Releases: joedolson/my-calendar
Releases · joedolson/my-calendar
My Calendar v3.2.16
= 3.2.16 =
- Bug fix: Check for undefined objects in localization, not for undefined object props.
- Change: Set parameter for location autocomplete switchover to 50 instead of 25 locations.
- Change: Tweak directory removal process slightly.
My Calendar v3.2.15
= 3.2.15 =
- Bug fix: Hide event details section if no fields are visible for section.
- Bug fix: Update localization to correct usage of l10n parameter.
- Bug fix: Location AJAX query executed function that only existed in Pro.
My Calendar v3.2.14
= 3.2.14 =
- Bug fixes: Misc. type casting issues.
- Add filters
to filter results of main event queries. - Add $args array to
filter parameters. - Avoid running My Calendar core functionality through My Calendar's own hooks.
- When using REST API, variables are not submitted in a POST query.
- [Performance] Move custom location query into object creation to reduce DB calls.
- Use try/catch in mc-ajax.js to handle case where href does not contain a full URL.
- Autocomplete support for locations in admin.
- Reset select elements in My Calendar nav to inline.
- Minor refactoring in settings pages.
My Calendar v3.2.13
= 3.2.13 =
- Bug fix: Using embed targets is more complicated than expected; disable by default. Enable with 'mc_use_embed_targets' filter.
- Bug fix: Strip embed from parameters when building links (when embed target enabled.)
My Calendar v3.2.12
= 3.2.12 =
- Bug fix: Don't use embed target link when AJAX disabled.
- Improvement: Add AJAX navigation into browser history & address bar.
My Calendar v3.2.11
= 3.2.11 =
- Bug fix: switching to week view display broken.
- Bug fix: links to template help pointed to old location for help.
- Bug fix: AJAX nav pulled height from first rendered calendar, not current navigating calendar.
- Change: filter to pass custom notices for front end submissions and editing.
- Remove fallback function for is_ssl()
- Improve conflicting event errors when the conflicting event is still unpublished.
- Add custom template to pass a calendar that's embeddable via iframe.
- Bug fix: Multisite environments need to use navigation on current site, not from remote site.
My Calendar v3.2.10
= 3.2.10 =
- Change: Fallback text should have a stylable wrapper.
- Bug fix: Missing translatable string.
- Bug fix: When multiple categories selected, events in more than one category would appear multiple times.
- Bug fix: Missing space in MySQL filters in event manager.
- Bug fix: PHP Notice thrown in location manager.
- Bug fix: Add note to open events link field if no URI configured.
- Layout fix: Ensure there's always a space between date & time.
My Calendar v3.2.9
= 3.2.9 =
- Bug fix: Additional of required fields testing erased error messages generated prior to required fields testing.
- Bug fix: If an individual occurrence title is edited, event permalinks show the single change on all events.
- Bug fix: Prev/next event links don't include unique event IDs.
- Bug fix: Remove irrelevant arguments from prev/next event link generation.
- Bug fix: Ignore templates if no data passed.
My Calendar v3.2.8
= 3.2.8 =
- Bug fix: Extraneous screen-reader-text summary generated in event views.
- Bug fix: Fixes to missing parameters in microdata.
- Bug fix: Incorrect type comparison caused custom templates not to render in single event view.
- New feature: Default location.
= 3.2.7 = [missed release labeling]
- Bug fix: Prevent events from being created without categories.
- Bug fix: Ensure category relationships are deleted when related events are deleted.
- Add handling for seeing & managing events that are invalid.
- Add styles for invalid rows.
My Calndar v3.2.6
= 3.2.6 =
- Added filter to change date format on calendar grid.
- New filter for modifying user selection output.
- Bug fix: only check for get_magic_quotes_gpc() if below PHP 7.4
- Bug fix: invalid query in mc_get_locations() if arguments passed as array.