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Q167802: EXCEPTEX Traps MFC and Win32 Structured Exceptions |
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Article: Q167802
Product(s): Microsoft C Compiler
Version(s): WINDOWS:4.2,5.0; winnt:4.0,4.1,4.2,5.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbfile kbSample kbnokeyword kbDAOsearch kbDatabase kbMFC kbODBC kbVC
Last Modified: 13-MAY-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition, versions 4.2, 5.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, versions 4.0, 4.1
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition, versions 4.2, 5.0
EXCEPTEX is a sample that demonstrates techniques for trapping of both Win32
Structured Exceptions and C++ Exceptions. For C++ exceptions, various helper
functions are provided that demonstrate how to crack open the more commonly used
exception classes. For Win32 Structured Exceptions, a helper function is
provided that identifies the type of Win32 exception thrown.
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the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
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posting to scan this file for viruses. Once posted, the file is housed on secure
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Merging Win32 and C++ Exception Handling
C++ Exception handling and Win32 Structured Exception Handling use different
syntax to trap exceptions.
// C++ Exception Handler
// Do something that may raise an exception
catch( <class name> <instance of class> )
// handle exception
// Win32 Structured Exception Handler
// Do something that may raise an exception
__except( expression )
// handle exception
The fundamental difference being that C++ exception handling expects to catch an
instance of a type, whereas Win32 Structured Exception Handling catches only
three unsigned ints.
You can, however, merge both C++ and Win32 Exception handling via the
_set_se_translator() function. This causes a Win32 exception to be passed to the
handler function of your choice, which can wrap Win32 Exception information in a
class, and "throw" it as a C++ exception. This happens automatically when a
Win32 Exception occurs, and appears seamlessly to the program as a C++ exception
(see Exception Handling Differences in the VC 5.0 infoviewer). This is done for
you automatically if you use the LOG macros and related support Log()
// Class for containing information on a Win32 Structured Exception
class SEH_Exception {
SEH_Exception() {}
unsigned int m_uSECode;
SEH_Exception(unsigned int uSECode) : m_uSECode(uSECode) {}
~SEH_Exception() {}
unsigned int getSeHNumber() { return m_uSECode; }
// Handler function that passes on Win32 Exception information in the
// C++ class SEH_Exception
void MappingSEHtoCPPExceptions( unsigned int uExceptionCode,
throw SEH_Exception( uExceptionCode );
// Initialize Exception Handling
void LogEnable( ... )
// Set Win32 Exceptions to be handled as C++ typed exceptions
In this case, LogEnable would be called once, early in the program's execution,
and any Win32 exceptions raised could be caught with C++ syntax. The EXCEPTEX
sample demonstrates this using the code given above.
Types of C++ Exceptions
There are several categories of C++ exceptions that can be caught by an MFC-
based program:
- Instances of classes derived from MFC's CException
- Instances of a class encapsulating a Win32 Exception
- Instances of a class _com_error which is raised by Visual C++ 5.0 native COM
support available via the #import directive.
For each of these, EXCEPTEX offers a function called LogException, overloaded for
the specific type of exception being caught. In each case, an exception raises
an instance or a pointer of a specific type, typically a C++ class. There are
over-loaded versions of LogException for each of the types of C++ Exception
listed above.
Below is an example of the declaration for the overloaded LogException function
that catches a pointer to the MFC CException class.
// Crack open and log details of different types of exceptions
extern void LogException( CException *e,
LPCSTR lpszTimeStamp,
LPCSTR lpszFile,
int nLine );
LogException also tracks the file name and line number where the exception macro
was last used in the call stack (if used with a helper LOG macro).
Each of these helper functions cracks open the exception and stores the results
in a string array that you can process as necessary. The function for dumping
the contents of this string array to the TRACE() macro is LogDisplay().
Simplifying try/catch Blocks with Helper Macros
Littering try/catch blocks in your code can get messy after a while. However, it
is possible to simplify exception blocks through the use of macros. EXCEPTEX
provides three macros to simplify this process, and each offers different
functionality for logging/handling of exceptions. Each of the macros are also
written to work for both Visual C++ 4.X and Visual C++ 5.0, so they must check
the version of the compiler you are using.
Below is the simplest of the macros, LOGQ (quiet Exception Handling with no
logging). It expects that a Boolean variable named bRetVal is available in your
code. It must be true so that the macro can allow execution of the code that may
raise an exception, and it sets it to FALSE if an exception is raised.
