Generate a ssh key pair if you have not already generated one. Follow instructions here.
Copy the public key from
and add it to the/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
file of your fab-server, the dev vm and the all_in_one vm. The developer sandbox is configured for access without authentication. -
You should now be able to ssh as root into your fab-server and dev vm without needing a password.
Note: You will have to use
vagrant ssh
this time to get into your dev vm and all_in_one vm.
There are two ways you can setup SSH access
You can use the fab-server as a JumpHost to access the developer sandbox and the all_in_one vm
Edit the
file and make sure the configuration looks similar to thisHost * AddKeysToAgent yes UseKeychain yes IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa Host fabX HostName fab-server0X.englab.juniper.net User root Host devX HostName User root Host sbX HostName Port 6622 User root ProxyJump fabX Host allX HostName User root ProxyJump fabX
Replace 'X' with the number of your fab-server
2. Using sshuttle
In this approach, you will use sshuttle to create a tunnel to the fab-server and redirect requests for the ip range through the fab-server. The advantage of this approach is that you can directly access the contrail services in your browser and applications running on your machine.
Edit the
file and make sure the configuration looks similar to thisHost * AddKeysToAgent yes UseKeychain yes IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa Host fabX HostName fab-server0X.englab.juniper.net User root Host devX HostName User root Host sbX HostName Port 6622 User root ProxyJump fabX Host allX HostName User root ProxyJump fabX
Replace 'X' with the number of your fab-server
Note: No 'ProxyJump'
Install sshuttle
brew install sshuttle
Run sshuttle
sshuttle -r fab2
You should now be able to access the different services hosted on the all_in_one vm directly from you machine.