Alembic is a database migration tool for SQLAlchemy, a popular Python library for interacting with relational databases. In simple terms, database migrations are scripts that describe changes to the database structure over time.
Schema Evolution: As your application evolves, it's common for the database structure to evolve as well. New tables may be added, columns modified or removed, etc.
Consistency Across Environments: Migrations ensure that all environments (development, testing, production) have the same database structure, avoiding inconsistencies and errors related to schema differences.
Database Versioning: Alembic provides a versioning system for the database, allowing you to track applied changes and revert or advance to specific versions as needed.
Auto-generating Revisions:
- When starting a new feature or making changes to the data model, you can use the command
poetry run alembic revision --autogenerate
to auto-generate a new revision. This creates a new migration script based on changes detected in the data model.
- When starting a new feature or making changes to the data model, you can use the command
Applying Migrations:
- After auto-generating a revision, you can apply it to the database using the command
poetry run alembic upgrade head
. This effectively applies all pending migrations.
- After auto-generating a revision, you can apply it to the database using the command
Reverting Migrations (Optional):
- If necessary, you can revert to a previous version of the database using
poetry run alembic downgrade -1
to revert a specific migration orpoetry run alembic downgrade base
to revert all migrations.
- If necessary, you can revert to a previous version of the database using
Maintain Consistency: Running migrations ensures that the database is up-to-date with the latest version of the data model, maintaining consistency across different environments and avoiding compatibility issues.
Tracking Changes: Using migrations allows you to track and manage changes to the database over time. This is crucial for maintaining a clear history of modifications.
Ensure Proper Operation: Some changes to the data model may be essential for the proper operation of the application. Running migrations ensures that the database is configured as expected.
Note: Ensure these commands are executed within the 'backend' folder of your project.
Encourage users to run migrations whenever there are significant changes to the data model to ensure a cohesive and functional database environment.