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Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32

Google's Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32

The default filessystem used in the library is flash and SD.

The file systems for flash and sd memory can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

Global functions

The global functions are the functions that called directly from the Firebase object e.g. Firebase.<function name>

Initialize Firebase with the config and Firebase's authentication credentials.

param config The pointer to FirebaseConfig data.

param auth The pointer to FirebaseAuth data.

note: For FirebaseConfig and FirebaseAuth data usage, see the examples.

void begin(FirebaseConfig *config, FirebaseAuth *auth);

Setup the ID token for authentication.

param config The pointer to FirebaseConfig data.

param idToken The ID Token.

param expire The expired interval in seeconds (max.3600 sec).

param refreshToken The refresh token for token refreshment.

note For FirebaseConfig and FirebaseAuth data usage, see the examples.

void setIdToken(FirebaseConfig *config, <string> idToken, size_t expire = 3600, <string> refreshToken = "");

Setup the access token for authentication.

param config The pointer to FirebaseConfig data.

param accessToken The access Token.

param expire The expired interval in seeconds (max.3600 sec).

param refreshToken The refresh token for token refreshment.

param clientId The The client identifier issued to the client during the registration process.

param clientSecret The client secret.

note For FirebaseConfig and FirebaseAuth data usage, see the examples.

void setAccessToken(FirebaseConfig *config, <string> accessToken, size_t expire = 3600, <string> refreshToken = "", <string> clientId = "", <string> clientSecret = "");

Setup the custom token for authentication.

param config The pointer to FirebaseConfig data.

param customToken The Identity Platform custom token.

If the refresh token from Custom token verification or sign in, was assigned here instead of custom token (signed JWT token), the token refresh process will be performed immediately.

Any token that is not in the form header.payload.signature i.e., xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz will be treated as refresh token.

note For FirebaseConfig and FirebaseAuth data usage, see the examples.

void setCustomToken(FirebaseConfig *config, <string> customToken);

Check for token expiry status.

return bool of expiry status.

bool isTokenExpired();

Force the token to expire immediately and refresh.

param config The pointer to FirebaseConfig data.

void refreshToken(FirebaseConfig *config);

Reset stored config and auth credentials.

param config The pointer to FirebaseConfig data.

void reset(FirebaseConfig *config);

Provide the details of token generation.

return token_info_t The token_info_t structured data that indicates the status.

note: Use type property to get the type enum value.

token_type_undefined or 0,

token_type_legacy_token or 1,

token_type_id_token or 2,

token_type_custom_token or 3,

token_type_oauth2_access_token or 4

Use status property to get the status enum value.

token_status_uninitialized or 0,

token_status_on_signing or 1,

token_status_on_request or 2,

token_status_on_refresh or 3,

token_status_ready or 4

In case of token generation and refreshment errors, use error.code property to get the error code number.

Use error.message property to get the error message string.

struct token_info_t authTokenInfo();

Provide the ready status of token generation.

return Boolean type status indicates the token generation is completed.

This function should be called repeatedly to handle authentication tasks.

bool ready();

Provide the grant access status for Firebase Services.

return Boolean type status indicates the device can access to the services.

This returns false if ready() returns false (token generation is not ready).

bool authenticated();

Sign up for a new user.

param config The pointer to FirebaseConfig data.

param auth The pointer to FirebaseAuth data.

param email The user Email.

param password The user password.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

note: By calling Firebase.begin with config and auth after sign up will be signed in.

This required Email/Password provider to be enabled,

From Firebase console, select Authentication, select Sign-in method tab, under the Sign-in providers list, enable Email/Password provider.

If the assigned email and passowrd are empty, the anonymous user will be created if Anonymous provider is enabled.

To enable Anonymous provider, from Firebase console, select Authentication, select Sign-in method tab, under the Sign-in providers list, enable Anonymous provider.

bool signUp(FirebaseConfig *config, FirebaseAuth *auth, <string> email, <string> password);

Delete user from project.

param config The pointer to FirebaseConfig data.

param auth The pointer to FirebaseAuth data.

param idToken (optional) The id token of user, leave blank to delete the current sign in user.

return Boolean type status indicates the success of the operation.

bool deleteUser(FirebaseConfig *config, FirebaseAuth *auth, const char* idToken = "");

Send a user a verification Email.

param config The pointer to FirebaseConfig data.

param idToken The id token of user that was already signed in with Email and password (optional).

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

note: The id token can be obtained from Firebase.getToken() after begin with config and auth data.

If the idToken is not assigned, the internal id_token will be used.

See the Templates of Email address verification in the Firebase console, Authentication.

bool sendEmailVerification(FirebaseConfig *config, <string> idToken);

Send a user a password reset link to Email.

param config The pointer to FirebaseConfig data.

param email The user Email to send the password resset link.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool sendResetPassword(FirebaseConfig *config, <string> email);

Reconnect WiFi if lost connection.

param reconnect The boolean to set/unset WiFi AP reconnection.

void reconnectWiFi(bool reconnect);

Get currently used auth token string.

param constant char* of currently used auth token.

const char *getToken();

Get refresh token string.

return constant char* of refresh token.

const char *getRefreshToken();

Get free Heap memory.

return int * of free Heap memory size.

int getFreeHeap();

Get current timestamp.

return time_t * of current timestamp.

time_t getCurrentTime();

Set the decimal places for float value to be stored in database.

param digits The decimal places.

void setFloatDigits(uint8_t digits);

Set the decimal places for double value to be stored in database.

param digits The decimal places.

void setDoubleDigits(uint8_t digits);

Initiate SD card with SPI port configuration.

param ss The SPI Chip/Slave Select pin.

param sck The SPI Clock pin.

param miso The SPI MISO pin.

param mosi The SPI MOSI pin.

aram frequency The SPI frequency.

return boolean The boolean value indicates the success of operation.

bool sdBegin(int8_t ss = -1, int8_t sck = -1, int8_t miso = -1, int8_t mosi = -1, uint32_t frequency = 4000000);

Initiate SD card with SD FS configurations (ESP8266 only).

param ss SPI Chip/Slave Select pin.

param sdFSConfig The pointer to SDFSConfig object (ESP8266 only).

return boolean type status indicates the success of the operation.

  bool sdBegin(SDFSConfig *sdFSConfig);

Initiate SD card with chip select and SPI configuration (ESP32 only).

param ss The SPI Chip/Slave Select pin.

param spiConfig The pointer to SPIClass object for SPI configuartion.

param frequency The SPI frequency.

return boolean The boolean value indicates the success of operation.

bool sdBegin(int8_t ss, SPIClass *spiConfig = nullptr, uint32_t frequency = 4000000);

Initiate SD card with SdFat SPI and pins configurations (with SdFat included only).

param sdFatSPIConfig The pointer to SdSpiConfig object for SdFat SPI configuration.

param ss The SPI Chip/Slave Select pin.

param sck The SPI Clock pin.

param miso The SPI MISO pin.

param mosi The SPI MOSI pin.

return boolean The boolean value indicates the success of operation.

 bool sdBegin(SdSpiConfig *sdFatSPIConfig, int8_t ss = -1, int8_t sck = -1, int8_t miso = -1, int8_t mosi = -1);

Initiate SD card with SdFat SDIO configuration (with SdFat included only).

param sdFatSDIOConfig The pointer to SdioConfig object for SdFat SDIO configuration.

return boolean The boolean value indicates the success of operation.

 bool sdBegin(SdioConfig *sdFatSDIOConfig);

Initialize the SD_MMC card (ESP32 only).

param mountpoint The mounting point.

param mode1bit Allow 1 bit data line (SPI mode).

param format_if_mount_failed Format SD_MMC card if mount failed.

return Boolean type status indicates the success of the operation.

bool sdMMCBegin(const char *mountpoint = "/sdcard", bool mode1bit = false, bool format_if_mount_failed = false);

Set system time with timestamp.

param ts timestamp in seconds from midnight Jan 1, 1970.

return Boolean type status indicates the success of the operation.

This function allows the internal time setting by timestamp i.e. timestamp from external RTC.

bool setSystemTime(time_t ts);

Provide the http code error string

param httpCode The http code.

param buff The String buffer out.

void errorToString(int httpCode, String &buff)

Realtime database functions

These functions can be called directly from RTDB object in the Firebase object e.g. Firebase.RTDB.<function name>

Stop Firebase and release all resources.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

void end(FirebaseData *fbdo);

Enable multiple HTTP requests at a time (for ESP32 only).

param enable The boolean value to enable/disable.

note: The multiple HTTP requessts at a time is disable by default to prevent the large memory used in multiple requests.

void allowMultipleRequests(bool enable);

Set the timeouts of get function.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param millisec The milliseconds to limit the request (0 - 900,000 ms or 15 min).

void setReadTimeout(FirebaseData *fbdo, int millisec);

Set the size limit of payload data that will write to the database for each request.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param size The size identified string e.g. tiny, small, medium, large and unlimited.

Size string and its write timeout in seconds e.g. tiny (1s), small (10s), medium (30s) and large (60s).

void setwriteSizeLimit(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> size);

Read the database rules.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool getRules(FirebaseData *fbdo);

Save the database rules to file.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd. The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

param filename Filename to save rules.

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept RTDB_DownloadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean type status indicates the success of the operation.

 getRules(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> filename, RTDB_DownloadProgressCallback callback = NULL)

Write the database rules.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param rules Database rules in jSON String format.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool setRules(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> rules);

Restore the database rules from file.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd. The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

param filename Filename to read the rules from.

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept RTDB_UploadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean type status indicates the success of the operation.

 setRules(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> filename, RTDB_UploadProgressCallback callback = NULL)

Set the .read and .write database rules.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The parent path of child's node that the .read and .write rules are being set.

param var The child node key that the .read and .write rules are being set.

param readVal The child node key .read value.

param writeVal The child node key .write value.

param databaseSecret The database secret.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

note: The databaseSecret can be empty if the auth type is OAuth2.0 or legacy and required if auth type is Email/Password sign-in.

bool setReadWriteRules(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> var, <string> readVal, <string> writeVal, <string> databaseSecret);

Set the query index to the database rules.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The parent path of child's node that is being queried.

param node The child node key that is being queried.

param databaseSecret The database secret.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

note: The databaseSecret can be empty if the auth type is OAuth2.0 or legacy and required if auth type is Email/Password sign-in.

bool setQueryIndex(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> node, <string> databaseSecret);

Remove the query index from the database rules.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The parent path of child's node that the index is being removed.

param databaseSecret The database secret.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

note: The databaseSecret can be empty if the auth type is OAuth2.0 or legacy and required if auth type is Email/Password sign-in.

bool removeQueryIndex(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> databaseSecret);

Get the existent of the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

return Boolean value, true if the defined node was found.

bool pathExisted(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Get the unique identifier (ETag) of current data at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

return String of unique identifier.

String getETag(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Get the shallowed data at defined node path.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path node that is being read the data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool getShallowData(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path); 

Enable the library to use only classic HTTP GET and POST methods.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param enable Boolean value, true to enable, false to disable.

