This tutorial shows how to simulate a TAC.
Before getting started, check that:
- You have followed the steps under 'Dependencies' and 'Preliminaries' on root readme.
- You are connected to the internet (to pull the latest docker images).
Simply run:
python scripts/
First, ensure that you are running an OEF Node on
, using this command (make sure all docker containers are stoppeddocker stop $(docker ps -q)
):python oef_search_pluto_scripts/ -c ./oef_search_pluto_scripts/launch_config_latest.json
Second, (in a new terminal window, from root and in shell) start a
server:python -m visdom.server
Third, (in a new terminal window, from root and in shell) run the simulation example with the dashboard flag to visualize data in realtime:
python simulation/v1/ --dashboard
Finally, lean back and watch the competition on
in your browser (you might have to select the right environmenttac && tac_controller
and deselectmain
in the visdom browser tab).
For a full list, do python simulation/ -h
is the number of agents to participate in the competition.--nb-goods
is the number of goods in the competition.--nb-baseline-agents
is the number of number of baseline agents to participate in the competition.--oef-addr
allow you to specify a different OEF Node to use for the simulation.--register-as
the string indicates whether the baseline agent registers as seller, buyer or both on the oef.--search-for
the string indicates whether the baseline agent searches for sellers, buyers or both on the oef.--uml
specifies whether or not to store the activity of the simulation in PlantUML syntax.--data-output-dir
is the output directory to use for storing simulation data in${data_output_dir}/${experiment_id}
is the name to give to the simulation.--plot
specifies whether to plot a summary of the game.--money-endowment
is the money amount every agent receives.--base-good-endowment
is the base amount of per good instances every agent receives.--lower-bound-factor
is the lower bound factor of a uniform distribution used for generating good instances.--upper-bound-factor
is the upper bound factor of a uniform distribution used for generating good instances.--tx-fee
is the transaction fee.--registration-timeout
is the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for agents to register before attempting to start the competition.--inactivity-timeout
is the amount of time (in seconds) to wait during inactivity until the termination of the competition.--competition-timeout
is the amount of time (in seconds) to wait from the start of the competition until the termination of the competition.--visdom-addr
is the TCP/IP address of the Visdom server--visdom-port
is the TCP/IP port of the Visdom server--dashboard
is a flag to specify that the dashboard is live and expecting an event stream.--seed
is the seed for the random module.
python examples/simulation_demo/
--nb-agents 10
--nb-goods 10
--nb-baseline-agents 10
--oef-port 10000
--service-registration-strategy both
--uml True
--data-output-dir data
--experiment-id my_experiment
--plot True
--money-endowment 200
--base-good-endowment 2
--lower-bound-factor 1
--upper-bound-factor 1
--tx-fee 1
--registration-timeout 10
--inactivity-timeout 60
--competition-timeout 240
--seed 42
It generates a game.json
file in the ${data_output_dir}/${experiment_id}
that can be inspected with a dashboard (see tac/gui
We can confirm that the simulation runs successfully on a MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, 3.1 GHz Intel Core i5, 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3) with 60 agents and 10 goods. Higher number of agents cause issues with threading.