A Julia implementation of the Black-Box-Optimization-Benchmarking (BBOB) functions.
The average sucess rate (meaning the optimizer reached the minimum + 1e-6) in function of the number of iterations, in 3 dimension :
BlackBoxOptim's algorithm are performing the best in 3D.
Since some global optimizers have poor final convergence, they were chained into a Nelder-Mead using 10% of the objective function evaluation budget. Note that some algorithm call the objective function several time per iteration, so this plot is not totally fair (it doesn't really impact the results however).
If we look at the sucess rate per function we can see that only a few algorithm are able to solve all the problems :
The script to produce these plots is in scripts/run_benchmark.jl
Indivdual functions can be accessed as BlackBoxOptimizationBenchmarking.F1
, which returns a BBOBFunction
with fields f
containing the function itself, f_opt
its minimal value, and x_opt
its minimizer, i.e. f(x_opt) = f_opt
Functions can be listed using list_functions()
julia> BlackBoxOptimizationBenchmarking.list_functions()
20-element Array{BlackBoxOptimizationBenchmarking.BBOBFunction,1}:
Ellipsoidal Function
Discus Function
Bent Cigar Function
Sharp Ridge Function
Different Powers Function
Rastrigin Function
Weierstrass Function
Schaffers F7 Function
Schaffers F7 Function, moderately ill-conditioned
Composite Griewank-Rosenbrock Function F8F2
Schwefel Function
Linear Slope
Attractive Sector
Step Ellipsoidal Function
Rosenbrock Function, original
Rosenbrock Function, rotated
Functions can be plot using :
using Plots
plot(f::BBOBFunction; nlevels = 15, zoom=1)
A benchmark for a single optimizer and function can be run with:
b::BenchmarkResults = benchmark(
optimizer, f::BBOBFunction, run_length::AbstractVector{Int};
Ntrials::Int = 20, dimension::Int = 3, Δf::Real = 1e-6, CI_quantile=0.25
The first argument optimizer
must implement Optimization.jl's interface, and
it must be wrapped in a BenchmarkSetup
to indicate if the optimizer requires bounds :
BenchmarkSetup(optimizer, isboxed = true)
To test an optimizer on several functions a vector of BBOBFunction
's can be passed instead of a single function,
and all the returned statistics will be averaged over functions (with the expection of success_rate_per_function
The main fields of the returned struct BenchmarkResults
are :
: number of iterations the optimizer performedcallcount
: number of objective function callssuccess_rate
: for each run_length, the fraction of optimization runs that reached the global minimum with a tolerance of Δf
A benchmark can be plot with :
using Plots
plot(b; label = "NelderMead", x = :callcount, showribbon = true)
The ribbon indicates the 25% to 95% confidence intervals of the success_rate
(the quantile used
can be changed with compute_CI!(b::BenchmarkResults, CI_quantile)
We can test an algorithm on a function and plot the result using
Δf = 1e-6
f = test_functions[3]
setup = BenchmarkSetup(NLopt.GN_CRS2_LM(), isboxed=true)
sol = [BBOB.solve_problem(setup, f, 3, 5_000) for in in 1:10]
@info [sol.objective < Δf + f.f_opt for sol in sol]
p = plot(f, size = (600,600), zoom = 1.5)
for sol in sol
scatter!(sol.u[1:1], sol.u[2:2], label="", c="blue", marker = :xcross, markersize=5, markerstrokewidth=0)
To avoid overfiting and test if algorithms are robust with respect to rotations of the error function, rotation matrices are randomly generated the first time the package is used.
If needed new rotations can be generated by running the following:
@eval BlackBoxOptimizationBenchmarking begin
@memoize function Q(D)
r = randn(D); r = r/norm(r)
Q = [r nullspace(Matrix(r'))]
@memoize function R(D)
r = randn(D); r = r/norm(r)
R = [r nullspace(Matrix(r'))]