This option used to escape the Firewall restriction (if the device is connected through Firewall) that allows only HTTP GET and POST

HTTP PATCH request was sent as PATCH which not affected by this option.

void enableClassicRequest(FirebaseData *fbdo, bool enable);

Set the virtual child node ".priority" to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param priority The priority value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

This allows us to set priority to any node other than a priority that set through setJSON, pushJSON, updateNode, and updateNodeSilent functions.

bool setPriority(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float priority);

bool setPriorityAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float priority);

Read the virtual child node ".priority" value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool getPriority(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Append new generic value to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param value The appended value of any type e.g. bool, int, float, double, String, FirebaseJson object and array.

param blob Byte array of data (blob).

param size Size of the byte array (blob).

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

param fileName The file path includes its name.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The key or name of new created node will be stored in Firebase Data object, call <FirebaseData>.pushName() to get the key.

bool push(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <type> value);

bool pushAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <type> value);

bool push(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, uint8_t *blob, size_t size);

bool pushAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, uint8_t *blob, size_t size);

bool push(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> path, <string> fileName);

bool pushAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> path, <string> fileName);

Append new genric value and the virtual child ".priority" to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param value The appended value of any type e.g. bool, int, float, double, String, FirebaseJson object and array.

param priority The priority value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The key or name of new created node will be stored in Firebase Data object, call <FirebaseData>.pushName() to get the key.

bool push(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <type> value,  float priority);

bool pushAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <type> value,  float priority);

Append new integer value to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param value The appended value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The key or name of new created node will be stored in Firebase Data object, call <FirebaseData>.pushName() to get the key.

bool pushInt(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, int value);

bool pushIntAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, int value);

Append new integer value and the virtual child ".priority" to the defined node.

bool pushInt(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, int value, float priority);

bool pushIntAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, int value, float priority);

Append new float value to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which float value will be appended.

param value The appended value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The key or name of new created node will be stored in Firebase Data object, call <FirebaseData>.pushName() to get the key.

bool pushFloat(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float value);

bool pushFloatAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float value);

Append new float value and the virtual child ".priority" to the defined node.

bool pushFloat(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float value, float priority);

bool pushFloatAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float value, float priority);

Append new double value (8 bytes) to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which float value will be appended.

param value The appended value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The key or name of new created node will be stored in Firebase Data object, call <FirebaseData>.pushName() to get the key.

bool pushDouble(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, double value);

bool pushDoubleAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, double value);

Append new double value (8 bytes) and the virtual child ".priority" to the defined node.

bool pushDouble(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, double value, float priority);

bool pushDoubleAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, double value, float priority);

Append new Boolean value to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which Boolean value will be appended.

param value The appended value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The key or name of new created node will be stored in Firebase Data object, call <FirebaseData>.pushName() to get the key.

bool pushBool(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, bool value);

bool pushBoolAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, bool value);

Append the new Boolean value and the virtual child ".priority" to the defined node.

bool pushBool(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, bool value, float priority);

bool pushBoolAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, bool value, float priority);

Append a new string (text) to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which string will be appended.

param value The appended value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The key or name of new created node will be stored in Firebase Data object, call <FirebaseData>.pushName() to get the key.

bool pushString(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> value);

bool pushStringAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> value);

Append new string and the virtual child ".priority" to the defined node.

bool pushString(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> value, float priority);

bool pushStringAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> value, float priority);

Append new child (s) to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which child (s) will be appended.

param json The pointer to the FirebaseJson object which contains the child (s) nodes.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The key or name of new created node will be stored in Firebase Data object, call <FirebaseData>.pushName() to get the key.

bool pushJSON(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json);

bool pushJSONAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json);

Append new child (s) and the virtual child ".priority" to the defined node.

bool pushJSON(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json, float priority);

bool pushJSONAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json, float priority);

Append array to the defined node.

The old content in defined node will be replaced.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which the array will be appended.

param arr The pointer to the FirebaseJsonArray object.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The key or name of new created node will be stored in Firebase Data object, call <FirebaseData>.pushName() to get the key.

bool pushArray(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJsonArray *arr);

bool pushArrayAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJsonArray *arr);

Append array and virtual child ".priority" at the defined node.

bool pushArray(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJsonArray *arr, float priority);

bool pushArrayAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJsonArray *arr, float priority);

Append new blob (binary data) to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which binary data will be appended.

param blob Byte array of data.

param size Size of the byte array.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The key or name of new created node will be stored in Firebase Data object, call <FirebaseData>.pushName() to get the key.

bool pushBlob(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, uint8_t *blob, size_t size);

bool pushAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, uint8_t *blob, size_t size);

Append new binary data from file stores on storage memory to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

param path The path to the node in which binary data will be appended.

param fileName The file path includes its name.

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept RTDB_UploadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The key or name of new created node will be stored in Firebase Data object, call <FirebaseData>.pushName() to get the key.

bool pushFile(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> path, <string> fileName, RTDB_UploadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

bool pushFileAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> path, <string> fileName, RTDB_UploadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Append the new Firebase server's timestamp to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which timestamp will be appended.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The key or name of new created node will be stored in Firebase Data object, call <FirebaseData>.pushName() to get the key.

bool pushTimestamp(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

bool pushTimestampAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Set the generic value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node which integer value will be set.

param value the value to set of any type e.g. bool, int, float, double, String, FirebaseJson object and array.

param blob Byte array of data (blob).

param size Size of the byte array (blob).

param fileName The file path includes its name.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<type>() to get value (cast) that stored on the defined node e.g. <FirebaseData>.to<String>() to get the String value.

bool set(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <type> value);

bool setAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <type> value);

bool set(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, uint8_t *blob, size_t size);

bool setAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, uint8_t *blob, size_t size);

bool set(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> path, <string> fileName);

bool setAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> path, <string> fileName);

Set the generic value and virtual child ".priority" at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node which integer value will be set.

param value the value to set of any type e.g. bool, int, float, double, String, FirebaseJson object and array.

param priority The priority value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<type>() to get value (cast) that stored on the defined node e.g. <FirebaseData>.to<String>() to get the String value.

bool set(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <type> value, float priority);

bool setAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <type> value, float priority);

Set the generic value if defined node's ETag matched the defined ETag value.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node which integer value will be set.

param value the value to set of any type e.g. bool, int, float, double, String, FirebaseJson object and array.

param blob Byte array of data (blob).

param size Size of the byte array (blob).

param fileName The file path includes its name.

param ETag Known unique identifier string (ETag) of defined node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If ETag at the defined node does not match the provided ETag parameter, the operation will be failed with the http return code 412, Precondition Failed (ETag is not matched).

If the operation failed due to ETag is not match, call <FirebaseData>.ETag() to get the current ETag value.

Also call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

And <FirebaseData>.to<type>() to get value (cast) that stored on the defined node e.g. <FirebaseData>.to<String>() to get the String value.

bool set(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <type> value, <string> ETag);

bool setAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <type> value, <string> ETag);

bool set(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, uint8_t *blob, size_t size, <string> ETag);

bool setAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, uint8_t *blob, size_t size, <string> ETag);

bool set(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> path, <string> fileName, <string> ETag);

bool setAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> path, <string> fileName, <string> ETag);

Set the generic value and the virtual child ".priority" if defined ETag matches at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node which integer value will be set.

param value the value to set of any type e.g. bool, int, float, double, String, FirebaseJson object and array.

param priority The priority value.

param ETag Known unique identifier string (ETag) of defined node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If ETag at the defined node does not match the provided ETag parameter, the operation will be failed with the http return code 412, Precondition Failed (ETag is not matched).

If the operation failed due to ETag is not match, call <FirebaseData>.ETag() to get the current ETag value.

Also call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

And <FirebaseData>.to<type>() to get value (cast) that stored on the defined node e.g. <FirebaseData>.to<String>() to get the String value.

bool set(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <type> value, float priority, <string> ETag);

bool setAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <type> value, float priority, <string> ETag);

Set the integer value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node which integer value will be set.

param value Integer value to set.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<int>() to get the integer value that stored on the defined node.

bool setInt(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, int value);

bool setIntAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, int value);

Set the integer value and virtual child ".priority" at the defined node.

bool setInt(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, int value, float priority);

bool setIntAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, int value, float priority);

Set the integer value at the defined node if defined node's ETag matched the defined ETag value.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which integer value will be set.

param value Integer value to set.

param ETag Known unique identifier string (ETag) of the defined node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If ETag at the defined node does not match the provided ETag parameter, the operation will be failed with the http return code 412, Precondition Failed (ETag is not matched).

If the operation failed due to ETag is not match, call <FirebaseData>.ETag() to get the current ETag value.

Also call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

And <FirebaseData>.to<int>() to get the integer value that stored on the defined node.

bool setInt(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, int value, <string> ETag);

bool setIntAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, int value, <string> ETag);

Set integer value and the virtual child ".priority" if defined ETag matches at the defined node

bool setInt(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, int value, float priority, <string> ETag);

bool setIntAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, int value, float priority, <string> ETag);

Set float value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which float value will be set.

param value Float value to set.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<float>() to get the float value that stored on the defined node.

bool setFloat(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float value);

bool setFloatAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float value);

Set float value and virtual child ".priority" at the defined node.

bool setFloat(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float value, float priority);

bool setFloatAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float value, float priority);

Set float value at the defined node if defined node's ETag matched the ETag value.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which float data will be set.

param value Float value to set.

param ETag Known unique identifier string (ETag) of defined node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If ETag at the defined node does not match the provided ETag parameter, the operation will be failed with the http return code 412, Precondition Failed (ETag is not matched).

If the operation failed due to ETag is not match, call <FirebaseData>.ETag() to get the current ETag value.

Also call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<float>() to get the float value that stored on the defined node.

bool setFloat(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float value, <string> ETag);

bool setFloatAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float value, <string> ETag);

Set float value and the virtual child ".priority" if defined ETag matches at the defined node.

bool setFloat(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float value, float priority, <string> ETag);

bool setFloatAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float value, float priority, <string> ETag);

Set double value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which float data will be set.

param value Double value to set.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<double>() to get the double value that stored on the defined node.

Due to bugs in Serial.print in Arduino, to print large double value with zero decimal place, use Serial.printf("%.9lf\n",<double>()); for print the returned double value up to 9 decimal places.

bool setDouble(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, double value);

bool setDoubleAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, double value);

Set double value and virtual child ".priority" at the defined node.

bool setDouble(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, double value, float priority);

bool setDoubleAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, double value, float priority);

Set double value at the defined node if defined node's ETag matched the ETag value.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which float data will be set.

param value Double value to set.

param ETag Known unique identifier string (ETag) of defined node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If ETag at the defined node does not match the provided ETag parameter, the operation will be failed with the http return code 412, Precondition Failed (ETag is not matched).

If the operation failed due to ETag is not match, call <FirebaseData>.ETag() to get the current ETag value.

