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2b88cac · Jun 27, 2018


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File metadata and controls

211 lines (168 loc) · 5.14 KB

Common Misusage

Doubling up Promises

Don’t do this:

func toggleNetworkSpinnerWithPromise<T>(funcToCall: () -> Promise<T>) -> Promise<T> {
    return Promise { seal in
        firstly {
            return funcToCall()
        }.then { result in
        }.always {
        }.catch { err in

Do this:

func toggleNetworkSpinnerWithPromise<T>(funcToCall: () -> Promise<T>) -> Promise<T> {
    return firstly {
        return funcToCall()
    }.always {

You already had a promise, you don’t need to wrap it in another promise.

Optionals in Promises

When we see Promise<Item?>, it usually implies a misuse of promises. For example:

return firstly {
}.then { items -> Promise<[Item]?> in
    guard !items.isEmpty else {
        return .value(nil)
    return Promise(value: items)

The second then chooses to return nil in some circumstances. This choice imposes the need to check for nil on the consumer of the promise.

It's usually better to shunt these sorts of exceptions away from the happy path and onto the error path. In this case, we can create a specific error type for this condition:

return firstly {
}.map { items -> [Item]> in
    guard !items.isEmpty else {
        throw MyError.emptyItems
    return items

Note: Use compactMap when an API outside your control returns an Optional and you want to generate an error instead of propagating nil.

Tips n’ Tricks

Background-Loaded Member Variables

class MyViewController: UIViewController {
    private let ambience: Promise<AVAudioPlayer> = {
        guard let asset = NSDataAsset(name: "CreepyPad") else { throw PMKError.badInput }
        let player =  try AVAudioPlayer(data:
        return player

Chaining Animations

firstly {
    UIView.animate(.promise, duration: 0.3) {
        self.button1.alpha = 0
}.then {
    UIView.animate(.promise, duration: 0.3) {
        self.button2.alpha = 1
}.then {
    UIView.animate(.promise, duration: 0.3) {

Voiding Promises

It is often convenient to erase the type of a promise to facilitate chaining. For example, UIView.animate(.promise) returns Guarantee<Bool> because UIKit’s completion API supplies a Bool. However, we usually don’t need this value and can chain more simply if it is discarded (that is, converted to Void). We can use asVoid() to achieve this conversion:

UIView.animate(.promise, duration: 0.3) {
    self.button1.alpha = 0

For situations in which we are combining many promises into a when, asVoid() becomes essential:

let p1 = foo()
let p2 = bar()
let p3 = baz()
let p10 = fluff()

when(fulfilled: p1.asVoid(), p2.asVoid(), /*…*/, p10.asVoid()).then {
    let value1 = p1.value!  // safe bang since all the promises fulfilled
    // …
    let value10 = p10.value!
}.catch {

You normally don't have to do this explicitly because when does it for you for up to 5 parameters.

Blocking (Await)

Sometimes you have to block the main thread to await completion of an asynchronous task. In these cases, you can (with caution) use wait:

public extension UNUserNotificationCenter {
    var wasPushRequested: Bool {
        let settings = Guarantee(resolver: getNotificationSettings).wait()
        return settings != .notDetermined

The task under the promise must not call back onto the current thread or it will deadlock.

Starting a Chain on a Background Queue/Thread

firstly deliberately does not take a queue. A detailed rationale for this choice can be found in the ticket tracker.

So, if you want to start a chain by dispatching to the background, you have to use DispatchQueue.async: {
    return value  
}.done { value in

However, this function cannot return a promise because of Swift compiler ambiguity issues. Thus, if you must start a promise on a background queue, you need to do something like this:

Promise { seal in {
}.done { value in

Or more simply (though with caveats; see the documentation for wait): {
    return try fetch().wait()
}.done { value in

However, you shouldn't need to do this often. If you find yourself wanting to use this technique, perhaps you should instead modify the code for fetch to make it do its work on a background thread.

Promises abstract asynchronicity, so exploit and support that model. Design your APIs so that consumers don’t have to care what queue your functions run on.