- Installation
- Features
- Examples
- Quality
- Contribute
- Authors
- License
Use Composer to install the package:
$ composer require jimmyoak/utilities
For PHP 5.3 compatibility use *.*.*b versions (yep, I marked them as beta versions):
$ composer require jimmyoak/utilities:2.5.1b
- Collection and Set utilities (Typed/Untyped collections and sets)
- Enum base class
- SimpleValueObject base class
- Event publisher
- Array utilities
- File utilities
- String utilities
$collection = new \JimmyOak\Collection\Collection();
$collection[] = 'Foo';
$collection[] = 'Bar';
foreach ($collection as $value) {
echo $value . ' ';
//prints: Foo Bar
$collection = new \JimmyOak\Collection\TypedCollection(\DateTime::class);
$collection[] = new \DateTime();
$collection[] = new \DateInterval('P1D'); //Throws \JimmyOak\Exception\Collection\NotValidObjectTypeException
You can fill the collection with object, scalars...
$collection = new \JimmyOak\Collection\Set();
$collection[] = 'Foo';
$collection[] = 'Foo';
$collection[] = 'Bar';
foreach ($collection as $value) {
echo $value . ' ';
//prints: Foo Bar
You can fill the collection with object, scalars...
$collection = new \JimmyOak\Collection\TypedSet(\DateTime::class);
$aDateTime = new \DateTime('1992-10-07');
$collection[] = $aDateTime;
$collection[] = $aDateTime;
try {
$collection[] = new \DateInterval('P1D'); //throws \JimmyOak\Exception\Collection\NotValidObjectTypeException
} catch (\JimmyOak\Exception\Collection\NotValidObjectTypeException $e) {
//Do nothing ^^'
foreach ($collection as $value) {
echo $value->format('Y-m-d') . ' ';
//prints: 1992-10-07
Of course you can hipervitaminate these classes:
class DateTimeCollection extends \JimmyOak\Collection\TypedSet
public function __construct() {
public function asStrings()
$dates = [];
foreach ($this as $value) {
$dates[] = $value->format('Y-m-d');
return $dates;
$dateTimeCollection = new \DateTimeCollection();
$aDateTime = new \DateTime('1992-10-07');
$dateTimeCollection[] = $aDateTime;
$dateTimeCollection[] = $aDateTime;
$dateTimeCollection[] = new \DateTime('1992-09-08');
foreach ($dateTimeCollection->asStrings() as $dateTimeString) {
echo $dateTimeString . ' - ';
// prints: 1992-10-07 - 1992-09-08 -
class MessageEvent extends Event
private $message;
public function __construct($message)
$this->message = $message;
public function getMessage()
return $this->message;
class MessageSubscriber extends EventSubscriber
public function isSubscribedTo(Event $event)
return $event instanceof MessageEvent;
public function handle(Event $event)
'[%s]: %s %s',
$event->getOccurredOn()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
->subscribe(new MessageSubscriber())
->publish(new MessageEvent('Hi!'))
->publish(new MessageEvent('Bye!'));
class FuelType extends \JimmyOak\DataType\Enum
const GASOLINE = 'gasoline';
const DIESEL = 'diesel';
const KEROSENE = 'kerosene';
echo 'Available fuels: ' . PHP_EOL;
foreach (FuelType::getConstList() as $constName => $value) {
echo $constName . ' => ' . $value . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
// Available fuels:
// GASOLINE => gasoline
// DIESEL => diesel
// KEROSENE => kerosene
$gasoline = new FuelType(FuelType::GASOLINE);
echo $gasoline->value() . PHP_EOL; //prints: 'gasoline'
echo (string) $gasoline . PHP_EOL; //prints: 'gasoline'
$nonExistentFuelType = new FuelType('grass'); //throws \InvalidArgumentException
class Amount extends \JimmyOak\DataType\SimpleValueObject
public function add(Amount $amount) {
return $this->mutate($this->value() + $amount->value());
$amount = new \Amount(500);
echo (string) $amount . PHP_EOL; //prints: 500
echo $amount->value() . PHP_EOL; //prints: 500
$anotherAmount = new \Amount(700);
echo ($amount->equals($anotherAmount) ? 'EQUAL' : 'NOT EQUAL') . PHP_EOL; //prints: NOT EQUAL
$newAmount = $amount->add(new Amount(200));
echo $amount->value() . PHP_EOL; //prints: 500
echo $newAmount->value() . PHP_EOL; //prints: 700
echo ($anotherAmount->equals($newAmount) ? 'EQUAL' : 'NOT EQUAL') . PHP_EOL; //prints: EQUAL
$array = [
[ 'BAR' ],
'FOO2' => 'FOOBAR',
'BAR2' => 'FOOBAR2',
'FOO2' => 'FOOBAR3'
$notPreservedKeys = \JimmyOak\Utility\ArrayUtils::instance()->flatten($array, \JimmyOak\Utility\ArrayUtils::NO_PRESERVE_KEYS);
// Overrides existing keys (overrides keys 0 and FOO2 existing in children)
$preservedKeys = \JimmyOak\Utility\ArrayUtils::instance()->flatten($array, \JimmyOak\Utility\ArrayUtils::PRESERVE_KEYS);
// Overrides only ASSOCIATIVE KEYS
$preservedAssociativeKeys = \JimmyOak\Utility\ArrayUtils::instance()->flatten($array, \JimmyOak\Utility\ArrayUtils::PRESERVE_ASSOCIATIVE_KEYS);
// prints:
// array (
// 0 => 'FOO',
// 1 => 'BAR',
// 2 => 'FOOBAR',
// 3 => 'FOOBAR2',
// 4 => 'FOOBAR3',
// )
// array (
// 0 => 'BAR',
// 'FOO2' => 'FOOBAR3',
// 'BAR2' => 'FOOBAR2',
// )
// array (
// 0 => 'FOO',
// 1 => 'BAR',
// 'FOO2' => 'FOOBAR3',
// 'BAR2' => 'FOOBAR2',
// )
$array = [
'details' => [
'media' => [
'image' => [
'video' => 'aVideo.mp4',
'audio' => [],
$xml = \JimmyOak\Utility\ArrayUtils::instance()->toXmlString($array);
echo $xml . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
// prints: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? ><details><media><image>anImage.png</image><image>anotherImage.png</image><video>aVideo.mp4</video><audio/></media></details>
// Converts array into SimpleXmlElement
$xml = \JimmyOak\Utility\ArrayUtils::instance()->toXml($array);
// prints:
// class SimpleXMLElement#3 (1) {
// public $media =>
// class SimpleXMLElement#4 (3) {
// public $image =>
// array(2) {
// [0] =>
// string(11) "anImage.png"
// [1] =>
// string(16) "anotherImage.png"
// }
// public $video =>
// string(10) "aVideo.mp4"
// public $audio =>
// class SimpleXMLElement#5 (0) {
// }
// }
// }
class Foo
public $public = 'public';
protected $protected = 'protected';
private $private = 'private';
private $anObject;
* Foo constructor.
