Following are instructions for installing DiaperBase on a freshly installed Ubuntu Desktop host. This will probably work identically on Ubuntu Server but that has not been tested yet.
Many of these instructions can probably work as is, or easily be translated to work on a Mac.
There are two kinds of installations; one for a developer and another for a deployment. The only difference between the two is that the former will need git installed and need to git clone
the repo, whereas the latter can just download a copy of master.
Obviously, if any of these steps are already done you will probably not need to do them, so just ignore those steps.
The Github project page is at
You'll need to add some packages to those that are included in the installation by default:
sudo apt install curl git nodejs npm postgresql libpq-dev
Install Homebrew if you don't already have it
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Then install these packages
brew install node
brew install postgresql
If you will be using this machine for development, you will need to git clone
the repo:
git clone
If you only need to have the files but don't need to use git, you can download the zip file and unzip it:
curl -o \
&& unzip \
&& rm
Go to your diaper project directory and do this:
sudo npm -g install yarn
yarn install
brew install yarn
yarn install
brew install imagemagick
Go to and find and run the commands that install the gpg key and install rvm. At the time of this writing (2019-07-26), they are:
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
\curl -sSL | bash
Open a new terminal tab or window (this will not work in your current shell!). To test rvm, do:
rvm list
If you see something like ‘rvm not found’, you may need to change your terminal settings so that something like “Run command as a login shell” is selected. In the default Ubuntu terminal, you would go to the Edit menu, then select the profile to edit, then select the “Command” tab, and select “Run command as a login shell”. Then open a new shell to proceed.
Install the required version of Ruby (you may be prompted for your system password so that rvm can install some required packages):
rvm install $(cat .ruby-version)
Then, from your project directory, install the gems required for the project:
Copy the database.yml file:
$ cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
By default, Postgres has no password for the admin user. You'll need to set one. Run psql
as the Unix user postgres
that was added by the Postgres installation (Ubuntu only):
sudo -u postgres psql
brew services start postgresql
psql postgres
In psql
, the following command would add a password whose value is password
. For the default OS X / HomeBrew setup, the postgres user is not created but you view the user list using \du
in psql. Replace postgres
, below, with the user name.
alter user postgres password 'password';
Don't forget that semicolon!
You can now exit psql
, by pressing <Ctrl-D>
or typing \q<Enter>
You will see in config/database.yml
that the Postgres username and password are fetched from the environment variables PG_USERNAME
, respectively. (The production environment password is an exception, coming from DIAPER_DATABASE_PASSWORD
.) You'll need to make this happen, for example by putting them in a startup script, or (quick and dirty) typing export
commands in the terminal:
For OS X users, remember to replace postgres
, below, with the user name you used in psql.
export PG_USERNAME=postgres
export PG_PASSWORD=password
From your project directory, initialize the data base:
rails db:setup
You should now be able to successfully run the application:
rails server
Point a browser to localhost:3000
. You should see the Diaper home page. For login credentials, consult the file (at the time of this writing at