diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 18f2292e99..af5d1c8171 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -15,52 +15,52 @@ browse by product.
## KB Articles by Product/Category
-- [Internet Information Server](/id/iis/)
-- [Microsoft Access Distribution Kit](/id/accother/)
-- [Microsoft Automap](/id/automap/)
-- [Microsoft C Compiler](/id/visualc/)
-- [Microsoft Developer Network](/id/msdn/)
-- [Microsoft Disk Operating System](/id/msdos/)
-- [Microsoft Exchange](/id/exchange/)
-- [Microsoft Fortran Compiler](/id/fortran/)
-- [Microsoft Fox Miscellaneous Products](/id/foxmisc/)
-- [Microsoft FoxPro](/id/foxpro/)
-- [Microsoft Home Games](/id/homegame/)
-- [Microsoft Home Kids Products](/id/homekids/)
-- [Microsoft Home Miscellaneous Products](/id/homemisc/)
-- [Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles](/id/homemm/)
-- [Microsoft LAN Manager](/id/lanman/)
-- [Microsoft Macro Assembler](/id/masm/)
-- [Microsoft Mail For Appletalk Networks](/id/macmail/)
-- [Microsoft Mail For PC Networks](/id/pcmail/)
-- [Microsoft Mastering Series](/id/mastering/)
-- [Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows](/id/powerpt/)
-- [Microsoft Press](/id/mspress/)
-- [Microsoft Product Support Information](/id/techinfo/)
-- [Microsoft Programmer's Library 1.3: BASIC](/id/mspl13_basic/)
-- [Microsoft Programmer's Library 1.3: C](/id/mspl13_c/)
-- [Microsoft Programmer's Library 1.3: MASM](/id/mspl13_masm/)
-- [Microsoft Programming Utilities](/id/utilities/)
-- [Microsoft SNA Server](/id/sna/)
-- [Microsoft Schedule+ for Windows](/id/schedplus/)
-- [Microsoft SourceSafe](/id/ssafe/)
-- [Microsoft Systems Management Server](/id/sms/)
-- [Microsoft Tips for the Macintosh System](/id/macsys/)
-- [Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows](/id/vbwin/)
-- [Microsoft Windows 3.x Retail Product](/id/win3x/)
-- [Microsoft Windows 95.x Retail Product](/id/win95x/)
-- [Microsoft Windows Device Driver Kit](/id/win16ddk/)
-- [Microsoft Windows NT](/id/winnt/)
-- [Microsoft Windows Printing Issues](/id/winprint/)
-- [Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit](/id/win16sdk/)
-- [Miscellaneous Software Development Kits](/id/miscsdk/)
-- [Miscellaneous Windows Products](/id/winmisc/)
-- [Miscrosoft Systems Journal](/id/msj/)
-- [Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)](/id/odbc/)
-- [The Microsoft Network](/id/msnetwork/)
-- [Windows for Workgroups and Windows NT Networking Issues](/id/crossnet/)
-- [Word 97 for Windows](/id/word97/)
-- [Word Front Page](/id/frontpg/)
+- [Internet Information Server](id/iis/)
+- [Microsoft Access Distribution Kit](id/accother/)
+- [Microsoft Automap](id/automap/)
+- [Microsoft C Compiler](id/visualc/)
+- [Microsoft Developer Network](id/msdn/)
+- [Microsoft Disk Operating System](id/msdos/)
+- [Microsoft Exchange](id/exchange/)
+- [Microsoft Fortran Compiler](id/fortran/)
+- [Microsoft Fox Miscellaneous Products](id/foxmisc/)
+- [Microsoft FoxPro](id/foxpro/)
+- [Microsoft Home Games](id/homegame/)
+- [Microsoft Home Kids Products](id/homekids/)
+- [Microsoft Home Miscellaneous Products](id/homemisc/)
+- [Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles](id/homemm/)
+- [Microsoft LAN Manager](id/lanman/)
+- [Microsoft Macro Assembler](id/masm/)
+- [Microsoft Mail For Appletalk Networks](id/macmail/)
+- [Microsoft Mail For PC Networks](id/pcmail/)
+- [Microsoft Mastering Series](id/mastering/)
+- [Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows](id/powerpt/)
+- [Microsoft Press](id/mspress/)
+- [Microsoft Product Support Information](id/techinfo/)
+- [Microsoft Programmer's Library 1.3: BASIC](id/mspl13_basic/)
+- [Microsoft Programmer's Library 1.3: C](id/mspl13_c/)
+- [Microsoft Programmer's Library 1.3: MASM](id/mspl13_masm/)
+- [Microsoft Programming Utilities](id/utilities/)
+- [Microsoft SNA Server](id/sna/)
+- [Microsoft Schedule+ for Windows](id/schedplus/)
+- [Microsoft SourceSafe](id/ssafe/)
+- [Microsoft Systems Management Server](id/sms/)
+- [Microsoft Tips for the Macintosh System](id/macsys/)
+- [Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows](id/vbwin/)
+- [Microsoft Windows 3.x Retail Product](id/win3x/)
+- [Microsoft Windows 95.x Retail Product](id/win95x/)
+- [Microsoft Windows Device Driver Kit](id/win16ddk/)
+- [Microsoft Windows NT](id/winnt/)
+- [Microsoft Windows Printing Issues](id/winprint/)
+- [Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit](id/win16sdk/)
+- [Miscellaneous Software Development Kits](id/miscsdk/)
+- [Miscellaneous Windows Products](id/winmisc/)
+- [Miscrosoft Systems Journal](id/msj/)
+- [Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)](id/odbc/)
+- [The Microsoft Network](id/msnetwork/)
+- [Windows for Workgroups and Windows NT Networking Issues](id/crossnet/)
+- [Word 97 for Windows](id/word97/)
+- [Word Front Page](id/frontpg/)
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