Also call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

And <FirebaseData>.to<double>() to get the double value that stored on the defined node.

bool setDouble(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, double value, <string> ETag);

bool setDoubleAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, double value, <string> ETag);

Set double value and the virtual child ".priority" if defined ETag matches at the defined node.

bool setDouble(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, double value, float priority, <string> ETag);

bool setDoubleAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, double value, float priority, <string> ETag);

Set boolean value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which Boolean data will be set.

param value Boolean value to set.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<bool>() to get the boolean value that stored on the defined node.

bool setBool(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, bool value);

bool setBoolAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, bool value);

Set boolean value and virtual child ".priority" at the defined node.

bool setBool(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, bool value, float priority);

bool setBoolAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, bool value, float priority);

Set boolean value at the defined node if defined node's ETag matched the ETag value.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which Boolean data will be set.

param value Boolean value to set.

param ETag Known unique identifier string (ETag) of defined node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If ETag at the defined node does not match the provided ETag parameter, the operation will be failed with the http return code 412, Precondition Failed (ETag is not matched).

If the operation failed due to ETag is not match, call <FirebaseData>.ETag() to get the current ETag value.

Also call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<bool>() to get the boolean value that stored on the defined node.

bool setBool(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, bool value, <string> ETag);

bool setBoolAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, bool value, <string> ETag);

Set boolean value and the virtual child ".priority" if defined ETag matches at the defined node.

bool setBool(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, bool value, float priority, <string> ETag);

bool setBoolAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, bool value, float priority, <string> ETag);

Set string at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which string data will be set.

param value String or text to set.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<String>() to get the String value that stored on the defined node.

bool setString(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> value);

bool setStringAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> value);

Set string value and virtual child ".priority" at the defined node.

bool setString(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> value, float priority);

bool setStringAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> value, float priority);

Set string at the defined node if defined node's ETag matched the ETag value.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which string data will be set.

param value String or text to set.

param ETag Known unique identifier string (ETag) of defined node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If ETag at the defined node does not match the provided ETag parameter, the operation will be failed with the http return code 412, Precondition Failed (ETag is not matched).

If the operation failed due to ETag is not match, call <FirebaseData>.ETag() to get the current ETag value.

Also, call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<String>() to get the String value that stored on the defined node.

bool setString(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> value, <string> ETag);

bool setStringAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> value, <string> ETag);

Set string data and the virtual child ".priority" if defined ETag matches at the defined node.

bool setString(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> value, float priority, <string> ETag);

bool setStringAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> value, float priority, <string> ETag);

Set the child (s) nodes to the defined node.

The old content in defined node will be replaced.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which child (s) nodes will be replaced or set.

param json The pointer to FirebaseJson object.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJson>() and <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJson *>() will return reference to object and pointer to FirebaseJson object from payload.

bool setJSON(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json);

bool setJSONAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json);

Set the child (s) nodes and virtual child ".priority" at the defined node.

bool setJSON(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json, float priority);

bool setJSONAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json, float priority);

Set the child (s) nodes to the defined node, if defined node's ETag matched the ETag value.

The old content in defined node will be replaced.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which child(s) nodes will be replaced or set.

param json The pointer to FirebaseJson object.

param ETag KKnown unique identifier string (ETag) of defined node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If ETag at the defined node does not match the provided ETag parameter, the operation will be failed with the http return code 412, Precondition Failed (ETag is not matched).

If the operation failed due to ETag is not match, call <FirebaseData>.ETag() to get the current ETag value.

Also call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJson>() and <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJson *>() will return reference to object and pointer to FirebaseJson object from payload.

bool setJSON(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json, <string> ETag);

bool setJSONAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json, <string> ETag);

Set the child (s) nodes and the virtual child ".priority" if defined ETag matches at the defined node.

bool setJSON(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json, float priority, <string> ETag);

bool setJSONAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json, float priority, <string> ETag);

Set the array to the defined node.

The old content in defined node will be replaced.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which array will be replaced or set.

param arr The pointer to FirebaseJsonArray object.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJsonArray>() and <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJsonArray *>() will return reference to object and pointer to FirebaseJsonArray object that contains the array from payload.

bool setArray(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJsonArray *arr);

bool setArrayAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJsonArray *arr);

Set array and virtual child ".priority" at the defined node.

bool setArray(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJsonArray *arr, float priority);

bool setArrayAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJsonArray *arr, float priority);

Set the array to the defined node if defined node's ETag matched the ETag value.

The old content in defined node will be replaced.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which array will be replaced or set.

param arr The pointer to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param ETag Known unique identifier string (ETag) of defined node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If ETag at the defined node does not match the provided ETag parameter, the operation will be failed with the http return code 412, Precondition Failed (ETag is not matched).

If the operation failed due to ETag is not match, call <FirebaseData>.ETag() to get the current ETag value.

Also call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to get the type of data that successfully stored in the database.

And <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJsonArray>() to get the FirebaseJsonArray value that stored on the defined node.

bool setArray(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJsonArray *arr, <string> ETag);

bool setArrayAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJsonArray *arr, <string> ETag);

Set array and the virtual child ".priority" if defined ETag matches at the defined node.

bool setArray(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJsonArray *arr, float priority, <string> ETag);

bool setArrayAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJsonArray *arr, float priority, <string> ETag);

Set the blob (binary data) at the defined node.

The old content in defined node will be replaced.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to node in which binary data will be set.

param blob Byte array of data.

param size Size of the byte array.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

No payload returned from the server.

bool setBlob(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, uint8_t *blob, size_t size);

bool setBlobAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, uint8_t *blob, size_t size);

Set blob (binary data) at the defined node if defined node's ETag matched the ETag value.

The old content in defined node will be replaced.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path he path to the node in which binary data will be set.

param blob Byte array of data.

param size Size of the byte array.

param ETag Known unique identifier string (ETag) of defined node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

No payload returned from the server.

If ETag at the defined node does not match the provided ETag parameter, the operation will be failed with the http return code 412, Precondition Failed (ETag is not matched).

bool setBlob(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, uint8_t *blob, size_t size, <string> ETag);

bool setBlobAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, uint8_t *blob, size_t size, <string> ETag);

Set the binary data from file to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

param path The path to the node in which binary data will be set.

param fileName The file path includes its name.

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept RTDB_DownloadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

No payload returned from the server.

bool setFile(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> path, <string> fileName, RTDB_DownloadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

bool setFileAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> path, <string> fileName, RTDB_DownloadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Set the binary data from file to the defined node if defined node's ETag matched the ETag value.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

param path The path to the node in which binary data from the file will be set.

param fileName The file path includes its name.

param ETag Known unique identifier string (ETag) of defined node.

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept RTDB_DownloadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

No payload returned from the server.

If ETag at the defined node does not match the provided ETag parameter, the operation will be failed with the http return code 412, Precondition Failed (ETag is not matched).

bool setFile(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> path, <string> fileName, <string> ETag, RTDB_DownloadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

bool setFileAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> path, <string> fileName, <string> ETag, RTDB_DownloadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Set the Firebase server's timestamp to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which timestamp will be set.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<int>() will return the integer value of timestamp in seconds or <FirebaseData>.to<double>() to get millisecond timestamp.

Due to bugs in Serial.print in Arduino, to print large double value with zero decimal place, use Serial.printf("%.0lf\n",<double>());.

bool setTimestamp(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

bool setTimestampAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Update (patch) the child (s) nodes to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which child (s) nodes will be updated.

param json The pointer to FirebaseJson object used for the update.

bool updateNode(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json);

bool updateNodeAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json);

Update (patch) the child (s) nodess and virtual child ".priority" to the defined node.

bool updateNode(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json, float priority);

bool updateNodeAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json, float priority);

Update (patch) the child (s) nodes to the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node in which child (s) nodes will be updated.

param json The pointer to FirebaseJson object used for the update.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Owing to the objective of this function to reduce network data usage, no payload will be returned from the server.

bool updateNodeSilent(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json);

bool updateNodeSilentAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json);

Update (patch) the child (s) nodes and virtual child ".priority" to the defined node.

bool updateNodeSilent(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json, float priority);

bool updateNodeSilentAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *json, float priority);

Read generic type of value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to determine what type of data successfully stores in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<int>(), <FirebaseData>.to<float>, <FirebaseData>.to<double>, <FirebaseData>.to<bool>, <FirebaseData>.to<String>, <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJson>(), <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJson *>(), <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJsonArray>(), <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJsonArray *>(), <FirebaseData>.to<std::vector<uint8_t> *> and <FirebaseData>.to<File>() corresponded to its type that get from <FirebaseData>.dataType.

bool get(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Read (get) the integer value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to determine what type of data successfully stores in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<int>() will return the integer value of payload returned from server.

If the type of payload returned from server is not integer, float and double, the function <FirebaseData>.to<int>() will return zero (0).

bool getInt(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Read (get) the integer value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param target The pointer to int type variable to store the value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not an integer, float and double, the target variable's value will be zero (0).

bool getInt(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, int *target);

Read (get) the float value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to determine what type of data successfully stores in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<float>() will return the float value of payload returned from server.

If the payload returned from server is not integer, float and double, the function <FirebaseData>.to<float>() will return zero (0).

bool getFloat(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Read (get) the float value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param target The pointer to float type variable to store the value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not an integer, float and double, the target variable's value will be zero (0).

bool getFloat(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, float *target);

Read (get) the double value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to determine what type of data successfully stores in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<double>() will return the double value of payload returned from server.

If the payload returned from server is not integer, float and double, the function <FirebaseData>.to<double>() will return zero (0).

Due to bugs in Serial.print in Arduino, to print large double value with zero decimal place, use Serial.printf("%.9lf\n",<double>()); for print value up to 9 decimal places.

bool getDouble(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Read (get) the double value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param target The pointer to double type variable to store the value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not an integer, float and double, the target variable's value will be zero (0).

bool getDouble(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, double *target);

Read the Boolean value at the defined node

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to determine what type of data successfully stores in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<bool>() will return the boolean value of payload returned from server.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not Boolean, the function <FirebaseData>.to<bool>() will return false.

bool getBool(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Read (get) the Boolean value at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param target The pointer to boolean type variable to store the value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not Boolean, the target variable's value will be false.

bool getBool(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, bool *target);

Read (get) the string at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to determine what type of data successfully stores in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<String>() will return the String value of payload returned from server.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not a string, the function <FirebaseData>.to<String>() will return empty string.

bool getString(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Read (get) the string at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param target String, std::string or chars array variable to store the value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If the target is chars array, the size of chars array should be greater than the size of payload string to prevent error.

bool getString(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string_or_chars_array> *target);

Read (get) the child (s) nodes at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to determine what type of data successfully stores in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJson>() and <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJson *>() will return reference to object and pointer to FirebaseJson object from payload.

If the type of payload returned from server is not json, the function <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJson>() will contain empty object.

bool getJSON(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Read (get) the JSON string at the defined node.

The returned the pointer to FirebaseJson that contains JSON payload represents the child nodes and their value.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param target The pointer to FirebaseJson object variable to store the value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not JSON, the target FirebaseJson object will contain an empty object.

bool getJSON(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJson *target);

Read (get) the JSON string at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param query QueryFilter class to set query parameters to filter data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The Available query parameters for filtering the data are the following.

