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Q239881: FIX: RResourceView Displays Resource IDs by their Values

Q239881: FIX: RResourceView Displays Resource IDs by their Values

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Article: Q239881
Product(s): Microsoft C Compiler
Version(s): 5.0,6.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): _IK920 kbEditor kbide kbVC500bug kbVC600bug kbDSupport kbGrpDSTools kbNoUpdate
Last Modified: 11-FEB-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition, versions 5.0, 6.0 
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition, versions 5.0, 6.0 
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Learning Edition, version 6.0 


The Visual C++ ResourceView tab displays resource IDs by their values instead of
by their ID names defined in the resource header file (Resource.h).


Externally referenced resource files, such as an icons or bitmaps, are 0 bytes
in size.


Examine all files that are referenced by the resource script (.rc file). Look to
see if any of these icon, bitmap, and custom resource files are 0 bytes in size.
For every 0-bytes-sized file, follow these steps:

1. Close the associated project and quit Visual C++.

2. Delete the 0-bytes file.

3. Create a new file of the same type or copy an existing file of the same type.

4. Give the new file the same name as the deleted 0-bytes file.

5. Verify that the new file is larger than 0 bytes in size.

6. In the project directory, delete the .aps file.

If these steps were performed immediately when the problem was first observed,
the ID numbers may correctly return to ID names. However, if the resource script
was modified and saved in the incorrect state, the change from ID names to ID
numbers is permanent. The only solution involves manually ediing the resource
script to change the numbers back to their ID names stored in resource header
files including MFC's AfxRes.H. However, a macro has been developed that will
greatly assist in this process. To use the macro, follow these steps:

1. Open Visual C++ 6.0.

2. On the Tools menu, click Macro.

3. In the Macro Name edit box, type "RCFix" (without the quotation marks). Then
  click the Edit button. This should bring up your macro file (.DSM).

4. Delete the macro code for RCFix that Developer Studio created for you, and
  replace it with the following code:

  Sub RCFix()
     Dim bContinue
     Dim pszFilePath
     Dim pszHeaderPath

     pszHeaderPath = InputBox ("Enter the full path to the header file that contains the symbol names:", _
              "Enter Resource Header Path", _
              "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\Include\AFXRES.H")

     If (pszHeaderPath <> "") Then
        pszFilePath = ActiveDocument.FullName

        bContinue = MsgBox ("WARNING!! Incorrect paths CRASH DevStudio!" + chr(10) + chr(10) + _
                             "This will change all ID numbers in file:" + _
                             chr (10) + chr(10) + "     " + pszFilePath + _
                             chr(10) + chr(10) + _
                             "Symbol names will be taken from header file:" + _
                             chr(10) + chr(10) + "     " + pszHeaderPath + _
                             chr(10) + chr(10) + _
                             "All open files will be closed first. Do you want to continue?", _
                             vbYesNo, "Warning")

        If (bContinue = vbYes) Then
           Dim bPromptAll, docRC, docAfxRes

           bPromptAll = MsgBox ("Do you want to be prompted for every ID that gets replaced? " + _
                                "If you select 'No' here, you will only be prompted when there " + _
                                "is more than one possible matching ID Name for the ID number. " + _
                                "Note that there is a potential that any numbers you have within the " + _
                                "name of a menu item may get replaced accidentally.", vbYesNo, "Prompt for All?")

           Documents.CloseAll dsSaveChangesPrompt
           Set docRC = Documents.Open (pszFilePath, "Text")
           Set docAfxRes = Documents.Open (pszHeaderPath, "Text")

           docRC.Active = True

           Dim col, line, oldcol, oldline
           Dim pszWord, longVal

           oldcol = docRC.Selection.CurrentColumn
           oldline = docRC.Selection.CurrentLine


              docRC.Selection.WordRight dsExtend

              pszWord = docRC.Selection
              If (IsNumeric(pszWord)) Then
                 Dim pszIDNames

                 longVal = CLng(pszWord)
                 If (longVal > 1) Then
  			         pszIDNames = GetIDFromNumber(longVal, docAfxRes)

  			         If (pszIDNames <> "") Then
                       Dim bReplace, pszIDArray, count, index

                       pszIDArray = Split(trim(pszIDNames), ",", -1, 1)
                       count = UBound(pszIDArray)
                       index = 0
                       bReplace = vbNo

                       Do While((index <= count) And (bReplace = vbNo))
                          If ((count > 0) Or (bPromptAll = vbYes)) Then
                             bReplace = MsgBox(CStr(count + 1) + " Matches Found: " + pszIDNames + _
                                               chr(10) + chr(10) + _
                                               "Replace " + trim(pszWord) + " with " + pszIDArray(index) + _
                                               "?", vbYesNo, "Replace ID? " + CStr(index + 1) + _
                                               " of " + CStr(count + 1))
                             bReplace = vbYes
                          End If