#if _MSC_VER < 1100 // For version VC++ 4.2 or earlier
#define LOGQ( f ) if( bRetVal == TRUE ) \
{ \
try \
{ \
f; \
} \
catch( CException *e ) \
{ \
bRetVal = FALSE; \
e->Delete(); \
} \
catch( SEH_Exception ) \
{ \
bRetVal = FALSE; \
} \
catch(...) \
{ \
bRetVal = FALSE; \
} \
#define LOGQ( f ) if( bRetVal == TRUE ) \
{ \
try \
{ \
f; \
} \
catch( CException *e ) \
{ \
bRetVal = FALSE; \
e->Delete(); \
} \
catch( _com_error ) \
{ \
bRetVal = FALSE; \
} \
catch( SEH_Exception ) \
{ \
bRetVal = FALSE; \
} \
catch(...) \
{ \
bRetVal = FALSE; \
} \
The #ifdef _MSC_VER restricts the definition of the macro to be specific to
either Visual C++ 4.X or 5.0. The 5.0 version includes a catch for the newly
introduced _com_error exception (generated by code created from #import).
You would use LOGQ as shown below:
int i = 0;
int j;
BOOL bRetVal = TRUE;
// This code is not safe
j = 1 / i; // Raises Win32 Divide By Zero exception
// This code is safe
LOGQ( j = 1 / i; )
There are two other versions of the LOG macros provided by EXCEPTEX. The second
LOG macro uses the overloaded LogException() helpers described above.
#define LOGE( f ) try \
{ \
f; \
} \
catch( CException *e ) \
{ \
LogException( e, \
__FILE__, \
__LINE__ );\
} \
This macro does not make use of the flag bRetVal. It will always execute the code
encapsulated by the macro, catch any exceptions raised and log their contents.
The final LOG macro provided by EXCEPTEX, LOGR, combines both LOGQ and LOGE. It
checks to see if it should execute the code and log any exception that is
#define LOGR( f ) if( bRetVal == TRUE ) \
{ \
try \
{ \
f; \
} \
catch( CException *e ) \
{ \
LogException( e, \
__FILE__, \
__LINE__ );\
bRetVal = FALSE; \
} \
Other Useful Functions
The EXCEPTEX sample provides three more functions to assist exception handling:
LogDisplay() Dumps contents of all logged exceptions out via TRACE macros.
LogDisplay( ... ) Dumps contents of all logged exceptions out to an instance
of CListBox.
LogSaveToFile( ... ) Dumps contents of all logged exceptions out to a file.
LOG.H and LOG.CPP contain all of the code in EXCEPTEX to handle exceptions. The
remainder of the sample is to demonstrate the macros/functions found in LOG.H
and LOG.CPP. These two files can be easily added to an existing project, and
have been written to compile in either Visual C++ 4.X or 5.0 under both ANSI and
UNICODE builds. To use them, add #include "log.h" to the files that will be
using the LOGE or LOGR macro. If you want to crack Win32 Structured Exceptions
also, you must call LogEnable once near the beginning of your program.
// One time initialization of data
LogEnable(false); // false to verbose mode
Add the LOG macro in code you want to get exception data from.
Note that the file and line number reported will be the last LOG macro on the
stack. If myFunction() calls myFun1() and myFun2(), you will have to wrap each
function call with a LOG macro for the output to display which call the
exception occurred in.
You may not always want to use the LOG macros or even the LogException() helpers
as provided. They are offered both as a convenience and as well as to
demonstrate comprehensive exception handling, and for logging the results of any
exception caught. They are not provided as the end-all, be- all for exception
handling in every production environment.
The following code shows how not to use the helper macros
LOGQ( int i = 0; )
LOGQ( int j = 1 / i; ) // Will this raise a divide by zero?
This code generates a compiler error as i is only defined in the scope of the
first LOGQ macro. Remember that LOGQ expands to:
int i = 0;
int j = 1 / i; // error C2065: 'i' : undeclared
/W4 and #import
If you are using the /W4 flag in Visual C++ and #import, you will see 8 warnings
generated off the include files that #import utilizes.
comutil.h(905) : warning C4310: cast truncates constant value
comutil.h(928) : warning C4310: cast truncates constant value
comutil.h(1030) : warning C4310: cast truncates constant value
comutil.h(1281) : warning C4310: cast truncates constant value
comutil.h(1307) : warning C4310: cast truncates constant value
comutil.h(1476) : warning C4310: cast truncates constant value
comdef.h(242) : warning C4244: 'return' : conversion from 'int' to 'unsigned
short', possible loss of data
These error messages can be ignored and should not affect your code.
For More Information
The following VC++ 5.0 infoviewer topic present a good introduction to exception
handling techniques:
Exception Handling: Frequently Asked Questions
Exception Handling Differences
The following article demonstrates techniques that could be used to expand the
EXCEPTEX sample to handle DAO SDK exceptions.
Q152695 How to Catch and Decipher DAO SDK-Based Exceptions
A definitive source on Win32 Exception Handling can be found in:
"Advanced Windows" by Jeffrey Richter, ISBN 1-57231-548-2
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbfile kbSample kbnokeyword kbDAOsearch kbDatabase kbMFC kbODBC kbVC
Technology : kbVCsearch kbVC400 kbAudDeveloper kbVC410 kbVC420 kbVC500 kbVC32bitSearch kbVC500Search
Version : WINDOWS:4.2,5.0; winnt:4.0,4.1,4.2,5.0
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