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114 lines (107 loc) · 6.55 KB


File metadata and controls

114 lines (107 loc) · 6.55 KB



  • [BUGFIX]: LaserScan is not properly aligned with generated point cloud * address an issue where LaserScan appeared different on FW prior to 2.4
  • [BUGFIX]: LaserScan does not work when using dual mode
  • [BUGFIX]: ROS2 crashes when standby mode is set and then set to normal
  • [BUGFIX]: Implement lock free ring buffer with throttling to reduce partial frames
  • add support for FUSA udp profile FUSA_RNG15_RFL8_NIR8_DUAL.
  • [BREAKING]: Set xyz values of individual points in the PointCloud to NaNs when range is zero.

ouster_ros v0.12.0

  • [BREAKING]: updated ouster_client to the release of 20231031 [v0.10.0]; changes listed below.

  • [BREAKING]: publish PCL point clouds destaggered.

  • introduced a new launch file parameter ptp_utc_tai_offset which represent offset in seconds to be applied to all ROS messages the driver generates when TIME_FROM_PTP_1588 timestamp mode is used. * [BREAKING]: the default value of ptp_utc_tai_offset is set to -37.0. To retain the same

    time offset for an existing system, users need to set ptp_utc_tai_offset to 0.0.

  • fix: destagger columns timestamp when generating destaggered point clouds.

  • shutdown the driver when unable to connect to the sensor on startup

  • breaking: rename ouster_msgs to ouster_sensor_msgs

  • added the ability to customize the published point clouds(s) to velodyne point cloud format and other common pcl point types.

  • ouster_image_compoenent can operate separately from ouster_cloud_component.

  • fix: gracefully stop the driver when shutdown is requested.


  • [BREAKING] Updates to sensor_info include:
    • new fields added: build_date, image_rev, prod_pn, status, cal (representing the value stored in the calibration_status metadata JSON key), config (representing the value of the sensor_config metadata JSON key)
    • the original JSON string is accessible via the original_string() method
    • The updated_metadata_string() now returns a JSON string reflecting any modifications to sensor_info
    • to_string is now marked as deprecated
  • [BREAKING] The RANGE field defined in parsing.cpp, for the low data rate profile, is now 32 bits wide (originally 16 bits).

    • Please note this fixes a SDK bug. The underlying UDP format is unchanged.
  • [BREAKING] The NEAR_IR field defined in parsing.cpp, for the low data rate profile, is now 16 bits wide (originally 8 bits).

    • Plase note this fixes a SDK bug. The underlying UDP format is unchanged.
  • [BREAKING] changed frame_id return size to 32 bits from 16 bits

  • An array of per-packet timestamps (called packet_timestamp) is added to LidarScan

  • The client now retries failed requests to an Ouster sensor's HTTP API

  • Increased the default timeout for HTTP requests to 40s

  • Added FuSA UDP profile to support Ouster FW 3.1+

  • Improved ScanBatcher performance by roughly 3x (depending on hardware)

  • Receive buffer size increased from 256KB to 1MB

  • [bugfix] Fixed an issue that caused incorrect Cartesian point computation in the viz.Cloud Python class

  • [bugfix] Fixed an issue that resulted in some packet_format methods returning an uninitialized value

  • [bugfix] Fixed a libpcap-related linking issue

  • [bugfix] Fixed an eigen 3.3-related linking issue

  • [bugfix] Fixed a zero beam angle calculation issue

  • [bugfix] Fixed dropped columns issue with 4096x5 and 2048x10

ouster_ros v0.10.0


  • MVP ouster-ros targeting ros2 distros (beta release)
  • introduced a reset service to the os_sensor node
  • breaking change: updated to ouster sdk release 20230403
  • EOL notice: ouster-ros driver will drop support for ROS foxy by May 2023.
  • bugfix: Address an issue causing the driver to warn about missing non-legacy fields even they exist in the original metadata file.
  • added a new launch file sensor_mtp.launch.xml for multicast use case (experimental).
  • added a technique to estimate the the value of the lidar scan timestamp when it is missing packets at the beginning
  • add frame_id to image topics
  • fixed a potential issue of time values within generated point clouds that could result in a value overflow
  • added a new /ouster/metadata topic that is consumed by os_cloud and os_image nodes and save it to the bag file on record
  • make specifying metadata file optional during record and replay modes as of package version 8.1
  • replace tf_prefix from os_cloud with sensor_frame, lidar_frame and imu_frame launch parameters.
  • bugfix: fixed an issue that prevents running multiple instances of the sensor and cloud components in the same process.
  • switch to using static transform publisher for the ros2 driver.
  • implemented a new node named os_driver which combines the functionality of os_sensor, os_cloud and os_image into a single node.
  • added support to parse the same parameters provided by the ros2_ouster_driver, the parameters are lidar_ip, computer_ip, proc_mask and use_system_default_qos; the parameters are fully functional and similar to what the ros2_ouster_driver provides.
  • for convenience introduced a new launch file that is compatible with the ros2_ouster_driver in terms of parameters it accepts and the name of published topics.
  • introduced a new parameter point_cloud_frame to allow users to select which frame to use when publishing the point cloud (choose between sensor and lidar).
  • breaking: lidar frame is the default frame used when publishing point clouds.
  • added the ability to choose between SensorDataQoS or SystemDefaultQoS across all published topics with SensorDataQoS selected by default for live sensor mode and SystemDefaultQoS enabled for record and replay modes.
  • introduced a new topic /ouster/scan which publishes sensor_msgs::msg::LaserScan messages
  • fix: on dual returns the 2nd point cloud replaces the 1st one.
  • breaking: merge ouster-srvs package into ouster-msgs.


  • added a new method mtp_init_client to init the client with multicast support (experimental).
  • the class SensorHttp which provides easy access to REST APIs of the sensor has been made public under the ouster::sensor::util namespace.
  • breaking change: get_metadata defaults to outputting non-legacy metadata
  • add debug five_word profile which will be removed later
  • breaking change: remove deprecations on LidarScan