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File metadata and controls

202 lines (177 loc) · 11 KB


This demo show how to implement a continuous delivery pipeline supporting Oracle database changes (DDL) and database business logic (PL/SQL).


  • A database connection where you are admin/sysdba (can create/drop users, and alter database with grant)
  • Internet connection (required for gradle to be able to connect to maven central and download libs)
  • JDK 1.8+ (current demo microservices are configured to compile with OpenJDK 11)
  • gradle
  • SQLcl version 21.3
  • git

Setting up the demo environment

Download the sample

  • Download ZIP repository, or
  • Clone the github repository

Download and uncompress the database connection wallet file

  • Uncompress in your favourite place
  • Recommended: Create a wallet folder in the project root and uncompress there (wallet/ is already in .gitignore file)

Create your enviroment configuration file

  • Edit the scripts/.env_sample file, and set

    • TNS_SERVICE as the name of your database service
    • ADMIN_PASSWORD with the password of your DBA.
    • Optional: ADMIN_USER with the name of your SYSDBA is different of ADMIN
    • Optional: TNS_ADMIN with the location of your wallet (if you decided to user your favourite folder)
    • Optional, not recommended: User and Paswords for the dev and pre users
  • Rename the file to .env

    mv ./scripts/.env_sample ./scripts/.env

Generate environments

  • Disconnect the possible previous connection to your service
  • Execute the initialization script ./scripts/
  • The script
    • will create 2 database users/schemas simulanting 2 DB environments (dev and pre). Also, will enable the EDITIONS feature for these users
    • will create a master git respository, simulating a git registry in folder `demo/environments/origin``
    • will create 2 folders to simulate 2 environments (development environment and pre-production environment)
  • WARNING: If you use EDITIONS in your database for other tasks, notice that this script reset all EDITIONS to a new base edition called EDITION_MAIN

Open your favourite development tools

  • Microservices testing: Use your favorite tool for testing the microservices. If you use Postman, you can import the file demo/postman/Springboot Sample App.postman_collection.json for the endpoints, and the file demo/postman/Local Spring Boot Application.postman_environment.json for the environment (in this case, only for set the variable origin to http://localhost:7000)
  • PL/SQL Development: In SQL developer create a connection as developer, to your service
  • Microservices development: Import the Spring Boot project in your favourite java development tool. The project for the developer is located in demo/environments/dev (after running the initialization script). NOTE: Currently this sample has been create with Visual Studio Code for my personal comfort, but this is not (IMHO) the best tool for Spring development.

Executing the demo

Initial test of application

  • Start your SQL developer and connect with the development user (demo_dev) to database
  • Start Postman and select the Spring Sample App workspace
  • Start your favourite terminal (I use the embedded terminal in VSCode) and move to development environment cd environments/dev. Start the SpringBoot application with `./``
  • From Postman (or your favourite tool)
    • Check the application health using the Actuator health endpoint
    • Using the Get All Products, Create Productsand Get Product by idfeed some products to sample. Be aware that initially the product only have id and name (relevant for the JSON body in POST/Create and PUT/Update)

Create and deploy the V1 for Canary testing (PL/SQL)

  • Modify the simple test function using the SQL Developer. E.g. changing directly the greeting text in function Greeting

    create or replace FUNCTION Greeting RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
      RETURN 'Hello, A BRAVE NEW world!!!';
  • Test the function in Postman (there is no need to restart application)

  • As developer, you close and deliver a V1 version. For this, execute the script

    demo/scripts/ v1

    TODO: The current version does not check if you deploy twice the same version tag, but it will fail later.