QueryFilter.orderBy Required parameter to specify which data used for data filtering included child key, key, and value.

Use "$key" for filtering data by keys of all nodes at the defined node.

Use "$value" for filtering data by value of all nodes at the defined node.

Use "$priority" for filtering data by "virtual child" named .priority of all nodes.

Use any child key to filter by that key.

QueryFilter.limitToFirst The total children (number) to filter from the first child.

QueryFilter.limitToLast The total last children (number) to filter.

QueryFilter.startAt Starting value of range (number or string) of query upon orderBy param.

QueryFilter.endAt Ending value of range (number or string) of query upon orderBy param.

QueryFilter.equalTo Value (number or string) matches the orderBy param

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to determine what type of data successfully stores in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJson>() and <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJson *>() will return reference to object and pointer to FirebaseJson object from payload.

If the type of payload returned from server is not JSON, the function <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJson>() will contain empty object.

bool getJSON(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, QueryFilter *query);

Read (get) the JSON string at the defined node.

The returned payload JSON string represents the child nodes and their value.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param target The pointer to FirebaseJson object variable to store the value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not JSON, the target FirebaseJson object will contain an empty object.

bool getJSON(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, QueryFilter *query, FirebaseJson *target);

Read (get) the array at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to determine what type of data successfully stores in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJsonArray>() and <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJsonArray *>() will return reference to object and pointer to FirebaseJsonArray object that contains the array from payload.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not an array, the array element in <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJsonArray>() will be empty.

bool getArray(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Read (get) the array at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param target The pointer to FirebaseJsonArray object variable to store the value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not an array, the target FirebaseJsonArray object will contain an empty array.

bool getArray(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, FirebaseJsonArray *target);

Read (get) the array data at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param query QueryFilter class to set query parameters to filter data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The Available query parameters for filtering the data are the following.

QueryFilter.orderBy - Required parameter to specify which data used for data filtering included child key, key, and value. Use "$key" for filtering data by keys of all nodes at the defined node. Use "$value" for filtering data by value of all nodes at the defined node. Use "$priority" for filtering data by "virtual child" named .priority of all nodes. Use any child key to filter by that key.

QueryFilter.limitToFirst - The total children (number) to filter from the first child.

QueryFilter.limitToLast - The total last children (number) to filter.

QueryFilter.startAt - Starting value of range (number or string) of query upon orderBy param.

QueryFilter.endAt - Ending value of range (number or string) of query upon orderBy param.

QueryFilter.equalTo - Value (number or string) matches the orderBy param

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to determine what type of data successfully stores in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJsonArray>() and <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJsonArray *>() will return reference to object and pointer to FirebaseJsonArray object that contains the array from payload.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not an array, the function <FirebaseData>.to<FirebaseJsonArray>() will contain empty array.

bool getArray(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, QueryFilter *query);

Read (get) the array data at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

param target The pointer to FirebaseJsonArray object variable to store the value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not an array, the target FirebaseJsonArray object will contain an empty array.

bool getArray(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, QueryFilter *query, FirebaseJsonArray *target);

Read (get) the blob (binary data) at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Call <FirebaseData>.dataType or <FirebaseData>.dataTypeNum to determine what type of data successfully stores in the database.

Call <FirebaseData>.to<std::vector<uint8_t> *> will return the pointer to uint8_t dynamic array data of payload returned from server.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not a blob, the function <FirebaseData>.to<std::vector<uint8_t> *> will return empty array.

bool getBlob(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Read (get) the blob (binary data) at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node

param target The pointer to uint8_t vector variable to store the value.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

If the type of payload returned from the server is not a blob, the target variable value will be an empty array.

bool getBlob(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, std::vector<uint8_t> *target);

Download file data at the defined node and save to storage memory.

The downloaded data will be decoded to binary and save to SD card/Flash memory, then please make sure that data at the defined node is the file type.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

param nodePath The path to the node that file data will be downloaded.

param fileName The file path includes its name.

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept RTDB_DownloadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool getFile(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> nodePath, <string> fileName, RTDB_DownloadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Download a firmware file from the database.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param fwPath The firmware data path.

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept RTDB_DownloadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Note: In ESP8266, this function will allocate 16k+ memory for internal SSL client.

Firmware data is the bin file that stored on datanbase using pushFile or setFile function.

bool downloadOTA(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> fwPath, RTDB_DownloadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Delete all child nodes at the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node to be deleted.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.*

bool deleteNode(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Delete all child nodes at the defined node if defined node's ETag matched the ETag value.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path nThe path to the node to be deleted.

param ETag Known unique identifier string (ETag) of defined node.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.*

If ETag at the defined node does not match the provided ETag parameter, the operation will be failed with the http return code 412, Precondition Failed (ETag is not matched).

bool deleteNode(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> ETag);

Delete nodes that its timestamp node exceeded the data retaining period.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The parent path of children nodes that is being deleted.

param timestampNode The sub-child node that keep the timestamp.

param limit The maximum number of children nodes to delete at once, 30 is maximum.

param dataRetentionPeriod The period in seconds of data in the past which will be retained.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.*

note: The databaseSecret can be empty if the auth type is OAuth2.0 or legacy and required if auth type is Email/Password sign-in.

 bool deleteNodesByTimestamp(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path, <string> timestampNode, size_t limit, unsigned long dataRetentionPeriod);

Subscribe to the value changes on the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param path The path to the node to subscribe.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.*

bool beginStream(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> path);

Subscribe to the value changes on the children of the defined node.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param parentPath The path to the parent node to subscribe.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.*

bool beginMultiPathStream(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> parentPath);

Read the stream event data at the defined node.

Once beginStream was called e.g. in setup(), the readStream function should call inside the continuous loop block.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Using the shared Firebase Data object for stream read/monitoring associated with normal Firebase call e.g. read, set, push, update and delete will break or interrupt the current stream connection.

The stream will be resumed or reconnected automatically when calling the function readStream.

bool readStream(FirebaseData *fbdo);

End the stream connection at a defined node.

It can be restart again by calling the function beginStream.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool endStream(FirebaseData *fbdo);

Set the stream callback functions.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param dataAvailablecallback The Callback function that accepts FirebaseStream parameter.

param timeoutCallback The Callback function will be called when the stream connection was timed out (optional).

ESP32 only parameter param streamTaskStackSize The stream task (RTOS task) reserved stack memory in byte (optional) (8192 is default).

The dataAvailableCallback will be called When data in the defined path changed or the stream path changed or stream connection was resumed from getXXX, setXXX, pushXXX, updateNode, deleteNode.

The payload returned from the server will be one of these integer, float, string, JSON and blob types.

Call [FirebaseStream object].dataType to determine what type of data successfully stores in the database.

Call [FirebaseStream object].xxxData will return the appropriate data type of the payload returned from the server.

void setStreamCallback(FirebaseData *fbdo, FirebaseData::StreamEventCallback dataAvailableCallback, FirebaseData::StreamTimeoutCallback timeoutCallback, size_t streamTaskStackSize = 8192);

void setStreamCallback(FirebaseData *fbdo, FirebaseData::StreamEventCallback dataAvailableCallback, FirebaseData::StreamTimeoutCallback timeoutCallback);

Set the multiple paths stream callback functions.

setMultiPathStreamCallback should be called before Firebase.beginMultiPathStream.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param multiPathDataCallback The Callback function that accepts MultiPathStream parameter.

param timeoutCallback The Callback function will be called when the stream connection was timed out (optional).

ESP32 only parameter param streamTaskStackSize The stream task (RTOS task) reserved stack memory in byte (optional) (8192 is default).

The multiPathDataCallback will be called When children value of the defined node changed or the stream path changed or stream connection was resumed from normal Firebase calls.

The payload returned from the server will be one of these types e.g. boolean, integer, float, string, JSON, array, blob and file.

Call [MultiPathStream object].get to get the child node value, type and its data path.

The properties [MultiPathStream object].value, [MultiPathStream object].dataPath, and [MultiPathStream object].type will return the value, path of data, and type of data respectively.

These properties will store the result from calling the function [MultiPathStream object].get.

void setMultiPathStreamCallback(FirebaseData *fbdo, FirebaseData::MultiPathStreamEventCallback multiPathDataCallback, FirebaseData::StreamTimeoutCallback timeoutCallback = NULL, size_t streamTaskStackSize = 8192);

void setMultiPathStreamCallback(FirebaseData *fbdo, FirebaseData::MultiPathStreamEventCallback multiPathDataCallback, FirebaseData::StreamTimeoutCallback timeoutCallback = NULL);

Remove stream callback functions.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

void removeStreamCallback(FirebaseData *fbdo);

Remove multiple paths stream callback functions.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

void removeMultiPathStreamCallback(FirebaseData *fbdo);

Backup (download) the database at the defined node to the storage memory.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

param nodePath The path to the node to be backuped.

param fileName File name to save.

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept RTDB_DownloadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool backup(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> nodePath, <string> fileName, RTDB_DownloadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Restore the database at a defined path using backup file saved on SD card/Flash memory.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

param nodePath The path to the node to be restored the data.

param fileName File name to read.

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept RTDB_UploadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool restore(FirebaseData *fbdo, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> nodePath, <string> fileName, RTDB_UploadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Set maximum Firebase read/store retry operation (0 - 255) in case of network problems and buffer overflow.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param num The maximum retry.

void setMaxRetry(FirebaseData *fbdo, uint8_t num);

Set the maximum Firebase Error Queues in the collection (0 255).

Firebase read/store operation causes by network problems and buffer overflow will be added to Firebase Error Queues collection.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param num The maximum Firebase Error Queues.

void setMaxErrorQueue(FirebaseData *fbdo, uint8_t num);

Save Firebase Error Queues as file in flash memory (save only database store queues).

The Firebase read (get) operation will not save.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param filename Filename to be saved.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

bool saveErrorQueue(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> filename, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType);

Delete file in storage memory.

param filename File name to delete.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

bool deleteStorageFile(<string> filename, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType);

Restore the Firebase Error Queues from the queue file (flash memory).

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param filename Filename to be read and restore queues.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

bool restoreErrorQueue(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> filename, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType);

Get the number of Firebase Error Queues stored in a defined file (flash memory).

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param filename Filename to be read and count for queues.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

return Number (0-255) of queues store in defined queue file.

uint8_t errorQueueCount(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> filename, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType);

Get number of queues in Firebase Data object's Error Queues collection.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

return Number (0-255) of queues in Firebase Data object queue collection.

uint8_t errorQueueCount(FirebaseData *fbdo);

Get whether the Firebase Error Queues collection was full or not.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

return Boolean value, indicates the full of queue.

bool isErrorQueueFull(FirebaseData *fbdo);

Process all failed Firebase operation queue items when network is available.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param callback Callback function that accepts QueueInfo parameter.

void processErrorQueue(FirebaseData *fbdo, QueueInfoCallback callback = NULL);

Return Firebase Error Queue ID of last Firebase Error.

