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Releases: jreybert/vimagit

Release 1.4

25 Oct 13:42
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This is a major step for vimagit. It should now contain all primary command needed for staging. Then, this release should be the real 1.0 version.


  • Stage parts of hunk (fixes #8 and #19)
    • select some with v, then stage your selection with S
    • stage a single line with L
    • mark lines (can be non contiguous) with M, then stage marked lines in the hunk with S
  • Stage single files in new directories (fixes #10)
  • New options (fixes #18)
    • g:magit_default_show_all_files to define if file diffs are shown or not at magit buffer opening.
    • If magit buffer contains more than g:magit_warning_max_lines (default 10000) lines to display, user is asked if he wants to display all these lines.
    • g:magit_default_fold_level to define foldlevel of magit buffer.
    • These options can be overriden with new magit#show_magit() parameters (allowing user to define its own mappings/commands)
  • File display is now sorted.
  • Show submodule diffs (fixes #12)


  • No bugs have been reported since release 1.3.

Release 1.3

15 Oct 09:35
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  • hide file diffs: to hide/unhide diffs for a file, move the cursor to the filename and press (Enter). It allows vimagit to be fast when there is a lot of diffs in a repository.
  • zo, zO, zc, zC mappings on a filename hide/unhide file diffs.
  • modify hunk before staging: in the Magit buffer, it is possible to modify a hunk before staging it. Only '+' lines can be modified. No lines can be deleted or added for the moment. (fixes #9).
  • handle new empty files and new symlink (fix #11).
  • handle binary files (fix #13).
  • stage/unstage/ignore/discard a file with cursor on the filename.
  • add global mapping M to open magit buffer (it can be overwritten with g:magit_show_magit_mapping).
  • remove 'C' default mapping.


  • fix staging issue: sometimes, staging a hunk was failing.
  • handle filenames with spaces.

Release 1.2

08 Oct 14:56
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  • read COMMIT_EDITMSG only if exists (commit command failed for fresh new git directory)
  • fix issue of some rare hunk staging (because of some whitespaces)


  • stage/unstage/ignore on file header now works
  • add info section (fix #6)

Release 1.1

08 Oct 14:58
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  • add wrappers to system and systemlist, when vim doesn't support system with List (available since vim v7.4.248)
  • fix git diff failing when cwd is not in top dir (it ends with an empty Magit buffer)
  • ensure to not use external diff if any
  • Check commentChar from git config

New mappings:

  • default discard mapping is now DDD, to avoid mistype
  • map :w to commit
  • close Magit buffer with q


  • put some first tests in regression, with travis

Release 1.0

08 Oct 14:58
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First release