N.B. I have not personally tested the Tobii PCEye Go with OptiKey, but I have confirmation from some users that it works correctly. According to the Tobii website the PCEye Go must be updated to firmware version 1.1.5 or later. Here are a few threads discussing this:
注意 我并没有实际使用 Tobii PCEye Go 操作过 OptiKey,但是我的确从部份使用者中收到它们可正确工作的反馈。从 Tobii PCEye Go 的官网上的信息来看,其固件要更新到 1.1.5 或之后的版本,这里有些关于 PCEye Go 的使用信息:
- http://developer.tobii.com/community/forums/topic/is-eyex-controller-same-as-tobii-pceye-go/
- http://developer.tobii.com/community/forums/topic/tobii-gaze-sdk-with-pceye-go/
- http://developer.tobii.com/community/forums/topic/eye-x-with-tobii-pceye-go/
To upgrade your PCEye Go firmware email [email protected], or follow these steps (taken from one of the links above):
关于如何升级 PCEye Go 的固件,你可以发邮件到 [email protected] 进行咨询,或按以下步骤操作:
Firmware 1.1.5 for PCEye Go is now released as part of the Tobii Gaze Interaction Software 2.6.0 update. You can run the PCEye Update Notifier to update your system, or manually update by downloading the following file: http://www.tobii.com/Global/Assistive/Downloads_Training_Documents/GazeInteractionSoftware/Software/Tobii_Gaze_Interaction_Software_Enterprise_2.6.0.8.msi?epslanguage=en
在 Tobii Gaze Interaction Software 2.6 版本之后,会自带 PCEye Go 的 1.1.5 版本固件,可以通过软件整体升级,或按以下链接手工操作的方式升级固件:http://www.tobii.com/Global/Assistive/Downloads_Training_Documents/GazeInteractionSoftware/Software/Tobii_Gaze_Interaction_Software_Enterprise_2.6.0.8.msi?epslanguage=en
Once TGIS is updated, you will be prompted to upgrade the PCEye Go firmware on first launch. If it doesn’t, open the “System Information” tab and initiate the update manually.
TGIS 升级完成之后,首次执行会提升升级 PCEye Go 的固件版本,如果没有出现固件升级提示,可以在 “系统信息项(System Information)” 下进行手工升级。