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# (PART) Structure {-}
# Approach
For many audit teams, having data analytics employed in your audit team is fundamental requirement. The advantages are well articulated - 100% population coverage, timely response, and targeted high risk identification and results are real and achievable.
Unfortunately, any short-burst of investment in data analytics training tends to not last more than a few months. This is due to lack of applied skills, sustained management interest and consistency of values. While regulations for adherence to SEC and Sox requirements exist and are necessary, the means to approaching and achieving compliance has been largely static in nature since the introduction of Sox.
The root cause of this systemic failure is that audit teams culturally view analytics as a skill, and not as a cultural shift.
On a micro level, while not every individual on your audit team needs to be a 'coder', everyone needs to share the same values and philosophy for any audit analytics program to have success. Your core analytics team will set the foundation for the rest of the team to play on - if the non-data members don't show up, the analytics program is limited at best.
On a macro level, audit teams can no longer live in a bubble. Audit teams need to not only develop tools for their own usage, but also products that can be adopted by the business. By providing this valuable service, the audit team becomes a business adviser, not only offering quantitative advice, but real artifacts that can be used repeatably by the business.
Having a combination of the right values and technologies will enable your team to propel forward, and should amplify your teams efforts. By thoughtfully choosing your tools and encouraging sustainable processes, your team will create a positive cycle of development, learning and deployment.
## Code-based development
Consider the creation and auditing of a spreadsheet, where every row and column has the potential to be manipulated. Following the motto, 'trust but verify', an auditor would need to examine each cell value, the formulas, the relationships, and keep a sharp eye out for manual adjustments. The auditor also needs to validate the source of data in the spreadsheet. With no built-in traceability to how the spreadsheet is used after it has been created, it contributes to the madness that is the spreadsheet ecosystem.
While it is easier to superficially consume information from a spreadsheet, to understand the inner workings is a tedious task into itself. And unfortunately, both controls and audits are conducted without a second thought within spreadsheets, as it is easier to tackle the task without fundamentally changing the approach itself.
Contrast this to a code-based environment. To achieve anything in code, you need to be explicit and specific on the mechanisms taken to reach the end state. Each line will tell the program what inputs it needs, how it is processed, and the collection of lines tells you what is achieved. The beauty of this is that it also tells the reader exactly what was executed to achieve the end result. A code based environment is inherently self documenting.
Once a baseline code has been established, finding ongoing changes becomes trivial. Similar to Track Changes or blackline comparisons in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, its far easier to detect how code (and the process it supports) has changed.
Perhaps with some merit, code can be difficult to read at times, as it is still a completely different language. **Notebooks** address this problem. Notebooks are interactive renderings of code, containing not only the code, but can also include sections of commentary as to why something was done, and can include data visualizations and interactivity. It is the ultimate form of auditability.
## Automate relentlessly
By writing your routines in code, then the next logical step is to automate. Automation not only frees up your time from performing a task, but it also frees up your mental critical thinking and creative processing power. Every professional has a cognitive load - don't waste it on routine tasks.
A common use case for automation in audit is the creation of a **data mart** that is relevant to auditors. A data mart is a collection of pre-processed data that is suited for the group using it - for example, a data mart may hold a daily refresh of HR information, or the prior month's vendor invoices. Imagine that instead of needing to email HR for the latest employee list, the audit team merely needs to check within its internal database, making research and response quick and efficient. Instead of asking the vendor management team on how much money was spent per vendor, having this information in an audit mart readily available means you can spend more time thinking about how to assess these vendors for risk.
Gone are the days where you only audit a topic once a year. A byproduct of every audit is a monitoring mechanism - how do you know something has gone off the rails? Traditional remediation paths include a follow-up in the future - after that, there are few mechanisms to faithfully maintain confidence that the process is still operating reasonably.
If you've coded your audit, then you have already done the hard work of structuring how to extract your data, finding exceptions and distributing actionable results for your stakeholders. Automation takes that one step further, and allows you to ensure the steps are done repeatedly. The value you derived initially from your audit can now be done continuously.
Once you've audited the identification of issues and the metrics around them, then you can focus on the automation of work flow and resolution of them. With an audit controls database, you can upload the results of controls testing and issues identification into it, which will enable on-demand availability, visibility, transparency, and even reporting, all which can now be part of that larger automation process.
