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+++ b/README.md
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#WysiBB - WYSIWYG BBcode editor
-[Official website](http://www.wysibb.com)
-[Support forum](http://www.wysibb.com/forum/)
\ No newline at end of file
+WysiBB is a JQuery visual WYSIWYG editor for BBcode.
+For more information please visit [wysibb.com](http://www.wysibb.com)
+## Usage
+Include the JQuery and WysiBB files
+Activate WysiBB on an existing textarea
+To see how it works, you can try [the official demo](http://www.wysibb.com/demo/).
+## Options
+WysiBB comes with all BBCodes by default (allButtons). You can configure BBCode you want.
+$(document).ready(function() {
+var wbbOpt = {
+ buttons: "bold,italic,underline,|,img,link,|,code,quote"
+WysiBB comes in russian by default, but you can set a different language
+$(document).ready(function() {
+var wbbOpt = {
+ lang : "en",
+ buttons: "bold,italic,underline,|,img,link,|,code,quote"
+(languages available: Arabic (ar), Chinese (cn), English (en), French (fr), Polish (pl), Turkish (tr) & Vietnamese (ci))
+You can assign any keyboard shortcuts for BBcode. By default WysiBB set some hotkeys. You can add or change their combinations for existing BBcodes.
+Consider hook up hotkeys for example.
+var wbbOpt = {
+ allButtons: {
+ img: {
+ hotkey: "ctrl+shift+5"
+ },
+ link: {
+ hotkey: "ctrl+shift+k"
+ }
+ }
+Note that certain key combinations are already used by browsers, so they might not work.
+var wbbOpt = {
+ hotkeys: false, //disable hotkeys (native browser combinations will work)
+ showHotkeys: false //hide combination in the tooltip when you hover.
+####Custom BBCodes
+You can set custom BBcode transformation, or add your own BBCodes
+var wbbOpt = {
+ buttons: "bold,italic,underline,|,img,link,|,code,myquote",
+ allButtons: {
+ code: {
+ transform: {
+ '
+ }
+ }
+ }
+In this configuration by using the buttons we described what BBcodes will be connected to our editor. I want to note that this option was added at once and our own BBcode myquote.
+Later, using the parameter allButtons, we have changed the conclusion BBcode code and added our own, describing its title (tooltip when you hover), buttonText (text button in the toolbar).
+`{SELTEXT}` - is the only predefined parameter.
+See [the documentation](http://www.wysibb.com/ru/docs/) for more features like Sophisticated BBCodes, handlers, modal window with tabs, ...
+## Browser support
+WysiBB supports modern browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera & IE8+.
+It also works fine on modern smartphone & tablet browsers.
+## API
+### `getDoc()`
+Get to document editor
+### `getSelectText()`
+Get highlighted text
+### `bbcode()`
+Get / replace BBcode editor content
+$("#editor").bbcode(); //get BBcode editor content
+$("#editor").bbcode(bbdata); //set BBcode editor content
+### `htmlcode()`
+Get / replace HTML editor content
+$("#editor").htmlcode(); //get HTML editor content
+$("#editor").htmlcode(htmlcode); //set HTML editor content
+### `getHTMLByCommand(command, params) `
+Outputs the editor content as HTML. Where command - the command name, params - object variable
+$("#editor").getHTMLByCommand("code",{seltext:"this code"});
+### `getBBCodeByCommand(command, params)`
+Get an outcome of the execution of commands in BB code form. Where command - the command name, params - object variable
+$("#editor").getBBCodeByCommand("code",{seltext:"this code"});
+### `insertAtCursor(data)`
+Insert a text where the typing cursor is
+$("#editor").insertAtCursor("this code");
+### `execCommand(command, value)`
+Execute the command. Where command - the command name, value - value
+### `sync()`
+Synchronize data editor and textarea
+## License
+WysiBB is licensed under the [MIT](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) license.
+If you use WysiBB a link back or a donation would be appreciated, but not required.
+## Contribute
+Any contributions and/or pull requests would be welcome.
+Themes, translations, bug reports and bug fixes are greatly appreciated.
+## Support
+[Official website](http://www.wysibb.com)
+[Support forum](http://www.wysibb.com/forum/)