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rs-capture Sample


This sample demonstrates how to configure the camera for streaming and rendering Depth & RGB data to the screen.
We use OpenGL for cross-platform rendering and GLFW for window management.
If you are using OpenCV, imshow is a good alternative.

Expected Output

expected output

Code Overview

First, we include the Intel® RealSense™ Cross-Platform API.
All but advanced functionality is provided through a single header:

#include <librealsense2/rs.hpp> // Include RealSense Cross Platform API

Next, we include a very short helper library to encapsulate OpenGL rendering and window management:

#include "example.hpp"          // Include a short list of convenience functions for rendering

This header lets us easily open a new window and prepare textures for rendering.
The texture class is designed to hold video frame data for rendering.

// Create a simple OpenGL window for rendering:
window app(1280, 720, "RealSense Capture Example");
// Declare two textures on the GPU, one for depth and one for color
texture depth_image, color_image;

Depth data is usually provided on a 12-bit grayscale which is not very useful for visualization.
To enhance visualization, we provide an API that converts the grayscale image to RGB:

// Declare depth colorizer for enhanced color visualization of depth data
rs2::colorizer color_map; 

The SDK API entry point is the pipeline class:

// Declare the RealSense pipeline, encapsulating the actual device and sensors
rs2::pipeline pipe;
// Start streaming with the default recommended configuration

Next, we wait for the next set of frames, effectively blocking the program:

rs2::frameset data = pipe.wait_for_frames(); // Wait for next set of frames from the camera

Using the frameset object we find the first depth frame and the first color frame in the set:

rs2::frame depth = color_map(data.get_depth_frame()); // Find and colorize the depth data
rs2::frame color = data.get_color_frame();            // Find the color data

Finally, depth and color rendering is implemented by the texture class from example.hpp

// Render depth on to the first half of the screen and color on to the second
depth_image.render(depth, { 0,               0, app.width() / 2, app.height() });
color_image.render(color, { app.width() / 2, 0, app.width() / 2, app.height() });