Return 0 if there is no Firebase Error from last operation.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

return Number of Queue ID.

uint32_t getErrorQueueID(FirebaseData *fbdo);

Get whether the Firebase Error Queue currently exists in the Error Queue collection or not.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param errorQueueID The Firebase Error Queue ID get from getErrorQueueID.

return Boolean typestatus indicates the queue existence.

bool isErrorQueueExisted(FirebaseData *fbdo, uint32_t errorQueueID);

Start the Firebase Error Queues Auto Run Process.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param callback The Callback function that accepts QueueInfo Object as a parameter, optional.

ESP32 only parameter param queueTaskStackSize The stream task (RTOS task) reserved stack memory in byte (optional) (8192 is default).

The following functions are available from QueueInfo Object accepted by the callback.

queueInfo.totalQueues(), get the total Error Queues in Error Queue Collection.

queueInfo.currentQueueID(), get current Error Queue ID that is being processed.

queueInfo.isQueueFull(), determine whether Error Queue Collection is full or not.

queueInfo.dataType(), get a string of the Firebase call data type that is being processed of current Error Queue.

queueInfo.method(), get a string of the Firebase call method that is being processrd of current Error Queue.

queueInfo.path(), get a string of the Firebase call path that is being processed of current Error Queue.

void beginAutoRunErrorQueue(FirebaseData *fbdo, FirebaseData::QueueInfoCallback callback = NULL, size_t queueTaskStackSize = 8192);

void beginAutoRunErrorQueue(FirebaseData *fbdo, FirebaseData::QueueInfoCallback callback = NULL);

Stop the Firebase Error Queues Auto Run Process.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

void endAutoRunErrorQueue(FirebaseData *fbdo);

Clear all Firbase Error Queues in Error Queue collection.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

void clearErrorQueue(FirebaseData *fbdo);

Firebase Cloud Firestore Functions

These functions can be called directly from Firestore object in the Firebase object e.g. Firebase.Firestore.<function name>

Export the documents in the database to the Firebase Storage data bucket.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param databaseId The Firebase Cloud Firestore database id which is (default) or empty "".

param bucketID The Firebase storage bucket ID in the project.

param storagePath The path in the Firebase Storage data bucket to store the exported database.

param collectionIds Which collection ids to export. Unspecified means all collections.

Use comma (,) to separate between the collection ids.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool exportDocuments(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, <string> bucketID, <string> storagePath, <string> collectionIds = "");

Import the exported documents stored in the Firebase Storage data bucket.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param databaseId The Firebase Cloud Firestore database id which is (default) or empty "".

param bucketID The Firebase storage bucket ID in the project.

param storagePath The path in the Firebase Storage data bucket that stores the exported database.

param collectionIds Which collection ids to import. Unspecified means all collections included in the import.

Use comma (,) to separate between the collection ids.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool importDocuments(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, <string> bucketID, <string> storagePath, <string> collectionIds = "");

Create a document at the defined document path.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param databaseId The Firebase Cloud Firestore database id which is (default) or empty "".

param documentPath The relative path of document to create in the collection.

param content A Firestore document.


param mask The fields to return. If not set, returns all fields.

Use comma (,) to separate between the field names.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires Email/password, Custom token or OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool createDocument(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, <string> documentPath, <string> content, <string> mask = "");

Create a document in the defined collection id.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param databaseId The Firebase Cloud Firestore database id which is (default) or empty "".

param collectionId The relative path of document collection id to create the document.

param documentId The document id of document to be created.

param content A Firestore document.


param mask The fields to return. If not set, returns all fields.

Use comma (,) to separate between the field names.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires Email/password, Custom token or OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool createDocument(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, <string> collectionId, <string> documentId, <string> content, <string> mask = "");

Patch or update a document at the defined path.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param databaseId The Firebase Cloud Firestore database id which is (default) or empty "".

param documentPath The relative path of document to patch with the input document.

param content A Firestore document.


param updateMask The fields to update. If the document exists on the server and has fields not referenced in the mask, they are left unchanged.

Fields referenced in the mask, but not present in the input document (content), are deleted from the document on the server.

Use comma (,) to separate between the field names.

param mask The fields to return. If not set, returns all fields.

If the document has a field that is not present in this mask, that field will not be returned in the response.

Use comma (,) to separate between the field names.

param exists When set to true, the target document must exist. When set to false, the target document must not exist.

param updateTime When set, the target document must exist and have been last updated at that time.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.

Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires Email/password, Custom token or OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool patchDocument(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, <string> documentPath, <string> content, <string> updateMask, <string> mask = "", <string> exists = "", <string> updateTime = "");

Commits a transaction, while optionally updating documents.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param databaseId The Firebase Cloud Firestore database id which is (default) or empty "".

param writes The dyamic array of write object fb_esp_firestore_document_write_t.

For the write object, see

param transaction A base64-encoded string.vIf set, applies all writes in this transaction, and commits it.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires Email/password, Custom token or OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool commitDocument(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, std::vector<struct fb_esp_firestore_document_write_t> writes, <string> transaction = "");

bool commitDocumentAsync(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, std::vector<struct fb_esp_firestore_document_write_t> writes, <string> transaction = "");

Get a document at the defined path.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param databaseId The Firebase Cloud Firestore database id which is (default) or empty "".

param documentPath The relative path of document to get.

param mask The fields to return. If not set, returns all fields.

If the document has a field that is not present in this mask, that field will not be returned in the response.

Use comma (,) to separate between the field names.

param transaction Reads the document in a transaction. A base64-encoded string.

param readTime Reads the version of the document at the given time. This may not be older than 270 seconds.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.

Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires Email/password, Custom token or OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool getDocument(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, <string> documentPath, <string> mask = "", <string> transaction = "", <string> readTime = "");

Starts a new transaction.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param databaseId The Firebase Cloud Firestore database id which is (default) or empty "".

param transactionOptions Optional. The TransactionOptions type data that represents the options for creating a new transaction.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

The TransactionOptions struct contains two properties i.e. readOnly and readWrite.

Use readOnly for options for a transaction that can only be used to read documents.

Use readWrite for options for a transaction that can be used to read and write documents.

The readOnly property contains one property, readTime.

The readTime is for reading the documents at the given time. This may not be older than 60 seconds.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.

Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

The readWrite property contains one property, retryTransaction.

The retryTransaction is a base64-encoded string represents a transaction that can be used to read and write documents.

See for transaction options.

bool beginTransaction(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, TransactionOptions *transactionOptions = nullptr);

Rolls back a transaction.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param databaseId The Firebase Cloud Firestore database id which is (default) or empty "".

param transaction Required. A base64-encoded string of the transaction to roll back.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool rollback(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, <string> transaction);

Get a document at the defined path.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param databaseId The Firebase Cloud Firestore database id which is (default) or empty "".

param documentPath The relative path of document to get.

param structuredQuery The pointer to FirebaseJson object that contains the Firestore query. For the description of structuredQuery, see

param consistencyMode Optional. The consistency mode for this transaction e.g. fb_esp_firestore_consistency_mode_transaction, fb_esp_firestore_consistency_mode_newTransaction and fb_esp_firestore_consistency_mode_readTime

param consistency Optional. The value based on consistency mode e.g. transaction string, TransactionOptions (JSON) and date time string.

For more description, see

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires Email/password, Custom token or OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool runQuery(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, <string> documentPath, <string> structuredQuery, fb_esp_firestore_consistency_mode consistencyMode, <string> consistency);

Delete a document at the defined path.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param databaseId The Firebase Cloud Firestore database id which is (default) or empty "".

param documentPath The relative path of document to delete.

param exists When set to true, the target document must exist. When set to false, the target document must not exist.

param updateTime When set, the target document must exist and have been last updated at that time.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.

Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

This function requires Email/password, Custom token or OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool deleteDocument(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, <string> documentPath, <string> exists = "", <string> updateTime = "");

List the documents in the defined documents collection.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param databaseId The Firebase Cloud Firestore database id which is (default) or empty "".

param collectionId The relative path of document colection.

param pageSize The maximum number of documents to return.

param pageToken The nextPageToken value returned from a previous List request, if any.

param orderBy The order to sort results by. For example: priority desc, name.

param mask The fields to return. If not set, returns all fields.

If a document has a field that is not present in this mask, that field will not be returned in the response.

param showMissing If the list should show missing documents.

A missing document is a document that does not exist but has sub-documents.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires Email/password, Custom token or OAuth2.0 authentication (when showMissing is true).

bool listDocuments(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, <string> collectionId, int pageSize, <string> pageToken, <string> orderBy, <string> mask, bool showMissing);

List the document collection ids in the defined document path.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param databaseId The Firebase Cloud Firestore database id which is (default) or empty "".

param documentPath The relative path of document to get its collections' id.

param pageSize The maximum number of results to return.

param pageToken The nextPageToken value returned from a previous List request, if any.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires Email/password, Custom token or OAuth2.0 authentication (when showMissing is true).

bool listCollectionIds(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> databaseId, <string> documentPath, int pageSize, <string> pageToken);

Firebase Cloud Messaging Functions

These functions can be called directly from FCM object in the Firebase object e.g. Firebase.FCM.<function name>

Clear all Firbase Error Queues in Error Queue collection.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

void clearErrorQueue(FirebaseData *fbdo);

Set the server key.

param serverKey Server key found on Console: Project settings > Cloud Messaging

param spi_ethernet_module SPI_ETH_Module struct data, optional for ESP8266 use with Ethernet module.

note: This server key required for sending message via legacy HTTP API.

SPI_ETH_Module struct data is for ESP8266 Ethernet supported module lwip interface.

The usage example for Ethernet.

#include <ENC28J60lwIP.h>

#define ETH_CS_PIN 16 //GPIO 16 connected to Ethernet module (ENC28J60) CS pin
ENC28J60lwIP eth(ETH_CS_PIN);

FirebaseData fbdo;

SPI_ETH_Module spi_ethernet_module;

//in setup()

spi_ethernet_module.enc28j60 = &eth;

Firebase.FCM.setServerKey(FIREBASE_FCM_SERVER_KEY, &spi_ethernet_module);

The API key created in the Google Cloud console, cannot be used for authorizing FCM requests.

void setServerKey(<string> serverKey, SPI_ETH_Module *spi_ethernet_module = NUL);

Send Firebase Cloud Messaging to the devices with JSON payload using the FCM legacy API.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param msg The pointer to the message to send which is the FCM_Legacy_JSON_Message type data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

The FCM_Legacy_JSON_Message properties are

targets - The targets of messages e.g. to, registration_ids, condition.

options - The options of message contained the sub-properties e.g, collapse_key, priority, content_available, mutable_content,time_to_live, restricted_package_name, and dry_run.

The sub-properties value of the options should be assigned in string.

payloads - The two payloads i.e. notification and data.

The payloads.notification properties are available e.g.

