See the new bootstrap template repository - even more automated way to setup Enterprise Scale AIFactory's. (This section is still valid and good to read) Enterprise Scale AIFactory - Template repo, using the AI Factory as submodule
- Github / Azure Devops
- Steps: 1
- Who
- Github: Write access, to create Github Action workflows
- Github administrator
- Azure Devops: to create service connection and Build/Release pipelines
- Who: Azure Devops administrator
- Github: Write access, to create Github Action workflows
- Azure:
- Steps: 2,3,4
- Who:
- Step 2 and 3: A persona with Azure Owner on at least 1 Azure subscription (if only setting up DEV environment)
- *Step 4: Networking team. That has the IP-plan, to see that vNet ranges are not conflicting. This is not needed if running the AI Factory standalone mode
- Entra ID
- Steps: 5
- Who: Central IT with admininstrator access to EntraID
- What:
- 3 service principles (ObjectID, AppId, Secret)
- Why: MI is not supported from all Azure Services. Project-specific service principle is needed to:
- Projects: Enable Authentication on WebApp (only possible via SP), see config-webapp-post-deplpoyment-of-webapp
- Projects: Enable unattended CI/CD with unattended Evaluation.
- Projects: ACL on Datalake for project folders, to run pipelines that reads/writes data.
- Core team: Connect from Azure Data factory to certain services.
- Core team: Github workflows, needs Service principle information.
- Why: MI is not supported from all Azure Services. Project-specific service principle is needed to:
- Object ID's and EMAIL-addressess, for all end-users to be onboarded to the AI Factory project
- Format: Comma-separated list
- IP-addresses for all end-users to be onboarded to the AI Factory project
- Format: Comma-separated list
- Object ID for the global Azure Machine Learning application
- 3 service principles (ObjectID, AppId, Secret)
- Verify E2E
- Step 6) Verify before running any pipelines, that all configuration and artifacts exists, such as Azure Resource providers.
After all pre-requisites are verified - go to the SETUP page and choose your preffered orchestrator: Azure Devops - YAML or Github Actions
If you want to learn how to configure the AI Factory in standalone mode
versus Hub-connected centralized private DNS zones
with BYOVnet
- Purpose: Where the AIFactory acceleration code resides
- Role needed: Central IT. Microsoft EntraID administrator. Azure Devops administrator
- Mandatory: Yes.
- What: CODE repository: Create your Azure Devops project to store the AIFactory acceleration code (IaC, and templates) and Azure Devops Service Connections, based on Service principal "esml-common-bicep" (see step 3-7)
- Create a new Azure Devops project (or reuse an existing). GOAL & REASON: Admin to Create a Service Connection, based on a Service Principal (step 5) with OWNER permisson on subscription, and GET,LIST, SET access policys on seeding keyvault (step 3). The Service Connection should have access to "all pipelines" in Azure Devops (at crestion step there is a checkbox for this)
- How-to guide: Create Azure Devops project
- Create 2 GIT repositories, in your Azure Devops
- ESML-AIFactory-Common
- ESML-AIFactory-Project001
- How-to guide : Create GIT repos
- Create a new Azure Devops project (or reuse an existing). GOAL & REASON: Admin to Create a Service Connection, based on a Service Principal (step 5) with OWNER permisson on subscription, and GET,LIST, SET access policys on seeding keyvault (step 3). The Service Connection should have access to "all pipelines" in Azure Devops (at crestion step there is a checkbox for this)
- Purpose: To have the AIFactory DEV, TEST, PROD environments
- Role needed: Central IT / Cloud Team
- Mandatory: DEV is mandatory. 1 Subscription
- A) Create Subscriptions
- Option A (Recommended to try out the AIFactory): Create 1 Azure subscription to act as the Dev environment. The AIFactory can simulate Test, Prod workflows (MLOps, LLMOps) with only a Dev
- Option B (Recommended for productional use): For full AIFactory, create 3 Azure subscriptions (Dev, Stage, Prod)
- How-to guide: Create Azure subscriptions
- Read more about AIFactory Enterprise Scale Landing Zones
- B) Enable resource providers: Enable the resource providers as specified here
Step 3) Create an Azure keyvault for the admin of Microsoft Entra ID: The so called seeding keyvault
(IaC purpose), and created Service principals
- Purpose: For the admin (usually Central IT), who has access to Microsoft Entra ID to created service principals, to store information, to be consumed by AIFactory IaC pipeline.