* @param $anObject
public function __construct($anObject)
$this->anObject = $anObject;
class Bar
private $value = 'value';
$foo = new Foo(new Bar());
$arrayed = \JimmyOak\Utility\ObjectUtils::instance()->toArray($foo, \JimmyOak\Utility\ObjectUtils::SHALLOW);
// prints:
//array (
// 'public' => 'public',
$arrayed = \JimmyOak\Utility\ObjectUtils::instance()->toArray($foo, \JimmyOak\Utility\ObjectUtils::DEEP);
// prints:
//array (
// 'public' => 'public',
// 'protected' => 'protected',
// 'private' => 'private',
// 'anObject' =>
// array (
// 'value' => 'value',
// ),
Note: ToXml would do the same but returns a SimpleXml object
class Foo
public $public = 'public';
protected $protected = 'protected';
private $private = 'private';
private $anObject;
* Foo constructor.
* @param $anObject
public function __construct($anObject)
$this->anObject = $anObject;
class Bar
private $value = 'value';
$foo = new Foo(new Bar());
$xml = \JimmyOak\Utility\ObjectUtils::instance()->toXmlString($foo, \JimmyOak\Utility\ObjectUtils::SHALLOW);
echo $xml . PHP_EOL;
// prints: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? ><public>public</public>
$xml = \JimmyOak\Utility\ObjectUtils::instance()->toXmlString($foo, \JimmyOak\Utility\ObjectUtils::DEEP);
echo $xml . PHP_EOL;
// prints: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? ><public>public</public><protected>protected</protected><private>private</private><anObject><value>value</value></anObject>
echo (\JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::instance()->beginsWith('Foo', 'fo') ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;
//prints: false
echo (\JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::instance()->beginsWith('Foo', 'fo', \JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::CASE_INSENSITIVE) ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;
//returns: true
echo (\JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::instance()->beginsWith('Fóo', 'Fo') ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;
//prints: false
echo (\JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::instance()->beginsWith('Fóo', 'Fo', \JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::ACCENT_INSENSITIVE) ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;
//returns: true
echo (\JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::instance()->beginsWith(
\JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::ACCENT_INSENSITIVE | \JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::CASE_INSENSITIVE
) ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;
//returns: true
Same behaviour as beginsWith but with ending needle.
echo \JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::instance()->removeAccents('Fóôñ');
// prints: Foon
echo \JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::instance()->removeExtraSpaces(' Foo Bar ');
// prints: Foo Bar
echo (\JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::instance()->isUrl('http://github.com/jimmyoak') ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;
// prints: true
echo (\JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::instance()->isUrl('github.com/jimmyoak') ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;
// prints: false
echo (\JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::instance()->isEmail('[email protected]') ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;
// prints: true
echo (\JimmyOak\Utility\StringUtils::instance()->isEmail('adrian.robles.maiz') ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;
// prints: false
echo (\JimmyOak\Utility\FileUtils::instance()->extensionIs('foo.php', 'php') ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;
// prints: true
echo (\JimmyOak\Utility\FileUtils::instance()->extensionIs('foo.php', 'bar') ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;
// prints: false
echo \JimmyOak\Utility\FileUtils::instance()->makePath('/some', 'awesome/', 'and/incredible', 'nice.file');
// prints: /some/awesome/and/incredible/nice.file
echo \JimmyOak\Utility\FileUtils::instance()->getExtension('file.php');
// prints: php
echo \JimmyOak\Utility\FileUtils::instance()->getExtension('file.php');
// prints: file
See FileUtilsTest better :P
To run the PHPUnit tests at the command line, go to the tests directory and issue phpunit
This library attempts to comply with PSR-2 and PSR-4.
If you notice compliance oversights, please send a patch via pull request.
Contributions to the package are always welcome!
- Report any bugs or issues you find on the issue tracker.
- You can grab the source code at the package's Git repository.
- [Adrián Robles Maiz (a.k.a Jimmy K. Oak)] (http://github.com/jimmyoak)
The code base is licensed under the MIT license.