Name Type Platform
title string all
body string all
icon string Andoid, web
click_action string all
sound string iOS, Android
badge number iOS
subtitle string iOS
body_loc_key string iOS, Android
body_loc_args JSON array of string iOS, Android
title_loc_key string iOS, Android
title_loc_args JSON array of string iOS, Android
android_channel_id string Android
tag string Android
color string Android

The is the JSON object.

Read more details about legacy HTTP API here

bool send(FirebaseData *fbdo, FCM_Legacy_HTTP_Message *msg);

Send Firebase Cloud Messaging to the devices using the FCM HTTP v1 API.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param msg The pointer to the message to send which is the FCM_HTTPv1_JSON_Message type data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Read more details about HTTP v1 API here

bool send(FirebaseData *fbdo, FCM_HTTPv1_JSON_Message *msg);

Subscribe the devices to the topic.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param topic The topic to subscribe.

param IID The instance ID tokens or registration tokens array.

param numToken The size of instance ID tokens array.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool subscribeTopic(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> topic, <string> IID[], size_t numToken);

Unsubscribe the devices from the topic.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param topic The topic to romove the subscription.

param IID The instance ID tokens or registration tokens array.

param numToken The size of instance ID tokens array.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool unsubscribeTopic(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> topic, <string> IID[], size_t numToken);

Get the app instance info.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param IID The instance ID token of device.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool appInstanceInfo(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> IID);

Create registration tokens for APNs tokens.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param application The Bundle id of the app.

param sandbox The Boolean to indicate sandbox environment (TRUE) or production (FALSE).

param APNs The iOS APNs tokens array.

param numToken The size of instance ID tokens array.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool regisAPNsTokens(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> application, bool sandbox, <string> APNs[], size_t numToken);

Get the server payload.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

return String of payload returned from the server.

String payload(FirebaseData *fbdo);

Firebase Storage Functions.

These functions can be called directly from Storage object in the Firebase object e.g. Firebase.Storage.<function name>

Upload file to the Firebase Storage data bucket.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param bucketID The Firebase storage bucket ID in the project.

param localFileName The file path includes its name to upload.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

param remotetFileName The file path includes its name of uploaded file in data bucket.

param mime The file MIME type

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept FCS_UploadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.downloadURL() to get the download link.

bool upload(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> bucketID, <string> localFileName, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, <string> remotetFileName, <string> mime, FCS_UploadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Upload byte array to the Firebase Storage data bucket.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param bucketID The Firebase storage bucket ID in the project.

param data The byte array of data.

param len The size of byte array data in bytes.

param remotetFileName The file path includes its name of uploaded file in data bucket.

param mime The file MIME type

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept FCS_UploadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.downloadURL() to get the download link.

bool upload(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> bucketID, uint8_t *data, size_t len, <string> remoteFileName, <string> mime, FCS_UploadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Download file from the Firebase Storage data bucket.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param bucketID The Firebase storage bucket ID in the project.

param remotetFileName The file path includes its name of file in the data bucket to download.

param localFileName The file path includes its name to save.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept FCS_DownloadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool download(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> bucketID, <string> remoteFileName, <string> localFileName, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, FCS_DownloadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Download a firmware file from the Firebase Storage data bucket for OTA updates.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param bucketID The Firebase storage bucket ID in the project.

param remotetFileName The firmware file path includes its name of file in the data bucket to download.

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept FCS_DownloadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Note: In ESP8266, this function will allocate 16k+ memory for internal SSL client.

bool downloadOTA(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> bucketID, <string> remoteFileName, FCS_DownloadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Get the meta data of file in Firebase Storage data bucket

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param bucketID The Firebase storage bucket ID in the project.

param remotetFileName The file path includes its name of file in the data bucket.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use the FileMetaInfo type data to get name, bucket, contentType, size, generation, etag, crc32, downloadTokens properties from file.

bool getMetadata(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> bucketID, <string> remoteFileName);

Delete file from Firebase Storage data bucket

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param bucketID The Firebase storage bucket ID in the project.

param remotetFileName The file path includes its name of file in the data bucket.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool deleteFile(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> bucketID, <string> fileName);

List all files in the Firebase Storage data bucket.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param bucketID The Firebase storage bucket ID in the project.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use the FileList type data to get name and bucket properties for each item.

bool listFiles(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> bucketID);

Google Cloud Storage Functions.

These functions can be called directly from GCStorage object in the Firebase object e.g. Firebase.GCStorage.<function name>

Upload file to the Google Cloud Storage data bucket.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param bucketID The Firebase or Google Cloud Storage bucket ID.

param localFileName The file path includes its name to upload.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

param uploadType The enum of type of upload methods e.g. gcs_upload_type_simple, gcs_upload_type_multipart, gcs_upload_type_resumable

param remotetFileName The file path includes its name of uploaded file in data bucket.

param mime The file MIME type.

param uploadOptions Optional. The UploadOptions data contains the query parameters options.

For query parameters options, see

param requestProps Optional. The RequestProperties data contains the request payload properties.

For request payload properties, see

param status Optional. The UploadStatusInfo data to get the upload status.

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept UploadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

The upload types of methods can be selectable.

The gcs_upload_type_simple upload type is used for small file upload in a single request without metadata.

gcs_upload_type_multipart upload type is for small file upload in a single reques with metadata.

gcs_upload_type_resumable upload type is for medium or large file (larger than or equal to 256 256 KiB) upload with metadata and can be resumable.

The upload with metadata supports allows the library to add the metadata internally for Firebase to request the download access token in Firebase Storage bucket.

User also can add custom metadata for the uploading file (object).

bool upload(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> bucketID, <string> localFileName, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, fb_esp_gcs_upload_type uploadType, <string> remoteFileName, <string> mime, UploadOptions *uploadOptions = nullptr, RequestProperties *requestProps = nullptr, UploadStatusInfo *status = nullptr, ProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Downoad file from the Google Cloud Storage data bucket.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param bucketID The Firebase or Google Cloud Storage bucket ID.

param remotetFileName The file path includes its name of file in the data bucket to download.

param localFileName The file path includes its name to save.

param storageType The enum of memory storage type e.g. mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd.

The file systems can be changed in FirebaseFS.h.

param option Optional. The pointer to StorageGetOptions data that contains the get query parameters.

For the query parameters options, see

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept GCS_DownloadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool download(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> bucketID, <string> remoteFileName, <string> localFileName, fb_esp_mem_storage_type storageType, StorageGetOptions *options = nullptr, GCS_DownloadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Download a firmware file from the Google Cloud Storage data bucket for OTA updates.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param bucketID The Firebase or Google Cloud Storage bucket ID.

param remotetFileName The firmware file path includes its name of file in the data bucket to download.

param callback Optional. The callback function that accept GCS_DownloadStatusInfo data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Note: In ESP8266, this function will allocate 16k+ memory for internal SSL client.

bool downloadOTA(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> bucketID, <string> remoteFileName, GCS_DownloadProgressCallback callback = NULL);

Get the meta data of file in Firebase or Google Cloud Storage data bucket.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param bucketID The Firebase or Google Cloud Storage bucket ID.

param remotetFileName The file path includes its name of file in the data bucket.

param options Optional. The pointer to StorageGetOptions data that contains the get query parameters.

For the query parameters options, see

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use the FileMetaInfo type data to get name, bucket, contentType, size, generation, metageneration, etag, crc32, downloadTokens properties from file.

bool getMetadata(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> bucketID, <string> remoteFileName);

Delete file from Firebase or Google Cloud Storage data bucket.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param bucketID The Firebase or Google Cloud Storage bucket ID.

param remotetFileName The file path includes its name of file in the data bucket.

param options Optional. The pointer to DeleteOptions data contains the query parameters.

For query parameters options, see

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool deleteFile(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> bucketID, <string> fileName, DeleteOptions *options = nullptr);

List all files in the Firebase or Google Cloud Storage data bucket.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param bucketID The Firebase or Google Cloud Storage bucket ID.

param options Optional. The pointer to ListOptions data that contains the query parameters

Fore query parameters description, see

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use the FileList type data to get name and bucket properties for each item.

bool listFiles(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> bucketID, ListOptions *options = nullptr);

Cloud Functions for Firebase Functions

These functions can be called directly from Functions object in the Firebase object e.g. Firebase.Functions.<function name>

Synchronously invokes a deployed Cloud Function.

To be used for testing purposes as very limited traffic is allowed.

For more information on the actual limits, refer to Rate Limits.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param locationId The project location.

param functionId The name of function.

param data The Input to be passed to the function (JSON serialized string).

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

Ex. if data is {"info":{"name":"Paul","age":30}}

The values can be obtained from http trigger function request e.g. req as following.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool callFunction(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> locationId, <string> functionId, <string> data);

Creates a new function.

If a function with the given name already exists in the specified project, the long running operation will return ALREADY_EXISTS error.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param config The pointer to FunctionsConfig object that encapsulates the function and triggers configurationston.

param callback The callback function to get the Cloud Function creation status.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool createFunction(FirebaseData *fbdo, FunctionsConfig *config, FunctionsOperationCallback callback = NULL);

Creates a new function.

If a function with the given name already exists in the specified project, the long running operation will return ALREADY_EXISTS error.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param config The pointer to FunctionsConfig object that encapsulates the function and triggers configurationston.

param statusInfo The pointer to FunctionsOperationStatusInfo data to get the Cloud Function creation status later.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool createFunction(FirebaseData *fbdo, FunctionsConfig *config, FunctionsOperationStatusInfo *statusInfo);

Updates existing function.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param functionId The name of function.

param patchData The pointer to FunctionsConfig object that encapsulates the function and triggers configurationston.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool patchFunction(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> functionId, FunctionsConfig *patchData);

Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified function. Replaces any existing policy.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param locationId The project location.

param functionId The name of function.

param policy The pointer to PolicyBuilder data concapsulates the policy configuration.

The complete policy to be applied to the resource.

param updateMask A FieldMask specifying which fields of the policy to modify.

Only the fields in the mask will be modified. If no mask is provided, the following default mask is used:

paths: "bindings, etag"

A comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields. Example: "user.displayName,photo"

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool setIamPolicy(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> locationId, <string> functionId, PolicyBuilder *policy, <string> updateMask = "");

Gets the IAM access control policy for a function.

Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does not have a policy set.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param locationId The project location.

param functionId The name of function.

param version Optional. The policy format version to be returned.

Valid values are 0, 1, and 3. Requests specifying an invalid value will be rejected.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool getIamPolicy(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> locationId, <string> functionId, <string> version = "");

Returns a function with the given name from the requested project.

Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does not have a policy set.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param locationId The project location.

param functionId The name of function.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool getFunction(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> locationId, <string> functionId);

Deletes a function with the given name from the specified project.

If the given function is used by some trigger, the trigger will be updated to remove this function.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param locationId The project location.

param functionId The name of function.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool deleteFunction(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> locationId, <string> functionId);

Returns a signed URL for downloading deployed function source code.

