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A delivery method to send your notifications to devices on all platforms with notification-pusher and OneSignal.


You can add notification-pusher-onesignal to your Gemfile with:

gem 'notification-pusher-onesignal'

And then run:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install notification-pusher-onesignal


Register this delivery method in your NotificationPusher configuration:

NotificationPusher.configure do |config|
  config.register_delivery_method :one_signal, :OneSignal, app_id: 'f158a844-9f3c-4207-b246-e93603b0a970', auth_key: 'kODc3N2ItOTNC00NGzOGYtMzI5OWQ3ZmQ'

Now you can deliver your notifications through OneSignal:

notification = Notification.create(target: User.first, object: Recipe.first)
notification.deliver(:one_signal, player_ids: ['f158a844-9f3c-4207-b246-e93603b0a970'], url: Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.root_url, contents: {
  en: notification.object.title

To get player id's you could use the OnSignal gem. This is how that would look:

notification.deliver(:one_signal, player_ids:

You can also store OneSignal information in your notification opposed to specifying it when pushing:

notification.metadata[:onesignal_url]      = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.root_url
notification.metadata[:onesignal_contents] = { en: 'My notification content' }
notification.metadata[:onesignal_headings] = { en: 'My notification header' }
notification.metadata[:onesignal_subtitle] = { en: 'My notification subtitle' }!
notification.deliver(:one_signal, player_ids:


app_id (required) OneSignal App ID. Takes a string.

auth_key (required) OneSignal API authentication key. Takes a string.

player_ids Array of OneSignal Player ID's a notification should be pushed to. Takes an array of strings.

url Specify a URL for this notification. Takes a string.

contents Globalized content of the notification. Takes a hash with languages as keys and strings as values.

headings Globalized header of the notification. Takes a hash with languages as keys and strings as values.

subtitle Globalized subtitle of the notification. Takes a hash with languages as keys and strings as values.