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Q57511: Cannot Move Upper Left Corner in PG Chart Scatter Functions |
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Article: Q57511
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 2.00 2.01
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | s_quickasm chart | mspl13_c
Last Modified: 17-JAN-1990
By changing the defaults in the windowtype structure, you can
customize charts for use in Presentation Graphics (PG) as described in
"C for Yourself" on Pages 251-260. However, when changing the default
values for x1 and y1 in the windowtype structure for use with the
_pg_chartscatter or _pg_chartscatterms functions, the function will
either ignore the change, or fail.
By changing the value for x1 in the windowtype structure, you can set
the location of the left edge of the window. By changing y1, you can
change the location of the top edge of the window. If you change one
and not the other, the change will be ignored. If you change both of
them, the chart scatter functions will fail and return 107, which
means "chart window is too small." The following program demonstrates
the problem:
Sample Program
* This is part of the sample program, SCAT.C, from the online help
* of QuickC 2.00 and QuickC 2.01.
#include <conio.h>
#include <graph.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pgchart.h>
#define ITEMS 5
#define SERIES 2
float far employees[SERIES][ITEMS] = { { 235., 423., 596., 729., 963. },
{ 285., 392., 634., 801., 895. } };
float far profits[SERIES][ITEMS] = { { 0.9, 2.3, 5.4, 8.0, 9.3 },
{ 4.2, 3.4, 3.6, 2.9, 2.7 } };
char far *companies[SERIES] = { "Goodstuff, Inc.", "Badjunk & Co." };
void main(void)
int x; /* for return value from _pg_chartscatter() */
chartenv env;
short mode = _VRES16COLOR;
while( !_setvideomode( mode ) ) /* Find a valid graphics mode */
if (mode == _TEXTMONO )
exit( 1 ); /* No graphics available */
_pg_initchart(); /* Initialize chart system */
/* Single-series scatter chart */
_pg_defaultchart (&env, _PG_SCATTERCHART, _PG_POINTONLY );
strcpy( env.maintitle.title, "Goodstuff, Inc." );
strcpy( env.xaxis.axistitle.title, "Employees" );
strcpy( env.yaxis.axistitle.title, "Profitability" );
/* Change the value for x1 and y1. Note that if only one is changed, the
value will be ignored. If both are changed, _pg_chartscatter will fail *
env.chartwindow.x1 = 1; /* left */
env.chartwindow.y1 = 1; /* top */
x = _pg_chartscatter( &env, employees[0], profits[0], ITEMS );
if (x != 0)
printf("error! chartscatter returned %d\n",x);
_clearscreen( _GCLEARSCREEN );
exit( !_setvideomode( _DEFAULTMODE ) );
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