Provides a basic scaffolding for auto-download and build stages with wp-content and sql dump included in the sub-folders
- ./scripts - Scripts for export and startup for use either inside or outside the containers
- ./sql - A dump file of a completed wp-installation and configuration
- ./wp-content - A fully populated folder with modules, themes and file uploads
- docker-compse.yml - Creates database, phpmyadmin & wp-cli containers
- .env - Required to set initial credentials for database and admin users
cp env_example .env
docker-compose up
http://localhost:8080 - WordPress instance executing with inbuilt PHP webserver http://localhsot:9999 - PHPMyAdmin interface to manually inspect Database
edit ./scripts/ to add extra wp-cli features, such as the downloading and enabling of modules and themes.
Exports both database and wp-content files out of their respective RUNNING containers, to be pushed up to a private repository as backup.