The URL is only valid for a limited period and should be used within minutes after generation.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param locationId The project location.

param functionId The name of function.

param versionId The optional version of function. If not set, default, current version is used.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool generateDownloadUrl(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> locationId, <string> functionId, <string> versionId = "");

Returns a signed URL for uploading a function source code.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param locationId The project location.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool generateUploadUrl(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> locationId);

Returns a list of functions that belong to the requested project.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param projectId The Firebase project id (only the name without the

param locationId The project location.

param pageSize Maximum number of functions to return per call.

param pageToken The value returned by the last ListFunctionsResponse; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior functions.list call, and that the system should return the next page of data.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool listFunctions(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> projectId, <string> locationId, size_t pageSize, <string> pageToken = "");

Returns a function with the given name from the requested project.

param fbdo The pointer to Firebase Data Object.

param filter filter The Firebase project id (only the name without the

A filter for matching the requested operations.

The supported formats of filter are:

To query for a specific function:


To query for all of the latest operations for a project:


param pageSize he maximum number of records that should be returned.

Requested page size cannot exceed 100. If not set, the default page size is 100

param pageToken Token identifying which result to start with, which is returned by a previous list call.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

Use FirebaseData.payload() to get the returned payload.

This function requires OAuth2.0 authentication.

bool listOperations(FirebaseData *fbdo, <string> filter, int pageSize, <string> pageToken);

PolicyBuilder and FunctionsConfig classes

The description of PolicyBuilder and FunctionsConfig classes and their functions are available in the header files /src/functions/PolicyBuilder.h and /src/functions/FunctionsConfig.h.

Firebase Data Object Functions

Assign external Arduino Client.

param client The pointer to Arduino Client derived class e.g. WiFiClient, WiFiClientSecure, EthernetClient or GSMClient.

void setExternalClient(Client *client);

Assign the callback functions required for external Client usage.

param tcpConnectionCB The function that handles the server connection.

param networkConnectionCB The function that handles the network connection.

param networkStatusCB The function that handle the network connection status acknowledgement.

void setExternalClientCallbacks(FB_TCPConnectionRequestCallback tcpConnectionCB, FB_NetworkConnectionRequestCallback networkConnectionCB, FB_NetworkStatusRequestCallback networkStatusCB);

Set the network status acknowledgement.

param status The network status.

void setNetworkStatus(bool status);

Set the receive and transmit buffer memory size for secured mode BearSSL WiFi client.

param rx The number of bytes for receive buffer memory for secured mode BearSSL (512 is minimum, 16384 is maximum).

param tx The number of bytes for transmit buffer memory for secured mode BearSSL (512 is minimum, 16384 is maximum).

Set this option to false to support get large Blob and File operations.

void void setBSSLBufferSize(uint16_t rx, uint16_t tx);

Set the http response size limit.

param len The server response buffer size limit.

void setResponseSize(uint16_t len);

Get WiFi client instance

return WiFi client instance.

WiFiClientSecure *getWiFiClient();

Set the Root certificate for a FirebaseData object

param ca PEM format certificate string.

void setCert(const char* ca);

Pause/Unpause WiFiClient from all Firebase operations

param pause True for pause and False for unpause.

return Boolean value, indicates the success of the operation.

bool pauseFirebase(bool pause);

Get the data type of payload returned from the server (RTDB only)

return The one of these data type e.g. integer, float, string, JSON and blob.

String dataType();

Get the data type of payload returned from the server (RTDB only)

return The enumeration value of fb_esp_rtdb_data_type.

fb_esp_rtdb_data_type_null or 1,

fb_esp_rtdb_data_type_integer or 2,

fb_esp_rtdb_data_type_float or 3,

fb_esp_rtdb_data_type_double or 4,

fb_esp_rtdb_data_type_boolean or 5,

fb_esp_rtdb_data_type_string or 6,

fb_esp_rtdb_data_type_json or 7,

fb_esp_rtdb_data_type_array or 8,

fb_esp_rtdb_data_type_blob or 9,

fb_esp_rtdb_data_type_file or 10

uint8_t dataTypeEnum();

Get the event type of stream

return The one of these event type String e.g. put, patch, cancel, and auth_revoked.

The event type "put" indicated that data at the event path relative to the stream path was completely changed. The event path can be determined by dataPath().

The event type "patch" indicated that data at the event path relative to stream path was updated. The event path can be determined by dataPath().

The event type "cancel" indicated something wrong and cancel by the server.

The event type "auth_revoked" indicated the provided Firebase Authentication Data (Database secret) is no longer valid.

String eventType();

Get the unique identifier (ETag) of current data

return String. of unique identifier.

String ETag();

Get the current stream path

return The database streaming path.

String streamPath();

Get the current data path

return The node which belongs to server' s returned payload.

The node returned from this function in case of stream, also changed upon the child or parent's stream value changes.

String dataPath();

Get the error reason String from the process

return The error description string (String object).

String errorReason();

Return the integer data of server returned payload

return Integer value.

int intData();

Return the float data of server returned payload

return Float value.

float floatData();

Return the double data of server returned payload

return Double value.

float doubleData();

Return the Boolean data of server returned payload

return Boolean value.

float boolData();

Return the String data of server returned payload

return String (String object).

String stringData();

Return the JSON String data of server returned payload

return String (String object).

String jsonString();

Return the Firebase JSON object of server returned payload.

return FirebaseJson object.

FirebaseJson &jsonObject();

Return the Firebase JSON object pointer of server returned payload.

return **FirebaseJson object **pointer.

FirebaseJson *jsonObjectPtr();

Return the Firebase JSON Array object of server returned payload.

return FirebaseJsonArray object.

FirebaseJsonArray &jsonArray();

Return the Firebase JSON Array object pointer of server returned payload.

return FirebaseJsonArray object pointer.

FirebaseJsonArray *jsonArrayPtr();

Return the internal Firebase JSON Data object.

return FirebaseJsonData object.

FirebaseJsonData &jsonData();

Return the pointer to internal Firebase JSON Data object.

return FirebaseJsonData object pointer.

FirebaseJsonData *jsonDataPtr();

Return the blob data (uint8_t) array of server returned payload

return Dynamic array of 8-bit unsigned integer i.e. std::vector<uint8_t>.

std::vector<uint8_t> blobData();

Return the new appended node's name or key of server returned payload when calling pushXXX function

return String (String object).

String pushName();

Get the stream connection status

return Boolean type status indicates whether the Firebase Data object is working with the stream or not.

bool isStream();

Get the server connection status

return Boolean type status indicates whether the Firebase Data object is connected to the server or not.

bool httpConnected();

Get the timeout event of server's stream (30 sec is the default)

Nothing to do when stream connection timeout, the stream connection will be automatically resumed.

return Boolean type status indicates whether the stream was time out or not.

bool streamTimeout();

Get the availability of data or payload returned from the server

return Boolean type status indicates whether the server returns the new payload or not.

bool dataAvailable();

Get the availability of stream event-data payload returned from the server

return Boolean type status indicates whether the server returns the stream event-data payload or not.

bool streamAvailable();

Get the matching between data type that intend to get from/store to database and the server's return payload data type

return Boolean type status indicates whether the type of data that is being get from or stored to database and the server's returned payload is matched or not.

bool mismatchDataType();

Get the HTTP status code return from the server

return Integer number of HTTP status.

int httpCode();

Check overflow of the returned payload data buffer

return Boolean of the overflow status.

Total default HTTP response buffer size is 400 bytes which can be set through Firebase.setResponseSize.

bool bufferOverflow();

Get the name (full path) of backup file in SD card/flash memory

return String (String object) of a file name that stores on SD card/flash memory after backup operation.

String getBackupFilename();

Get the size of the backup file

return Number of byte of backup file in byte after backup operation.

size_t getBackupFileSize();

Clear or empty data in the Firebase Data object

void clear();

Get the error description for file transferring (pushFile, setFile, backup and restore)

return Error description string* (String object).

String fileTransferError();

Return the server's payload data

return Payload string* (String object).

String payload();

FirebaseJSON object Functions

Set or deserialize the JSON object data (JSON object literal) as FirebaseJson object.

param data The JSON object literal string to set or deserialize.

return bool value represents the successful operation.

Call FirebaseJson.errorPosition to get the error.

bool setJsonData(<string> data);

Clear internal buffer of FirebaseJson object.

return instance of an object.

FirebaseJson &clear();

Set JSON data (Client response) to FirebaseJson object.

param client The pointer to or instance of Client object.

return instance of an object.

bool readFrom(Client *client);

bool readFrom(Client &client);

Set JSON data (WiFiClient response) to FirebaseJson object.

param client The pointer to or instance of WiFiClient object.

return instance of an object.

bool readFrom(WiFiClient *client);

bool readFrom(WiFiClient &client);

Set JSON data (WiFiClientSecure response) to FirebaseJson object.

param client The pointer to or instance of WiFiClientSecure object.

return instance of an object.

bool readFrom(WiFiClientSecure *client);

bool readFrom(WiFiClientSecure &client);

Set JSON data (Seral object) to FirebaseJson object.

param ser The HW or SW Serial object.

param timeoutMS The timeout in millisecond to wait for Serial data to be completed.

return instance of an object.

bool readFrom(HardwareSerial &ser, uint32_t timeoutMS = 5000);

bool readFrom(SoftwareSerial &ser, uint32_t timeoutMS = 5000);

Set JSON data (File object) to FirebaseJson object.

param file The File object.

return instance of an object.

bool readFrom(fs::File &file);

Add null to FirebaseJson object.

param key The new key string that null to be added.

return instance of an object.

FirebaseJson &add(<string> key);

Add value to FirebaseJson object.

param key The new key string that string value to be added.

param value The value for the new specified key.

return instance of an object.

The value that can be added is the following supported types e.g. flash string (PROGMEM and FPSTR), String, C/C++ std::string, const char*, char array, string literal, all integer and floating point numbers, boolean, FirebaseJson object and array.

FirebaseJson &add(<string> key, <type> value);

Get the FirebaseJson object serialized string.

param out The writable object e.g. String, std::string, char array, Stream e.g ile, WiFi/Ethernet Client and LWMQTT, that accepts the returning string.

param topic The MQTT topic (LWMQTT).

param prettify Boolean flag for return the pretty format string i.e. with text indentation and newline.

void toString(<type> out, bool prettify = false);

void toString(<type> out, <string> topic, bool prettify = false);

Get the value from the specified node path in FirebaseJson object.

param result The reference of FirebaseJsonData that holds the result.

param path Relative path to the specific node in FirebaseJson object.

param prettify The text indentation and new line serialization option.

return boolean status of the operation.

The FirebaseJsonData object holds the returned data which can be read from the following properties.

jsonData.value - contains the returned string.

jsonData.value - contains the returned integer value.

jsonData.value - contains the returned float value.

jsonData.value - contains the returned double value.

jsonData.value - contains the returned boolean value.

jsonData.success - used to determine the result of the get operation.

jsonData.type - used to determine the type of returned value in string represents the types of value e.g. string, int, double, boolean, array, object, null and undefined.

jsonData.typeNum used to determine the type of returned value is an integer as represented by the following value.

