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Q197774: Err Msg: This Program Is Set to Run in MS-DOS Mode...

Q197774: Err Msg: This Program Is Set to Run in MS-DOS Mode...

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Article: Q197774
Product(s): Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles
Version(s): 1.0,2.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbenv kberrmsg kbsetup kbimu
Last Modified: 07-MAY-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Age of Empires Expansion: The Rise of Rome, version 1.0 
- Microsoft Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, version 2.0 
- Microsoft Baseball 2001 
- Microsoft Bookshelf 99 
- Microsoft Bookshelf 2000 
- Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2: WWII Pacific Theater, version 1.0 
- Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator: WWII Europe Series, version 1.0 
- Microsoft Encarta 98 Research Organizer, version 1.0 
- Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 99 
- Microsoft Encarta Reference Suite 99 
- Microsoft Encarta Virtual Globe 99, version 1.0 
- Microsoft Flight Simulator for Windows 95, version 1.0 
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 
- Microsoft MechWarrior 4: Vengeance 
- Microsoft Midtown Madness, version 1.0 
- Microsoft Midtown Madness 2, version 2.0 
- Microsoft Money 99 
- Microsoft Motocross Madness, version 1.0 
- Microsoft NBA Inside Drive 2000, version 1.0 
- Microsoft Golf 2001 Edition 


When you install or remove any of the programs listed at the beginning of this
article, you may receive the following error message:

  This program is set to run in MS-DOS mode and cannot run while other programs
  are running. All other programs will close if you choose to continue. Do you
  want to continue?


This behavior can occur if the installation program uses an MS-DOS batch file to
remove temporary files created during the installation or removal of the


To resolve this issue:

1. Click Start, point to Find, and then click Files Or Folders.

2. In the Named box, type "*.pif" (without the quotation marks), and then click
  Find Now.

3. Follow these steps for each file listed in the list of found files, except
  for the Exit To Dos file.

  a. Right-click the file, and then click Properties.

  b. On the Program tab, click Advanced.

  c. Click to clear the MS-DOS Mode check box, click OK, and then click OK

  You MUST repeat these steps for EACH and EVERY file except for the Exit To Dos

4. Close the Find: Files Named *.pif window.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products that are
listed at the beginning of this article.

Additional query words: 1.00 multi multi-media media mm msgame w_money toy flightsim fltsim

Keywords          : kbenv kberrmsg kbsetup kbimu 
Technology        : kbHomeProdSearch _IKkbbogus kbHomeMMsearch kbEncartaSearch kbGamesSearch kbFlightSimSearch kbZNotKeyword kbGolf2001 kbGolfSearch kbMoneySearch kbBookshelfSearch kbMotocrossSearch kbBaseballSearch kbMidtownMadSearch kbAOESearch kbEncartaEncycSearch kbMidtownMadness kbMoney99 kbAOEExpRome kbAOE2Kings kbBaseBall2001 kbCombatFlightSim2 kbCombatFlightSim kbCombatFlightSimSearch kbFlightSim2000 kbFlightSim95 kbMotocrossM kbMidtownMadness2 kbNBAInsideDrive2000 kbBookShelf2000 kbBookShelf1999 kbEncartaEnCyc1999 kbEncartaResearchOrg98 kbEncartaReference99 kbEncartaVirtGlobe99 kbSimSearch
Version           : :1.0,2.0
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbpending


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