* @param {*} imageObj the original/full-size image to draw
* @param {*} subregionImage the subregion image (to get the bounds from)
* @param {number} maxSize (to be removed) the maximum size (width or height) of the stage to fit the image?
+ * @param {Function} updateCallback called when a change is made to the subregion
* @returns an object with an update function to call for needed redraws and the subregion bounds.
* @todo remove maxSize if possible?
* @todo do we really need to return the subregioRect as well?
-function drawGroundtruthImage(stage, imageObj, subregionImage, maxSize=G_BOX_SIZE){
+function drawGroundtruthImage(stage, imageObj, subregionImage, maxSize=G_BOX_SIZE, updateCallback = null){
var fit = Utils.fitImageProportions(imageObj.naturalWidth, imageObj.naturalHeight, maxSize);
@@ -833,10 +834,99 @@
Source: drawsteps.js
fill: "rgba(0,255,255,0.4)",
stroke: "#00FFFF",
strokeWidth: 1,
- listening: false,
+ // listening: false,
+ draggable: true,
strokeScaleEnabled: false,
+ // Draggable nav-rect
+ // https://github.com/joedf/ImgBeamer/issues/41
+ rect.on('dragmove', function(){
+ constrainRect();
+ applyChangesFromNavRect();
+ });
+ var constrainRect = function(){
+ var rw = rect.width() * rect.scaleX();
+ var rh = rect.height() * rect.scaleY();
+ var ss = stage.size();
+ // top left corner limit
+ if (rect.x() < 0) { rect.x(0); }
+ if (rect.y() < 0) { rect.y(0); }
+ // bottom right limit
+ if (rect.x() > ss.width - rw) { rect.x(ss.width - rw); }
+ if (rect.y() > ss.height - rh) { rect.y(ss.height - rh); }
+ };
+ stage.on('wheel', function(e) {
+ // code is based on Uitls.MakeZoomHandler()
+ e.evt.preventDefault(); // stop default scrolling
+ const scaleFactor = G_ZOOM_FACTOR_PER_TICK;
+ var scaleBy = scaleFactor;
+ // Do half rate scaling, if shift is pressed
+ if (e.evt.shiftKey) {
+ scaleBy = 1 +((scaleBy-1) / 2);
+ }
+ // calculate scale with direction
+ let direction = e.evt.deltaY > 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ var scale = direction > 0 ? 1.0 / scaleBy : 1.0 * scaleBy;
+ // calculate new size
+ var rs = rect.size();
+ var newWidth = rs.width * scale;
+ var newHeigth = rs.height * scale;
+ // constrain size
+ var limitW = Math.min(Math.max(newWidth, 1), stage.width());
+ var limitH = Math.min(Math.max(newHeigth, 1), stage.height());
+ // get rect center point delta
+ var dx = rect.width() - limitW;
+ var dy = rect.height() - limitH;
+ // apply new size
+ rect.size({ width: limitW, height: limitH });
+ // center rect based on new size
+ rect.position({
+ x: rect.x() + dx/2,
+ y: rect.y() + dy/2
+ });
+ constrainRect();
+ applyChangesFromNavRect();
+ });
+ var applyChangesFromNavRect = function(){
+ // update the subregion view to the new position and zoom based on changes
+ // to the nav-rect by the user
+ var si = subregionImage;
+ si.scale({
+ x: stage.width() / rect.width(),
+ y: stage.height() / rect.height(),
+ });
+ si.position({
+ x: (stage.x() - rect.x()) * si.scaleX(),
+ y: (stage.y() - rect.y()) * si.scaleY(),
+ });
+ // this propagates the changes to the subregion to the rest of the app
+ if (typeof updateCallback == 'function')
+ return updateCallback();
+ };
+ // Grab cursor for nav-rectangle overlay
+ // https://konvajs.org/docs/styling/Mouse_Cursor.html
+ layer.listening(true);
+ rect.on('mouseenter', function () {
+ stage.container().style.cursor = 'grab';
+ }).on('mouseleave', function () {
+ stage.container().style.cursor = 'default';
+ });
@@ -1154,7 +1244,7 @@