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Q65680: A Listing of Keyboard Commands in Windows Version 3.0

Q65680: A Listing of Keyboard Commands in Windows Version 3.0

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Article: Q65680
Product(s): Microsoft Windows 95.x Retail Product
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.0,3.0a
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 01-OCT-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows versions 3.0, 3.0a 


This article contains a list of keyboard commands you can use with Microsoft
Windows, as discussed in the "Microsoft Windows User's Guide" for version 3.0.


Key Sequence   Page   Effect
------------   ----   ------

ALT            11     Opens submenus listed at top of active window;
                     for example, ALT+F opens File menu

ALT            29     Opens Control menu; (pressing ALT closes again)

<LETTER>       11     Engages one of the commands in the submenu; for
                     example, O for Open

F10 or ALT     26     Selects submenu bar; use arrow keys to move (also
                     used to cancel submenu and move back to

ESC            26     Closes submenu without engaging a command

TAB            34     Moves selection cursor (dotted rectangle),
                     within any dialog box, (a box that displays
                     errors or questions and gives choices)

SHIFT+TAB      34     Moves cursor in opposite direction

SPACEBAR       11     Places an X in Save Changes box; press again
                     to clear (also used to place X in any box and
                     used for Control Menu of dialog box)

CTRL+ESC       55     Opens Task List

ALT+F4         13     Brings up the Exit Windows dialog box; also can
                     be used to exit an application

ALT+ESC        29     Repeatedly cycles through open application
                     windows and icons; Also for full screen

CTRL+F6 or     29     Repeatedly cycles through open group windows
CTRL+TAB              and group icons

CTRL F4        29     Closes a group window

ALT+HYPHEN     46     Opens submenu menu

ALT+ENTER      60     Works in 386 enhanced mode only; switches between
                     full screen and a window for the application

ARROW KEYS     38-39  If inside a List Box and choice has an arrow; use
                     TAB to move from block to block

                     If more than one choice can be selected, press
                     SPACEBAR to select item, then go to another item
                     and repeat

                     Use ALT+DOWN ARROW to see entire list of drop down
                     box (printers, for example)

PRINT SCREEN   58     Copies contents of entire screen to Clipboard

ALT+PRINT SCREEN      Copies contents of active window to Clipboard; if
                     this doesn't work, try SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN

PG UP          48     Scrolls one window up

PG DN          48     Scrolls one window down

HOME           48     Scrolls to the beginning of the line

END            48     Scrolls to the end of the line

CTRL+HOME      48     Scrolls to beginning of document

CTRL+END       48     Scrolls to end of document


"Microsoft Windows User's Guide," version 3.0

Additional query words: 3.00 3.0 3.0a 3.00a win30

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbWin3xSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbWin300 kbWin300a
Version           : WINDOWS:3.0,3.0a


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