- reworked+merged several PRs:
- vaillant/08.hmu from #160, #174, #316, #330, #407
- vaillant/08.bai from #202, #416, #201, #367, #323
- vaillant/08.v3x from #226
- vaillant/76.vwz from #330
- vaillant/76.vwzio from #407
- vaillant/08.recov from #343, #364
- vaillant/hcmode from #388 and #389
- vaillant/_templates from #393
- vaillant/e0.omu from #368
- vaillant/15.ctls2 from #422
- vaillant/15.ctlv2 from #423
- vaillant/06.pms + 06.vms from #430and #454
- vaillant/mcmode from #328
- tem/15 from #129
- add vaillant/15.ctlv3 link according to #35, #418, #449
- fix some message IDs in vaillant/15.ctlv2 and ochsner
- fix wolf file names
- fix missing reference to product id in vaillant/08.bai condition only:
- added vaillant/06.vmd
- added vaillant/08.bai 0010011701
- added ochsner/15.22102
- added some generic opdata from eBUS spec to src/opdata_inc and src/broadcast
- added wolf/broadcast, wolf/08.hc, and wolf/ with symlinked kromschroeder dir
- normalized, corrected, and converted to TypeSpec
- generated files rebuilt from TypeSpec definitions published on github CDN
- remove previous merge of #316 again as several users reported having issues with their heating since that: live monitor and test menu to vaillant/08.hmu
- added vailant/15.ctlv2
- added live monitor and test menu to vaillant/08.hmu
- added vaillant/15.bass
- added vaillant/08.recov
- extended vaillant/15.700 with zone 3 timers
- added energyintegral for vailant/08.hmu
- extended sfmode for vaillant/15.700+720+b7v+basv
- added further vaillant/08.bai 0010015600 variants: 0010021875+0010021887
- added vaillant/15.450+f45
- added special hardware variant of vaillant/15.350
- added cooling, global off, and ventilation to vaillant/15.700
- added vaillant/15.160
- added another vaillant/08.bai 0010015600 variant: 0010021929
- added vaillant/15.e7c and 15.e7f_2
- fix wrong assignment of vaillant/08.bai 0010014917 in en folder
- added vaillant/08.bai derivates: 0010008045, 0010008863, 0010023648
- added another vaillant/08.bai 0010015600 variant: 0010019276
- added another vaillant/08.bai 0010015600 variant: 0010021891
- made some counter values in vaillant/08.bai writable to installer
- made vaillant/broadcast vdatetime writable to installer
- added value 4=hwc to vaillant pumpstate
- added hcname3 to vaillant/15.uih
- added vaillant/15.720 and 15.basv
- added vaillant/06.vms
- added mctype7 value 6=circulation to vaillant templates
- added vaillant/08.bai 0010021961 with variants
- added vaillant/15.b7v
- added cooling temp, fuel sum, energy sum for vaillant/15.700
- added another vaillant/08.bai 0010015600 variant: 0010014917
- added another temp for vaillant/
- added vaillant/f35
- added heating circuit 3 and zone 3 to vaillant/15.700 and corrected english names