## Share everything
> Tribal knowledge is information or knowledge that is known within a tribe but often unknown outside of it. A tribe, in this sense, may be a group or subgroup of people that share such a common knowledge. From a corporate perspective, "Tribal Knowledge or know-how is the collective wisdom of the organization. It is the sum of all the knowledge and capabilities of all the people". [@tribal-knowledge]
When you code the procedures, not only are you creating letters to yourself in the future, but you're also writing letters to everyone else on your team, even those who haven't joined. These fully contained notebooks serve as a guide to those on your team who are learning what you have developed.
The next thing to do is to put them in a central location where everyone on your team can access them. While you can opt for files and folders on a network drive, more practical technologies exist. **Code repositories**, such as the technology 'git', serve a purpose in your data analytics environment to track changes to code and notebooks. You can encourage your team to upload notebooks to these repositories to access the latest and greatest code that your team has developed for problems already solved. New team members can go into a repository to learn how code has solved prior problems, and become inspired to solve problems of their own.
As your team gains more experience and consistency, it may be more practical to write repeatable processes and functions instead of copy and pasting code between notebooks. Code **packages** enable you to share your code and functions to solve specific problems, templates to encourage consistency amongst team members, and are easily distributed to your team for quick deployment.
## Always deliver useful product
The outputs of your work are useless if they are not adopted by the business. This means you need to prioritize your customer and iterate often, to win buy-in, gain momentum and stay on course.
Audit teams are always surprised when I say that they have customers. Audit department interactions are across the entire company and up-and-down the entire chain - from manufacturing to engineering, IT to accounting, analysts to the c-suite. Audit departments handle all these groups, with kid-gloves and diplomacy. Yet we tend to ignore the #1 customer - ourselves. Audit teams are usually at the mercy of what the business deems most convenient for them - whether in terms of reports, testing controls or even where files are kept.
Historically, this was tolerated. Audit teams were composed of accountants that specialized in Excel, IT auditors in testing general controls, and a focus adhering to evolving accounting standards. With the advance in maturity of code-based tools and even commercial audit software, there has never been a better time to code intuition.
The idea of these data products is that they promote the cognitive ease - this means, repeated experience, clear display, primed idea, and good mood.[@cognitive-ease] By helping your team feel at ease, but they should deliver both the most trivial of tasks and the most time-consuming tests of applied knowledge. By removing the need to execute these tasks, then the customer can focus on what they're good at - in the case of auditors, its applying professional judgement. These products can be taken up in the form of data generation, data and trend visualization, or standardized reporting.
## Don't be a hero
Not everything needs to be fixed by you, especially in code. In a well-functioning organization where hundreds of people are supporting different software, application or databases, sometimes the best way to solve the problems found isn't directly in the work you do, but how you get others to fix systemic issues in the source itself. Key indicators of this are when you have to start hard-coding compensating controls in your code because the upstream data isn't standardized.
For example, in a typical company, employees are issued unique ID numbers. This is preferably at the source of truth - the Human Resources department. This identifier is generally considered reliable and stable, especially if is the source of truth. Consider now that you're now trying to join the data to a credit card system, where employees are issued credit cards based on their first and last name. If you take an assumption to join this dataset using an individuals first and last name, that would be a reasonable first attempt. However, last names can change over time, or individuals may prefer to go with their middle names, or even simple spelling mistakes can occur. Instead of compensating by adding different ways of 'joining' information, its more effective to work with the application's data owner to see if they would be willing to adopt the unique employee ID instead as a field in their system.
## "The opportunity cost"
> The idea of opportunity costs presumes the fungibility of human experience: all our activities are equivalent or interchangeable once they are reduced to the abstract currency of clock time, and its wage correlate. [@shop-class]
An internal auditors' largest limitation is time. The biggest barrier to the adoption and execution of data analytic talents is the fact there is 'more' perceived value in doing something else. A common excuse is that a task will only be performed once (or even worse, at an irregular basis) - auditors may instead opt to perform a manual task in an unsustainable way. Instead of learning a new skill, our opportunity cost is projected against how much time can be used have to perform this task at hand.
If your existence was highly limited by the lifespan of a fly, it would be hard to argue against such a position. However, your career is long (hopefully), fruitful and full of exciting and interesting work.
Truly engaging work should challenging and rewarding, and applying coding to audit lends itself to a skill worth mastering. Using these skills, no matter how immature, will continue to pay off dividends in future implementations, no matter how insignificant or incremental. Implementing repeatable processes means not only does the end consumer receive their product quicker, but the data auditor is enabled to continuously refine or tackle another code-related problem. And that is worth the opportunity cost, today.