- Golang
- Visual Studio Code cross-platform text editor
- Git Actions Visualizer
- Spectacles Window Management App for macOS
WIP/UnWIP aliases: add the following to your ~/.gitconfig
wip = !git add -N . && git commit -am WIP
unwip = !git log -1 --oneline | grep WIP > /dev/null && git reset --soft @^ && git reset .
Install https://github.com/pivotal/git_scripts and then add a ~/.pairs
file in the following format. Note, if you are using SourceTree, be sure to turn off the “Allow SourceTree to modify your global Mercurial and Git configuration files” setting.
# .pairs - configuration for 'git pair'
# <initials>: <Firstname> <Lastname>[; <email-id>]
jg: John Grogg; john.grogg
mk: Michael Kero; michael.kero
as: Andrew Salveson; andrew.salveson
prefix: pair
domain: wework.co
no_solo_prefix: true
global: true # Set to true for git-pair to change git configuration for all your projects