- Role needed: Central IT / Cloud Team
- Mandatory: Yes
- How-to guide: Create & Use the AIFactory seeding keyvault
- Purpose: To be able to peer the AIFactory later.
- Role needed: Network team within Central IT / Cloud Team
- Mandatory: No. We can setup an AIFactory standalone mode. There is still access modes you can use: 1) Bastion & VM 2) Azure VPN Gatway 3) IP-whitelisting (service endpoints).
- Mandatory with /16 size: No. 16 is optimal, but a size /18 will also work (10 0000 IP adresses or more), but not recommended for productional use (not even for DEV environment)
- TODO: Alloate at 1 or 3 vNet ranges, of size /16
AI Factory Standalone mode has been used, when an organization cannot use private endpoints, or cannot peer anything to the HUB that has Private DNS Zones. But, the recommendation is to peer it to the HUB, to have 4 access modes instead of 3, where the 4th is seamless and most cost effective. Read more about networking here
Step 5) EntraID: Create 3 service principals, and store info(appid, ObjectId, Secret) in the seeding keyvault (see step 3)
- Purpose: To be used to setup the AIFactory. The information of the service principals: ObjectID, ApplicationID, Secret needs to be stored in the seeding keyvault
- SP1:
: IaC purpose. This service principal will be used as a Service connection in Azure Devops. Used in a pipeline to create the AIFactory.- Store the info in the seeding keyvault.
- Secret names example:
- SP2:
:: DataOps automation purpose. This SP be delegated access by SP1 to AIFactory resources in the Common area of the AIFactory - SP3:
: MLOps automation purpose. This SP be delegated access by SP1 to AIFactory resources to a proejct specific area of the AIFactory- Tip: Create 5 or 10 in one go, and store the seeding keuyvault, to have for later.
- Example:
- Example:
- Tip: Create 5 or 10 in one go, and store the seeding keuyvault, to have for later.
- SP1:
- Role needed: Microsoft EntraID administrator: Central IT / Cloud Team
- Mandatory: Yes
- TODO: Create the 3 service principals below
- Name: esml-common-bicep-sp
- Permissons: OWNER on Subscriptions created in step 2
- Purpose: For the ESML AIFactory CoreTeam and its data ingestion team, for DataOps pipelines unattended
- Name: esml-common-sp
- Permissions: None
- Purpose: For the ESML AIFactory CoreTeam and its data ingestion team, for DataOps pipelines unattended
- Name: esml-project001-sp
- Permissions: None
- Purpose: For the ESML AIFactory project teams, to be able to run their MLOps and LLMOps pipelines unattended
Read more here aobut the permisssions and service principals
- Users: Loookup Object ID's
- Object ID's and EMAIL-addressess, for all end-users to be onboarded to the AI Factory project
- Format: Comma-separated list
- IP-addresses for all end-users to be onboarded to the AI Factory project
- Format: Comma-separated list
- Object ID for the global Azure Machine Learning application.
