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File metadata and controls

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DB2 Information for Scavengers

Some Base links:

Supported drivers for JDBC and SQLJ

The DB2 product includes support for two types of JDBC driver architecture. According to the JDBC specification, there are four types of JDBC driver architectures:

  • Type 1 (Wont work for Zenpack. Not supported in DB2)

    Drivers that implement the JDBC API as a mapping to another data access API, such as Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). Drivers of this type are generally dependent on a native library, which limits their portability. The DB2 database system does not provide a type 1 driver.

  • Type 2 (Might work, but not portable)

    Drivers that are written partly in the Java programming language and partly in native code. The drivers use a native client library specific to the data source to which they connect. Because of the native code, their portability is limited.

  • Type 3 (Standard Choice without the fancy Type 4 options. Use if possible)

    Drivers that use a pure Java client and communicate with a data server using a data-server-independent protocol. The data server then communicates the client's requests to the data source.

  • Type 4 (Fancy Options: Not needed)

    Drivers that are pure Java and implement the network protocol for a specific data source. The client connects directly to the data source.

DB2 vs Oracle

                      DB2-Oracle Terminology Mapping

Because Oracle applications can be enabled to work with DB2® data servers
when the DB2 environment is set up appropriately, it is important to
understand how certain Oracle concepts map to DB2 concepts.

Table 1 provides a concise summary of commonly used Oracle terms and
their DB2 equivalents.

