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ansell edited this page Mar 12, 2012 · 26 revisions

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Welcome to the SesameTools wiki! SesameTools is a collection of useful components for use with the Sesame RDF framework. It includes:

  • CachingSail -- an in-memory cache for Sail data
  • Sesametools common utilities -- miscellaneous useful classes
  • ConstrainedSail -- a Sail implementation which interacts only with given named graphs. Useful for simple access control.
  • DebugSail -- a verbose Sail implementation, for debugging purposes
  • DecomposeSail -- a Sail implementation which decomposes tuple queries into individual getStatements calls
  • DeduplicationSail -- a Sail implementation which avoids duplicate statements. For use with triple stores such as AllegroGraph which otherwise allow duplicates.
  • JSON-LD utilities -- including a parser and writer for the JSON-LD RDF format.
  • LinkedDataServer -- a RESTful web service to publish a Sesame data store as Linked Data
  • MappingSail -- a Sail which translates between two URI spaces. Used by LinkedDataServer.
  • N-Quads utilities -- including an N-Quads parser and writer
  • RDF/JSON utilities -- including a parser and writer for the Talis RDF/JSON format. Includes support for Named Graphs.
  • RDFTransactionSail -- a write-only Sail which generates RDF transactions instead of performing per-call updates. Useful for streaming RDF data as described here
  • ReadOnlySail -- a read-only Sail implementation
  • ReplaySail -- a pair of Sail implementations which allow Sail operations to be first recorded to a log file, then reproduced from the log file
  • RepoSail -- a Sail implementation which wraps a Repository object. This is essentially the inverse of Sesame's SailRepository
  • Sesamize -- command-line tools for Sesame
  • UriTranslator - a utility which runs SPARQL-1.1 Update queries against a Repository to convert URIs between different prefixes
  • WriteOnlySail -- a write-only Sail implementation

See also the Sesametools API.

For projects which use Maven, SesameTools snapshots and release packages can be imported by adding configuration like the following to the project's POM:



            <name> Maven repository</name>

The latest Maven packages can be browsed here.

Credits: SesameTools is written and maintained by Joshua Shinavier and Peter Ansell. Patches have been contributed by fkleedorfer, and the RDF/JSON parser and writer contain code by Hannes Ebner.

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