  • Optional: Check the deployment

    • In development environment ./environments/dev execute git log. You have to see the last commit (HEAD -> dev) tagged with V1, and synchronized with origin/dev
    commit 0ff68ece30303530708a05b1306891d848e97df3 (HEAD -> dev, tag: V1, origin/dev)  
    • Check de Liquibase generated scripts in ./environments/dev/database/liquibase. Notice that the scripts contains the full schema definition.
  • As operation, deploy the application for Canary testing. For this, execute the script

    demo/scripts/ v1
  • Optional: Check the deployment in pre environment

    • In preproduction environment ./environments/pre execute git log. You have to see the last commit (HEAD -> dev) tagged with V1, and synchronized with origin/dev and origin/pre
    commit 0ff68ece30303530708a05b1306891d848e97df3 (HEAD -> pre, tag: V1, origin/pre, origin/dev) 
    • Check de Liquibase generated log files in ./environments/dev/database/liquibase. You can see the DDLs executed in the environment

    • In preproduction schema/database the content of the tables DATABASECHANGELOG(Liquibase native) and DATABASECHANGELOG_ACTION(SQLcl extension)

Do Canary testing

  • Ensure that dev application is stopped. Currently the both enviroments share the port 7000, so cannot coexist in the same PC
  • Start your favourite terminal and move to preproduction environment cd environments/pre. Start the SpringBoot application with ./
  • In Postman, call the Greeting function. You will set the previous (v0) message "greeting": "Hello, world!!!" because by default all users are in B (previous) scenary
  • Using Postman, use the Procedure: Set Current Edition to change your scenario to `EDITION_V1``
  • Repeat the previous call to Greeting and you will get the V1 message "greeting": "Hello, A BRAVE NEW world!!!"
  • NOTE: In real world scenarios, we can use several alternatives. In microservices we can create differente database services (pointing to the different editions) and have a pool of containers, some pointing to V0 services and the canary testers pointing to V1.

Deploy for all users

  • As operator, execute the deployment script. For this, execute the script

  • In the current version, you have to restart the front-end application to see the changes. Stop the running application in pre environment, and re-run with ./

  • Re-execute the same test done in Canary testing

    • Repeat the previous call to Greeting and you will get the V1 message "greeting": "Hello, A BRAVE NEW world!!!"
    • If you call the service Get current edition, you will see EDITION_V1 with no need to change
  • Alternatives: We can create different services using different editions with DBMS_SERVICE.CREATE_SERVICE. See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide

Create and deploy V2 for all users (DDL)

  • Stop the running application in pre environment, and restart the application in dev

    cd ./demo/environments/dev
  • Modify the java code for adding a isactive numeric field

    • Edit the file ./demo/environments/dev/application/src/main/java/com/example/application/persistence/
    • Add the isactive field
      private int isactive;
    • Add the getter and setter
      public void setIsactive(int isActive) {
      public int getIsactive() {
        return this.isactive;
  • In database DEV environment, modify the PRODUCT table to add ISACTIVE column

  • In database DEV environment, modify the function ProductCount to consider new field

      l_count NUMBER;
      SELECT COUNT(*) 
      INTO l_count
      FROM Product
      RETURN l_count;
  • Test the application

    • Notice the new field in GetAllProductos or GetProduct
    • Create a new product, adding "isactive": 0 to JSON
      "name": "My first inactive product",
      "isactive": 0
    • Check the function ProductCount
  • Deploy the new version

    • Stop application in dev environment
    • Deploy
      demo/scripts/ v2
      demo/scripts/ v2
    • Start application in pre environment and retest


  • In case of error, you can rollback the last version deployed. For this,
  • Disconnect all users connected to the last versions. TODO: Implement automatic disconnection of these users
  • Execute the script
    demo/scripts/ v2
  • If you require to rollback several version, you have to execute the script n-times
    • The rollback remove the structure changes (DDL) and the code changes (PL/SQL)
    • Also, removes the EDITION from the database
    • But, DO NOT REMOVE the tag from GIT. So, we suggest that the next version created in dev environment DO NOT REUSE the tag, to avoid possible collateral efects. NOTE: It's an standard recomendation do not remove commits or tags in git progression. If required, you have to change the scripts to do a rebase/cherry-picking in case of rollback and apply it to all environments. Again, we do not recommend


Edition Based Redefinition
