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Q254808: IIS Sample ADSI Script to Create FTP Virtual Directories

Q254808: IIS Sample ADSI Script to Create FTP Virtual Directories

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Article: Q254808
Product(s): Internet Information Server
Version(s): winnt:5.0
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 13-MAY-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Internet Information Services version 5.0 


Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) version 5.0 includes several
sample Windows Scripting Host (WSH) administration scripts in the
%SystemDrive%\InetPub\AdminScripts folder. These sample scripts perform various
administrative functions. This article gives a sample script to create FTP
virtual directories to complement the existing set of scripts.


Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty
either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This
article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being
demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft
support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular
procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added
functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have
limited programming experience, you may want to contact a Microsoft Certified
Partner or the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more
information about Microsoft Certified Partners, please visit the following
Microsoft Web site:

For more information about the support options that are available and about how
to contact Microsoft, visit the following Microsoft Web site:;EN-US;CNTACTMS

WSH Sample ADSI Script:

1. Save the following code as Mkftpdir.vbs in your
  %SystemDrive%\InetPub\AdminScripts folder:

  ' This is a simple script to create a new virtual FTP directory.
  ' Call this script with "-?" for usage instructions

  ' Force explicit declaration of all variables.
  Option Explicit

  On Error Resume Next

  Dim oArgs, ArgNum

  Dim ArgComputer, ArgFtpSites, ArgVirtualDirs, ArgDirNames(), ArgDirPaths(), DirIndex
  Dim ArgComputers

  Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
  ArgComputers = Array("LocalHost")

  ArgNum = 0
  While ArgNum < oArgs.Count

    If (ArgNum + 1) >= oArgs.Count Then
      Call DisplayUsage
    End If

    Select Case LCase(oArgs(ArgNum))
      Case "--computer", "-c":
        ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
        ArgComputers = Split(oArgs(ArgNum), ",", -1)
      Case "--ftpsite", "-f":
        ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
        ArgFtpSites = oArgs(ArgNum)
      Case "--virtualdir", "-v":
        ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
        ArgVirtualDirs = Split(oArgs(ArgNum), ",", -1)
      Case "--help", "-?"
        Call DisplayUsage
    End Select

    ArgNum = ArgNum + 1

  ArgNum = 0
  DirIndex = 0

  ReDim ArgDirNames((UBound(ArgVirtualDirs) + 1) \ 2)
  ReDim ArgDirPaths((UBound(ArgVirtualDirs) + 1) \ 2)

  If IsArray(ArgVirtualDirs) Then
    While ArgNum <= UBound(ArgVirtualDirs)
      ArgDirNames(DirIndex) = ArgVirtualDirs(ArgNum)
      If (ArgNum + 1) > UBound(ArgVirtualDirs) Then
        WScript.Echo "Error understanding virtual directories"
        Call DisplayUsage
      End If
      ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
      ArgDirPaths(DirIndex) = ArgVirtualDirs(ArgNum)
      ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
      DirIndex = DirIndex + 1
  End If

  If (ArgFtpSites = "") Or (IsArray(ArgDirNames) = False Or IsArray(ArgDirPaths) = False) Then
    Call DisplayUsage
    Dim compIndex
    For compIndex = 0 To UBound(ArgComputers)
      Call ASTCreateVirtualFtpDir(ArgComputers(compIndex), ArgFtpSites, ArgDirNames, ArgDirPaths)
  End If


  Sub Display(Msg)
    WScript.Echo Now & ". Error Code: " & Hex(Err) & " - " & Msg
  End Sub

  Sub Trace(Msg)
    WScript.Echo Now & " : " & Msg
  End Sub

  Sub DisplayUsage()
    WScript.Echo "Usage: mkftpdir [--computer|-c COMPUTER1,COMPUTER2]"
    WScript.Echo "                <--ftpsite|-f FTPSITE1>"
    WScript.Echo "                <--virtualdir|-v NAME1,PATH1,NAME2,PATH2,...>"
    WScript.Echo "                [--help|-?]"