- Go to: Enterprise applications
- Filter on Microsoft applications
- Search "Azure Machine Learning"
- Copy the ObjectID that the green arrow points at
- See image:
- Object ID's and EMAIL-addressess, for all end-users to be onboarded to the AI Factory project
VERIFY, BEFORE running any pipelines. See Scripts to run to verify/create if not exists
- Ensure Azure
Resource providers
are enabled (create if not exists) - Ensure
Private DNS zones
exists in "hub", if flag is set to true- Note: Not needed for
Standalone AI Factory
- Script: H
- Note: Not needed for
- Ensure policies are created on Subscription level (Note: Need to be manually edited for region/location)
- Note: Not needed for
Standalone AI Factory
- Script: I
- Note: Not needed for
After all pre-requisites are verified - go to the SETUP page and choose your preffered orchestrator: Azure Devops - YAML or Github Actions
*Step 7) Delegate User Access: Onboard a Microsoft EntraID user, with access to the Azure Devops created in step 1, and with OWNER permission on the Subscriptions created in Step 2,
- Purpose: Efficiency. To be able to troubleshoot, manually login to Azure for
the AIFactory setup mentor
- Role needed: Microsoft EntraID administrator: Central IT / Cloud Team
- Mandatory: No, optional but recommended. Very hard to troubleshoot if no insights that permission is set correctly. Need to have read access in EntraID to see the servic principal and keyvault permissions. Someone needs to verify that the Azure Devops Service connection works, that service principal (SP) esml-common-bicep has Get, List, Set to seeding keyvault. That the SP is OWNER on the subscriptions.
- Create user in Microsoft EntraID
- How-to guide : Create user
- Azure DevOps: Delegate access to Azure Devops project for user, with role BASIC. (Not role: STAKEHOLDER)
- Access to GIT in that Azure Devops project is required.
- How-to guide : Delegate user access
- Azure: Delegate either permission as option A or B to user. (A downside with option B is lower means to trouble shoot during the setup phase)
- Option A) Delegate OWNER permission on the Subscriptions created in Step 2
- Option B) Delegate OWNER permission on the Resource Groups created by the AIFactory via the service principal
created in step 5- Note: To delegate a user access to the resource groups, you need to have SETUP the AIFactory first
- Resource groups that will be created looks similar as this:
- Resource groups that will be created looks similar as this:
- Note: To delegate a user access to the resource groups, you need to have SETUP the AIFactory first
- Create user in Microsoft EntraID
*Step 8) Delgate Service Principal Access in Azure Devops + Import IaC pipelines + Set service connection to pipeline steps
- Purpose: Since only an Azure Devops admin have permission to create service connection and select that on a pipeline.
- E.g. the
AIFactory setup mentor
will not have permission with role: Stakeholder
- E.g. the
- Role needed:: Azure Devops admin
- Mandatory: Not for Github. Only for Azure Devops.
- TODO: Azure Devops: Create service connection + Import IaC pipelines + Set service connection to pipeline steps
*Step 9) If you want to have Private DNS zones centrally in HUB (recommended) = centralDnsZoneByPolicyInHub=true
- Mandatory: No.
- Role needed:: Central IT, that have access to the central Hub (Hub/Spoke or VWAN)
- Create the Private DNS Zones in the HUB as specified:
- Apply the policy to add A-records for all PaaS services that creates a private endpoint to have an A-record added to the central Private DNS zones
- How-to - networking
- Action: A Policy can be assigned on MGMT group (or subscription) that for every type or private DNS zones (for PaaS) will create records, in the DNS Zone.
- How-to - networking
- Read more here aobut the permisssions and service principals.
- Read more abou the Seeding Keyvault in the AIFactory
Read more here about networking
Add - with long path
git config --system core.longpaths true
git submodule add
git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule foreach 'git checkout main || git checkout -b main origin/main'
Note: Local-repo-link
only works, after you have finished step 1. Docs-link
will work relative from this Github documentation, useful to browser the file, wherof Local-repo-link
the filed you may edit.
A) Add the submodule to your repo (to get the bootstrap files)
Run from your repo root location:
git submodule add
This will add a folder in your repo at root (a GIT submodule) called `azure-enterprise-scale-ml` that contains accelerator code (boostrap scripts, templates)
B) Run
that will copy bootstrap files, for either Github or Azure Devops
You will be prompted if you want to use Azure Devops or Github. Then relevant bash bootstrap files will be copied to your root directory.