        Table 1. Mapping of common Oracle concepts to DB2 concepts
|     Oracle concept     |    DB2 concept    |           Notes           |
| active log             | active log        | This is the same concept. |
| actual parameter       | argument          | This is the same concept. |
| alert log              | db2diag log files | The db2diag log files are |
|                        | and               | primarily intended for    |
|                        | administration    | use by IBM Software       |
|                        | notification log  | Support for               |
|                        |                   | troubleshooting purposes. |
|                        |                   | The administration        |
|                        |                   | notification log is       |
|                        |                   | primarily intended for    |
|                        |                   | troubleshooting use by    |
|                        |                   | database and system       |
|                        |                   | administrators.           |
|                        |                   | Administration            |
|                        |                   | notification log messages |
|                        |                   | are also logged to the    |
|                        |                   | db2diag log files using a |
|                        |                   | standardized message      |
|                        |                   | format.                   |
| archive log            | offline-archive   | This is the same concept. |
|                        | log               |                           |
| archive log mode       | log archiving     | This is the same concept. |
| background_dump_dest   | diagpath          | This is the same concept. |
| created global         | created global    | This is the same concept. |
| temporary table        | temporary table   |                           |
| cursor sharing         | statement         | This is the same concept. |
|                        | concentrator      |                           |
| data block             | data page         | This is the same concept. |
| data buffer cache      | buffer pool       | This is the same concept. |
|                        |                   | However, in DB2 you can   |
|                        |                   | have as many buffer pools |
|                        |                   | of any page size you      |
|                        |                   | like.                     |
| data dictionary        | system catalog    | The DB2 system catalog    |
|                        |                   | contains metadata in the  |
|                        |                   | form of tables and views. |
|                        |                   | The database manager      |
|                        |                   | creates and maintains two |
|                        |                   | sets of system catalog    |
|                        |                   | views that are defined on |
|                        |                   | the base system catalog   |
|                        |                   | tables:                   |
|                        |                   |                           |
|                        |                   |   * SYSCAT views, which   |
|                        |                   |     are read-only views   |
|                        |                   |   * SYSSTAT views, which  |
|                        |                   |     are updatable views   |
|                        |                   |     that contain          |
|                        |                   |     statistical           |
|                        |                   |     information that is   |
|                        |                   |     used by the optimizer |
| data dictionary cache  | catalog cache     | This is the same concept. |
| data file              | container         | DB2 data is physically    |
|                        |                   | stored in containers,     |
|                        |                   | which contain objects.    |
| database link          | nickname          | A nickname is an          |
|                        |                   | identifier that refers to |
|                        |                   | an object at a remote     |
|                        |                   | data source (a federated  |
|                        |                   | database object).         |
| dual table             | dual table        | This is the same concept. |
| dynamic performance    | snapshot monitor  | Snapshot monitor SQL      |
| views                  | SQL               | administrative views,     |
|                        | administrative    | which use schema          |
|                        | views             | SYSIBMADM, return monitor |
|                        |                   | data about a specific     |
|                        |                   | area of the database      |
|                        |                   | system. For example, the  |
|                        |                   | SYSIBMADM.SNAPBP SQL      |
|                        |                   | administrative view       |
|                        |                   | provides a snapshot of    |
|                        |                   | buffer pool information.  |
| extent                 | extent            | A DB2 extent is made up   |
|                        |                   | of a set of contiguous    |
|                        |                   | data pages.               |
| formal parameter       | parameter         | This is the same concept. |
| global index           | nonpartitioned    | This is the same concept. |
|                        | index             |                           |
| inactive log           | online-archive    | This is the same concept. |
|                        | log               |                           |
| init.ora and Server    | database manager  | A DB2 instance can        |
| Parameter File         | configuration     | contain multiple          |
| (SPFILE)               | file and database | databases. Therefore,     |
|                        | configuration     | configuration parameters  |
|                        | file              | and their values are      |
|                        |                   | stored at both the        |
|                        |                   | instance level, in the    |
|                        |                   | database manager          |
|                        |                   | configuration file, and   |
|                        |                   | at the database level, in |
|                        |                   | the database              |
|                        |                   | configuration file. These |
|                        |                   | files are managed through |
|                        |                   | the GET or UPDATE DBM CFG |
|                        |                   | command and the GET or    |
|                        |                   | UPDATE DB CFG command,    |
|                        |                   | respectively.             |
| instance               | instance or       | An instance is a          |
|                        | database manager  | combination of background |
|                        |                   | processes and shared      |
|                        |                   | memory. A DB2 instance is |
|                        |                   | also known as a database  |
|                        |                   | manager. Because a DB2    |
|                        |                   | instance can contain      |
|                        |                   | multiple databases, there |
|                        |                   | are DB2 configuration     |
|                        |                   | files at both the         |
|                        |                   | instance level (the       |
|                        |                   | database manager          |
|                        |                   | configuration file) and   |
|                        |                   | at the database level     |
|                        |                   | (the database             |
|                        |                   | configuration file).      |
| large pool             | utility heap      | The utility heap is used  |
|                        |                   | by the backup, restore,   |
|                        |                   | and load utilities.       |
| library cache          | package cache     | The package cache, which  |
|                        |                   | is allocated from         |
|                        |                   | database shared memory,   |
|                        |                   | is used to cache sections |
|                        |                   | for static and dynamic    |
|                        |                   | SQL and XQuery statements |
|                        |                   | on a database.            |
| local index            | partitioned index | This is the same concept. |
| materialized view      | materialized      | An MQT is a table whose   |
|                        | query table (MQT) | definition is based on    |
|                        |                   | the results of a query    |
|                        |                   | and is meant to be used   |
|                        |                   | to improve performance.   |
|                        |                   | The DB2 SQL compiler      |
|                        |                   | determines whether a      |