    WScript.Echo ""
    WScript.Echo "Note, FTPSITE is the Ftp Site on which the directory will be created."
    WScript.Echo "The name can be specified as one of the following, in the priority specified:"
    WScript.Echo " Server Number (i.e. 1, 2, 10, etc.)"
    WScript.Echo " Server Description (i.e ""My Server"")"
    WScript.Echo " Server Host name (i.e. """")"
    WScript.Echo " IP Address (i.e.,"
    WScript.Echo ""
    WScript.Echo ""
    WScript.Echo "Example : mkftpdir -c MyComputer -f ""Default Ftp Site"""
    WScript.Echo "           -v ""dir1"",""c:\inetpub\ftproot\dir1"",""dir2"",""c:\inetpub\ftproot\dir2"""

  End Sub


  Sub ASTCreateVirtualFtpDir(ComputerName, FtpSiteName, DirNames, DirPaths)
    Dim computer, ftpSite, FtpSiteID, vRoot, vDir, DirNum
    On Error Resume Next
    Set ftpSite = findFtp(ComputerName, FtpSiteName)
    If IsObject(ftpSite) Then
      Set vRoot = ftpSite.GetObject("IIsFtpVirtualDir", "Root")
      Trace "Accessing root for " & ftpSite.ADsPath
      If (Err <> 0) Then
        Display "Unable to access root for " & ftpSite.ADsPath
        DirNum = 0
        If (IsArray(DirNames) = True) And (IsArray(DirPaths) = True) And (UBound(DirNames) = UBound(DirPaths)) Then
          While DirNum < UBound(DirNames)
            'Create the new virtual directory
            Set vDir = vRoot.Create("IIsFtpVirtualDir", DirNames(DirNum))
            If (Err <> 0) Then
              Display "Unable to create " & vRoot.ADsPath & "/" & DirNames(DirNum) & "."
              'Set the new virtual directory path
              vDir.AccessRead = True
              vDir.Path = DirPaths(DirNum)
              If (Err <> 0) Then
                Display "Unable to bind path " & DirPaths(DirNum) & " to " & vRootName & "/" & DirNames(DirNum) & ". Path may be invalid."
                'Save the changes
                If (Err <> 0) Then
                  Display "Unable to save configuration for " & vRootName & "/" & DirNames(DirNum) & "."
                  Trace "Ftp virtual directory " & vRootName & "/" & DirNames(DirNum) & " created successfully."
                End If
              End If
            End If
            Err = 0
            DirNum = DirNum + 1
        End If
      End If
      Display "Unable to find " & FtpSiteName & " on " & ComputerName
    End If
    Trace "Done."
  End Sub

  Function getBinding(bindstr)

    Dim one, two, ia, ip, hn
    one = InStr(bindstr, ":")
    two = InStr((one + 1), bindstr, ":")
    ia = Mid(bindstr, 1, (one - 1))
    ip = Mid(bindstr, (one + 1), ((two - one) - 1))
    hn = Mid(bindstr, (two + 1))
    getBinding = Array(ia, ip, hn)
  End Function

  Function findFtp(computer, ftpname)
    On Error Resume Next

    Dim ftpsvc, site
    Dim ftpinfo
    Dim aBinding, binding

    Set ftpsvc = GetObject("IIS://" & computer & "/MsFtpSvc")
    If (Err <> 0) Then
      Exit Function
    End If
    ' First try to open the ftpname.
    Set site = ftpsvc.GetObject("IIsFtpServer", ftpname)
    If (Err = 0) And (Not IsNull(site)) Then
      If (site.Class = "IIsFtpServer") Then
        ' Here we found a site that is a ftp server.
        Set findFtp = site
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
    For Each site In ftpsvc
      If site.Class = "IIsFtpServer" Then
        ' First, check to see if the ServerComment matches
        If site.ServerComment = ftpname Then
          Set findFtp = site
          Exit Function
        End If
        aBinding = site.ServerBindings
        If (IsArray(aBinding)) Then
          If aBinding(0) = "" Then
            binding = Null
            binding = getBinding(aBinding(0))
          End If
          If aBinding = "" Then
            binding = Null
            binding = getBinding(aBinding)
          End If
        End If
        If IsArray(binding) Then
          If (binding(2) = ftpname) Or (binding(0) = ftpname) Then
            Set findFtp = site
            Exit Function
          End If
        End If
      End If
  End Function

2. Call this script with the following syntax for full usage instructions:

  CSCRIPT %SystemDrive%\InetPub\AdminScripts\MKFTPDIR.VBS -?

For more information on Microsoft scripting technologies, see the following Web

Additional query words:

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbiisSearch kbiis500
Version           : winnt:5.0
Issue type        : kbhowto


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