If you first select Azuzre Devops and want to change your mind, just run this again, and it will clean up all Azure Devops files, and create bootstrap files for Github.
bash ./azure-enterprise-scale-ml/
C) Copy templates and scripts: Copies scripts to root
Run from your repo root location (e.g. dir/ls should list the `azure-enterprise-scale-ml` submodule folder)
bash ./
This will copy all template files to a folder at root called aifactory-templates
. You need to rename that folder to aifactory
, then you can edit parameters and variables. After this Local-repo-link
and the code examples will work.
D) HOWTO: Refresh IaC pipelines
, without updating/overwriting the Variable files?
Purpose: To refresh the IaC pipelines (get new features, added AI Facotry project types etc).
If you have chosen Azure Devops in step 1, you will see the following files, at your root. It is safe to run the ones starting with `03` without overwriting your configuration.
bash ./
bash ./
If you have chosen Github in step 1, you will see the following files, at your root:
bash ./
bash ./
The files starting with 02
, you run only one time or if you want a clean slate including variables you may have configured will be overwritten. The files starting with 03 will NOT
overwrite your configured variables but will refresh your .github/workflows or Azure Devops YAML pipelines.
Note that if a pipeline (to support a new feature) needs a NEW variable, you need to look at the variable template file in the `aifactory-template` folder (Do step 2 to refresh that folder), and compare which variable to add under your `aifactory` folder.
E) VERIFY, BEFORE running any pipelines:
Ensure Azure resource providers are enabled (create if not exists)
[Docs-link: 26-enable-resource-providers.ps1](../../../environment_setup/aifactory/bicep/esml-util/26-enable-resource-providers.ps1) | [Local-repo-link](../../../../aifactory/esml-util/26-enable-resource-providers.ps1)
How to run from root:
pwsh ./aifactory/esml-util/26-enable-resource-providers.ps1 -SubscriptionName 'TODO' -Readonly $false
F) Optional:Nice-to-have script
: Creates one or many service principles and adds the information in the Seeding Keyvault.
Best practice is to have `1 seeding keyvault per environment` (Dev, Stage, Production, e.g. per subscription. Benefits:
- The secret names in keuvayults, can stay the same across the environments (you don't need to reconfigure Variables)
- The same service environment-specific `Azure Devops service connection` can be used for seeding keyvault as for the actual resources, wihtout needing to assign the `esml-common-bicep-sp` service principle access to further subscriptions, e.g. in the case the seding keyvault resides in another subscription.
[Docs-link:](../../../environment_setup/aifactory/bicep/esml-util/ | [Local-repo-link](../../../../aifactory/esml-util/
Manually edit the variables (`Local-repo-link`) at the top at the script, then run from root:
bash ./aifactory/esml-util/
G) Optional:Nice-to-have script
GET AKS version, in your region, to set variable values
- Project type: ESML
- Variable: AKS version supported in your region
- Example: admin_aks_version_override: "1.30.3"
bash az aks get-versions --location eastus --output table
Below scripts are relevant for centralized/peered AI Factory only. Not Standalone mode
H) VERIFY, BEFORE running any pipelines:
Ensure Private DNS zones exists in "hub", if flag is set to true
[Docs-link: 27-create-private-dns-zones.ps1](../../../environment_setup/aifactory/bicep/esml-util/27-create-private-dns-zones.ps1) | [Local-repo-link](./aifactory/esml-util/esml-util/27-create-private-dns-zones.ps1)
How to run from root:
pwsh ./aifactory/esml-util/27-create-private-dns-zones.ps1 -spID TODO -tenantID TODO -subscriptionID TODO8d1 -resourceGroupName TODO -location 'swedencentral'
I) BEFORE running any pipelines:
Ensure policies are created on Subscription level (Note: Need to be manually edited for region/location)
[Docs-link: 28-Initiatives.bicep](../../../environment_setup/aifactory/bicep/esml-util/28-Initiatives.bicep) | [Local-repo-link](./aifactory/esml-util/esml-util/28-Initiatives.bicep)