE 25416 12-19-88 8:19p Command-line compiler
5 File(s) 29696 bytes free
Disk 8: Libraries 1
SLIBC LIB 137243 12-06-88 3:07p Library for small model
SLIBFP LIB 40389 11-28-88 7:41p Fl-point math lib. (sm)
SVARSTCK OBJ 507 5-09-88 2:59p Sm. heap/stack .OBJ file
MLIBC LIB 138779 12-06-88 3:37p Library for medium model
MLIBFP LIB 40901 11-28-88 7:52p Fl-point math lib. (med)
MVARSTCK OBJ 507 5-09-88 3:18p Med. heap/stack .OBJ
6 File(s) 1024 bytes free
Disk 9: Libraries 2
DBUSED OBJ 48 12-06-88 4:03p For C5.1 OS/2 lib.
87 LIB 4633 9-16-88 2:54p FP math lib. for 8087
BINMODE OBJ 127 5-09-88 3:03p File I/O: text to bin
EM LIB 16921 9-21-88 10:59p FP math lib: em. of 8087
LIBH LIB 14209 5-24-88 11:47a General helper library
SETARGV OBJ 143 5-09-88 3:05p Wild card: cmdline.
CLIBC LIB 147007 12-06-88 3:56p Library for compact mod.
CLIBFP LIB 41415 11-28-88 7:46p Fl-point math lib. (cpt)
CVARSTCK OBJ 487 5-09-88 3:35p Cpt heap/stack .OBJ file
GRAPHICS LIB 75337 12-13-88 10:19a Low-level graphics lib.
PGCHART LIB 54435 11-23-88 1:00p Presentation grphcs lib
RMFIXUP OBJ 233 8-30-88 4:33p No ints: co-prcssor math
12 File(s) 0 bytes free
Disk 10: Libraries 3/Fonts
NOTES HLP 5558 12-02-88 3:00p User-defined help file
LLIBC LIB 148543 12-06-88 4:13p Library for large model
LLIBFP LIB 42439 11-28-88 8:02p Fl-point math lib. (lg)
LVARSTCK OBJ 487 5-09-88 4:00p Lg. heap/stack .OBJ file
FONT <DIR> 12-19-88 4:49p
5 File(s) 14336 bytes free
<subdirectory FONT>
. <DIR> 12-19-88 4:49p
.. <DIR> 12-19-88 4:49p
COURB FON 19088 11-12-87 1:23p Font files
HELVB FON 50880 11-12-87 1:25p ""
MODERN FON 7584 11-12-87 1:26p ""
ROMAN FON 11120 11-12-87 1:27p ""
SCRIPT FON 10304 11-12-87 1:27p ""
TMSRB FON 45936 11-12-87 1:27p ""
8 File(s) 14336 bytes free
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