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Q133308: PRB: WM_HELP Message Not Received When F1 Pressed on Menu |
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Article: Q133308
Product(s): Microsoft C Compiler
Version(s): winnt:
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbcode kbnokeyword kbMenu kbMFC kbVC210 kbVC220 kbprb kbGrpDSMFCATL
Last Modified: 29-AUG-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), used with:
- *EDITOR Please do not choose this product*Microsoft Visual C++ 32-bit Edition* use 241, 265, 225, versions 2.1, 2.2
Windows 95 and Windows NT version 3.51 support a new Windows message, WM_HELP.
If a menu is active when F1 is pressed, WM_HELP should be sent to the window
associated with the menu by Windows. However, with an MFC application, the
WM_HELP message never gets sent.
This problem does not occur in Visual C++ 4.0 or later
MFC defines default handling of the F1 key to bring up help for menu items. For
more information about F1 help within an MFC application, please see MFC
Technote #28 and the Scribble Tutorial.
The F1 key is handled by the CWinThread::ProcessMessageFilter() function. It
causes the MFC function OnCommandHelp() to be called, which brings up help for
the currently selected menu item.
To work around this behavior, either use the help system provided by MFC, or
override ProcessMessageFilter() for your CWinApp-derived class to by-pass the
MFC processing of the F1 key. For example, the code might look like this:
static BOOL AFXAPI IsHelpKey(LPMSG lpMsg)
// return TRUE only for non-repeat F1 keydowns.
return lpMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN &&
#ifndef _MAC
lpMsg->wParam == VK_F1 &&
lpMsg->wParam == VK_HELP &&
!(HIWORD(lpMsg->lParam) & KF_REPEAT) &&
GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >= 0 &&
GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0 &&
GetKeyState(VK_MENU) >= 0;
BOOL CYourApp::ProcessMessageFilter(int code, LPMSG lpMsg)
if (IsHelpKey(lpMsg))
return FALSE; // pass on to Windows to do WM_HELP
// processing - don't use default MFC
// help processing
return CWinApp::ProcessMessageFilter(code, lpMsg);
For more information about adding F1 help to your application, please see the
following references:
- MFC Technote#28 in the online documentation
- Scribble tutorial in the online documentation
- The MFC Encyclopedia under the "Help" topic
Additional query words: 2.10 2.20 3.1 3.10 3.2 3.20 4.00 Win95
Keywords : kbcode kbnokeyword kbMenu kbMFC kbVC210 kbVC220 kbprb kbGrpDSMFCATL
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbMFC
Version : winnt:
Issue type : kbprb
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