                          If (bReplace = vbNo) Then
                             index = index + 1
                          End If                     

                       If (bReplace = vbYes) Then
                          docRC.Selection = (pszIDArray(index) + " ")
                       End If
                    End If
                 End If
              End If


              'PrintToOutputWindow "Column = " + CStr(docRC.Selection.CurrentColumn)
              'PrintToOutputWindow "Line = " + CStr(docRC.Selection.CurrentLine)
              oldcol = col
              oldline = line
              col = docRC.Selection.CurrentColumn
              line = docRC.Selection.CurrentLine
              bContinue = (col <> oldcol) Or (line <> oldline)
           Loop Until bContinue = False
        End If
     End If
  End Sub

  Function GetIDFromNumber(IDNum, doc)
     Dim pszIDNames, pszLongVal, pszHexVal

     pszLongVal = CStr(CLng(IDNum))
     pszHexVal = "0x" + Hex(IDNum)
     pszIDNames = FindIDNames(pszLongVal, "", doc)
     pszIDNames = pszIDNames + FindIDNames(pszHexVal, pszIDNames, doc)

     If (pszIDName = "") Then
        PrintToOutputWindow "Could Not Locate " + pszHexVal + _
           " or " + pszLongVal + " in file:" + chr(10) + "    " + doc.FullName
     End If

     GetIDFromNumber = pszIDNames
  End Function

  Function FindIDNames(pszString, pszExcludeStrings, doc)
     Dim pszIDNames, bContinue, col, line, pszFoundString

     pszIDNames = ""
     bContinue = doc.Selection.FindText(pszString, dsMatchWord)
     col = doc.Selection.CurrentColumn
     line = doc.Selection.CurrentLine

     Do While bContinue = True
        doc.Selection.WordLeft dsMove, 2
        doc.Selection.WordRight dsExtend
        pszFoundString = trim(doc.Selection)

        If (Not InStr(pszIDNames, pszFoundString)) Then
           If (Not InStr(pszExcludeStrings, pszFoundString)) Then
              pszIDNames = pszIDNames + pszFoundString + ","
           End If
        End If
        doc.Selection.WordRight dsMove, 2
        bContinue = doc.Selection.FindText(pszString, dsMatchWord)

        If ((col = doc.Selection.CurrentColumn) And (line = doc.Selection.CurrentLine)) Then
           bContinue = False
        End If

     If (pszIDNames <> "") Then
        pszIDNames = Left(pszIDNames, (Len(pszIDNames) - 1))
     End If

     FindIDNames = pszIDNames
  End Function

5. Save and close the DSM file.

At this point the macro is installed. It takes a resource script and a resource
header file. When it finds a number greater than one in the resource script, it
checks to see if there is a resource ID number in the associated header file. If
it only finds one, it replaces it. If it finds more than one, it provides an
option so that you can make the correct selection. To use this macro follow
these steps:

Warning! Backup your RC file before continuing in case a problem happens during
the conversion process!

1. On the File menu, click Open.

2. In the Open As list, select Text.

3. Find the problem resource script (.RC) and open it as text.

4. On the Tools menu, click Macro.

5. Select RCFix from the list, and then click Run.

The macro prompts you for the location of the header file. It automatically
defaults to a default location for AFXRES.H where all of the MFC resource IDs
are defined. The macro can only compare the resource script to one header at a


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the
beginning of this article.

This problem was corrected in Microsoft Visual C++ .NET.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

1. Create a project named ZeroTest using the MFC(EXE) AppWizard. Accept defaults
  for each step.

2. Select the ResourceView.

3. Expand the ZeroTest Resources folder and then expand the other folders
  beneath it. Resources are displayed by their resource ID names.

4. Close the workspace.

5. Delete the Toolbar.bmp file from the .\ZeroTest\Res folder.

6. Create a 0-bytes file called Toolbar.bmp in the same directory.

7. Delete the ZeroTest.aps file from the project directory.

8. Reopen the workspace.

9. Examine the ResourceView again. All resources display numbers rather than
  IDs. Also, the String Table no longer contains any resource ID's.

Additional query words:

Keywords          : _IK920 kbEditor kbide kbVC500bug kbVC600bug kbDSupport kbGrpDSTools kbNoUpdate 
Technology        : kbVCsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVC500 kbVC600 kbVC32bitSearch kbVC500Search
Version           : :5.0,6.0
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbfix


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