|                        |                   | query would run more      |
|                        |                   | efficiently against an    |
|                        |                   | MQT than it would against |
|                        |                   | the base table on which   |
|                        |                   | the MQT is based.         |
| noarchive log mode     | circular logging  | This is the same concept. |
| Oracle Call Interface  | DB2CI Interface   | DB2CI is a 'C' and 'C++'  |
| (OCI)                  |                   | application programming   |
|                        |                   | interface that uses       |
|                        |                   | function calls to connect |
|                        |                   | to DB2 Version 9.7        |
|                        |                   | databases, manage         |
|                        |                   | cursors, and perform SQL  |
|                        |                   | statements. See [4]IBM    |
|                        |                   | Data Server Driver for    |
|                        |                   | DB2CI for a list of OCI   |
|                        |                   | APIs supported by the     |
|                        |                   | DB2CI driver.             |
| Oracle Call Interface  | Call Level        | CLI is a C and C++        |
| (OCI)                  | Interface (CLI)   | application programming   |
|                        |                   | interface that uses       |
|                        |                   | function calls to pass    |
|                        |                   | dynamic SQL statements as |
|                        |                   | function arguments. In    |
|                        |                   | most cases, you can       |
|                        |                   | replace an OCI function   |
|                        |                   | with a CLI function and   |
|                        |                   | relevant changes to the   |
|                        |                   | supporting program code.  |
| ORACLE_SID environment | DB2INSTANCE       | This is the same concept. |
| variable               | environment       |                           |
|                        | variable          |                           |
| partitioned tables     | partitioned       | This is the same concept. |
|                        | tables            |                           |
| Procedural             | SQL Procedural    | SQL PL is an extension of |
| Language/Structured    | Language (SQL PL) | SQL that consists of      |
| Query Language         |                   | statements and language   |
| (PL/SQL)               |                   | elements. SQL PL provides |
|                        |                   | statements for declaring  |
|                        |                   | variables and condition   |
|                        |                   | handlers, assigning       |
|                        |                   | values to variables, and  |
|                        |                   | implementing procedural   |
|                        |                   | logic. SQL PL is a subset |
|                        |                   | of the SQL Persistent     |
|                        |                   | Stored Modules (SQL/PSM)  |
|                        |                   | language standard. Oracle |
|                        |                   | PL/SQL statements can be  |
|                        |                   | compiled and executed     |
|                        |                   | using DB2 interfaces.     |
| program global area    | application       | Application shared memory |
| (PGA)                  | shared memory and | stores information that   |
|                        | agent private     | is shared between a       |
|                        | memory            | database and a particular |
|                        |                   | application: primarily,   |
|                        |                   | rows of data being passed |
|                        |                   | to or from the database.  |
|                        |                   | Agent private memory      |
|                        |                   | stores information used   |
|                        |                   | to service a particular   |
|                        |                   | application, such as sort |
|                        |                   | heaps, cursor             |
|                        |                   | information, and session  |
|                        |                   | contexts.                 |
| redo log               | transaction log   | The transaction log       |
|                        |                   | records database          |
|                        |                   | transactions and can be   |
|                        |                   | used for recovery.        |
| role                   | role              | This is the same concept. |
| segment                | storage object    | This is the same concept. |
| session                | session; database | This is the same concept. |
|                        | connection        |                           |
| startup nomount        | db2start          | The command that starts   |
|                        |                   | the instance.             |
| synonym                | alias             | An alias is an            |
|                        |                   | alternative name for a    |
|                        |                   | table, view, nickname, or |
|                        |                   | another alias. The term   |
|                        |                   | "synonym" is tolerated    |
|                        |                   | and can be specified in   |
|                        |                   | place of "alias". Aliases |
|                        |                   | are not used to control   |
|                        |                   | what version of a DB2     |
|                        |                   | procedure or user-defined |
|                        |                   | function is being used by |
|                        |                   | an application; to do     |
|                        |                   | this, use the SET PATH    |
|                        |                   | statement to add the      |
|                        |                   | required schema to the    |
|                        |                   | value of the CURRENT PATH |
|                        |                   | special register.         |
| system global area     | instance shared   | The instance shared       |
| (SGA)                  | memory and        | memory stores all of the  |
|                        | database shared   | information for a         |
|                        | memory            | particular instance, such |
|                        |                   | as lists of all active    |
|                        |                   | connections and security  |
|                        |                   | information. The database |
|                        |                   | shared memory stores      |
|                        |                   | information for a         |
|                        |                   | particular database, such |
|                        |                   | as package caches, log    |
|                        |                   | buffers, and buffer       |
|                        |                   | pools.                    |
| SYSTEM table space     | SYSCATSPACE table | The SYSCATSPACE table     |
|                        | space             | space contains the system |
|                        |                   | catalog. This table space |
|                        |                   | is created by default     |
|                        |                   | when you create a         |
|                        |                   | database.                 |
| table space            | table space       | This is the same concept. |
| user global area (UGA) | application       | Application global memory |
|                        | global memory     | comprises application     |
|                        |                   | shared memory and         |
|                        |                   | application-specific      |
|                        |                   | memory.                   |

Installing DB2 Express on Linux

  • First you must install Linux
  • Next install the prerequisites for DB2
  • Make sure the client can do X11 Forwarding to your workstation
  • Download DB2 Express, extract it in /opt
  • SSH into your instance as root, X11 forwarding on
  • Run the installer at /opt/expc/db2setup
  • Select defaults and make sure to save set in the Response File
  • If you can't type into Java, just cut-n-paste passwords
  • Make sure the installer finishes without error
  • Save the Response File
  • Next time use the Response File to install all
  • Once installed, issue "db2sampl" to create a sample db. - db2 connect to sample - db2 'select * from dept'

Links for Installation:

Removing DB2 on Linux

  • Remove the Database Administration Server:

    sudo su - dasusr1 db2admin stop
    /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/instance/dasdrop dasusr1
  • Remove the DB2 instance(s):

    sudo su - db2inst1 -c db2stop
    /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/instance/db2idrop db2inst1
  • Remove the software installation:

    /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/install/db2_deinstall -a
  • Remote the user accounts too:

    userdel -r db2inst1
    userdel -r dasusr1
    userdel -r db2fenc1