FirebaseJson::UNDEFINED = 0

FirebaseJson::OBJECT = 1

FirebaseJson::ARRAY = 2

FirebaseJson::STRING = 3

FirebaseJson::INT = 4

FirebaseJson::FLOAT = 5

FirebaseJson::DOUBLE = 6

FirebaseJson::BOOL = 7 and

FirebaseJson::NULL = 8

bool get(FirebaseJsonData &result, <string> path, bool prettify = false);

Search element by key or path in FirebaseJsonArray object.

param result The reference of FirebaseJsonData that holds the result.

param criteria The FirebaseJson::SearchCriteria data.

param prettify The text indentation and new line serialization option.

return number of elements found from search.

The SearchCriteria data has the properties e.g.

path - The key of path to search.

Path can be wildcard with * in search path and * should use as key in part and do not mix with any character.

value - The value string to search.

depth - The begin depth (int) of element to search, default is 0.

endDepth - The end depth (int) of element to search, default is -1.

searchAll - The boolean option to search all occurrences of elements.

size_t search(SearchCriteria &criteria);

size_t search(FirebaseJsonData &result, SearchCriteria &criteria, bool prettify = false);

Get the full path to any element in FirebaseJson object.

param path The key or path to search in to.

param searchAll Search all occurrences.

return full path string in case of found.

String getPath(<string> path, bool searchAll = false);

Check whether key or path to the child element existed in FirebaseJson object or not.

param path The key or path of child element check.

return boolean status indicated the existence of element.

bool isMember(<string> path);

Parse and collect all node/array elements in FirebaseJson object.

return number of child/array elements in FirebaseJson object.

size_t iteratorBegin();

Get child/array elements from FirebaseJson objects at specified index.

param index The element index to get.

param type The integer which holds the type of data i.e. FirebaseJson::OBJECT and FirebaseJson::ARRAY

param key The string which holds the key/name of the object, can return empty String if the data type is an array.

param value The string which holds the value for the element key or array.

void iteratorGet(size_t index, int &type, String &key, String &value);

Get child/array elements from FirebaseJson objects at specified index.

param index The element index to get.

return IteratorValue struct

This should call after iteratorBegin.

The IteratorValue struct contains the following members: int type String key String value

IteratorValue valueAt(size_t index);

Clear all iterator buffer (should be called since iteratorBegin was called).

void iteratorEnd();

Set null to FirebaseJson object at the specified node path.

param path The relative path that null to be set.

The relative path can be mixed with array index (number placed inside square brackets) and node names e.g. /myRoot/[2]/Sensor1/myData/[3].

void set(<string> path);

Set value to FirebaseJson object at the specified node path.

param path The relative path that string value to be set.

param value The value to set.

The relative path can be mixed with array index (number placed inside square brackets) and node names e.g. /myRoot/[2]/Sensor1/myData/[3].

The value that can be added is the following supported types e.g. flash string (PROGMEM and FPSTR), String, C/C++ std::string, const char*, char array, string literal, all integer and floating point numbers, boolean, FirebaseJson object and array.

void set(<string> path, <type> value);

Remove the specified node and its content.

param path The relative path to remove its contents/children.

return bool value represents the successful operation.

bool remove(<string> path);

Get raw JSON.

return raw JSON string

<string> raw();

Get the error position at the JSON object literal from parsing.

return the position of error in JSON object literal

Return -1 when for no parsing error.

int errorPosition();

Get the size of serialized JSON object buffer.

param prettify The text indentation and new line serialization option.

return size in byte of buffer

size_t serializedBufferLength(bool prettify = false);

Set the precision for float to JSON object.

param digits The number of decimal places.

void setFloatDigits(uint8_t digits);

Set the precision for double to JSON object.

param digits The number of decimal places.

void setDoubleDigits(uint8_t digits);

Get http response code of reading JSON data from WiFi/Ethernet Client.

return the response code of reading JSON data from WiFi/Ethernet Client

int responseCode();

FirebaseJsonArray object functions

Set or deserialize the JSON array data (JSON array literal) as FirebaseJsonArray object.

param data The JSON array literal string to set or deserialize.

return bool value represents the successful operation.

Call FirebaseJsonArray.errorPosition to get the error.

bool setJsonArrayData(<string> data);

Add null to FirebaseJsonArray object.

return instance of an object.

FirebaseJsonArray &add();

Add value to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param value The value to add.

return instance of an object.

The value that can be added is the following supported types e.g. flash string (PROGMEM and FPSTR), String, C/C++ std::string, const char*, char array, string literal, all integer and floating point numbers, boolean, FirebaseJson object and array.

FirebaseJsonArray &add(<type> value);

Add multiple values to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param v The value of any type to add.

param n The consecutive values of any type to add.

return instance of an object.

e.g. add("a","b",1,2)

FirebaseJsonArray &add(First v, Next... n);

Set JSON data (Client response) to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param client The pointer to or instance of Client object.

return instance of an object.

bool readFrom(Client *client);

bool readFrom(Client &client);

Set JSON data (WiFiClient response) to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param client The pointer to or instance of WiFiClient object.

return instance of an object.

bool readFrom(WiFiClient *client);

bool readFrom(WiFiClient &client);

Set JSON data (WiFiClientSecure response) to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param client The pointer to or instance of WiFiClientSecure object.

return instance of an object.

bool readFrom(WiFiClientSecure *client);

bool readFrom(WiFiClientSecure &client);

Set JSON data (Seral object) to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param ser The HW or SW Serial object.

param timeoutMS The timeout in millisecond to wait for Serial data to be completed.

return instance of an object.

bool readFrom(HardwareSerial &ser, uint32_t timeoutMS = 5000);

bool readFrom(SoftwareSerial &ser, uint32_t timeoutMS = 5000);

Set JSON data (File object) to FirebaseJsonArray object.

param file The File object.

return instance of an object.

bool readFrom(fs::File &file);

Get the array value at the specified index or path from the FirebaseJsonArray object.

param result The reference of FirebaseJsonData object that holds data at the specified index.

param index_or_path Index of data or relative path to data in FirebaseJsonArray object.

return boolean status of the operation.

The relative path must begin with array index (number placed inside square brackets) followed by other array indexes or node names e.g. /[2]/myData would get the data from myData key inside the array indexes 2

bool get(FirebaseJsonData &result, <int or string> index_or_path);

Search element by key or path in FirebaseJsonArray object.

param result The reference of FirebaseJsonData that holds the result.

param criteria The FirebaseJson::SearchCriteria data.

param prettify The text indentation and new line serialization option.

return number of elements found from search.

The SearchCriteria data has the properties e.g.

path - The key of path to search.

Path can be wildcard with * in search path and * should use as key in part and do not mix with any character.

value - The value string to search.

depth - The begin depth (int) of element to search, default is 0.

endDepth - The end depth (int) of element to search, default is -1.

searchAll - The boolean option to search all occurrences of elements.

size_t search(SearchCriteria &criteria);

size_t search(FirebaseJsonData &result, SearchCriteria &criteria, bool prettify = false);

Get the full path to any element in FirebaseJsonArray.

param path The key or path to search in to.

param searchAll Search all occurrences.

return full path string in case of found.

String getPath(<string> path, bool searchAll = false);

Check whether key or path to the child element existed in FirebaseJsonArray or not.

param path The key or path of child element check.

return boolean status indicated the existence of element.

bool isMember(<string> path);

Parse and collect all node/array elements in FirebaseJsonArray object.

return number of child/array elements in FirebaseJsonArray object.

size_t iteratorBegin();

Get child/array elements from FirebaseJsonArray objects at specified index.

param index The element index to get.

param type The integer which holds the type of data i.e. FirebaseJson::OBJECT and FirebaseJson::ARRAY

param key The string which holds the key/name of the object, can return empty String if the data type is an array.

param value The string which holds the value for the element key or array.

void iteratorGet(size_t index, int &type, String &key, String &value);

Get child/array elements from FirebaseJsonArray objects at specified index.

param index The element index to get.

return IteratorValue struct

This should call after iteratorBegin.

The IteratorValue struct contains the following members: int type String key String value

IteratorValue valueAt(size_t index);

Clear all iterator buffer (should be called since iteratorBegin was called).

void iteratorEnd();

Get the length of array in FirebaseJsonArray object.

return length of the array.

size_t size();

Get the FirebaseJsonArray object serialized string.

param out The writable object e.g. String, std::string, char array, Stream e.g ile, WiFi/Ethernet Client and LWMQTT, that accepts the returning string.

param prettify Boolean flag for return the pretty format string i.e. with text indentation and newline.

void toString(<type> out, bool prettify = false);

Get raw JSON Array.

return raw JSON Array string

<string> raw();

Get the size of serialized JSON array buffer.

param prettify The text indentation and new line serialization option.

return size in byte of buffer

size_t serializedBufferLength(bool prettify = false);

Clear all array in FirebaseJsonArray object.

return instance of an object.

FirebaseJsonArray &clear();

Set null to FirebaseJsonArray object at at specified index or path.

param index_or_path The array index or path that null to be set.

void set(<int or string> index_or_path);

Set String to FirebaseJsonArray object at the specified index.

param index_or_path The array index or path that value to be set.

param value The value to set.

void set(<int or string> index_or_path, <type> value);

Remove the array value at the specified index or path from the FirebaseJsonArray object.

param index_or_path The array index or relative path to array to be removed.

return bool value represents the successful operation.

bool remove(<int or string> index_or_path);

Get the error position at the JSON array literal from parsing.

return the position of error in JSON array literal

Return -1 when for no parsing error.

int errorPosition();

Set the precision for float to JSON Array object.

param digits The number of decimal places.

void setFloatDigits(uint8_t digits);

Set the precision for double to JSON Array object.

param digits The number of decimal places.

void setDoubleDigits(uint8_t digits);

FirebaseJsonData object functions

Get array data as FirebaseJsonArray object from FirebaseJsonData object.

param jsonArray The returning FirebaseJsonArray object.

return bool status for successful operation.

This should call after pares or get functions.

bool getArray(FirebaseJsonArray &jsonArray);

Get array data as FirebaseJsonArray object from FirebaseJsonData object.

param source The JSON array string.

param jsonArray The returning FirebaseJsonArray object.

return bool status for successful operation.

This should call after pares or get functions.

bool getArray(<string> source, FirebaseJsonArray &jsonArray);

Get array data as FirebaseJson object from FirebaseJsonData object.

param jsonArray The returning FirebaseJson object.

return bool status for successful operation.

This should call after pares or get functions.

bool getJSON(FirebaseJson &json);

Get JSON data as FirebaseJson object from string.

param source The JSON string.

param json The returning FirebaseJsonArray object.

return bool status for successful operation.

This should call after pares or get functions.

bool getJSON(<string> source, FirebaseJson &json);

Cast the FirebaseJsonData object to object or primitive type variable.

return the The object or primitive type variable.


e.g. to<String>(), to<int>(), to<bool>()

FirebaseJsonData object properties

value The String value of parses data.

value The int value of parses data.

value The double value of parses data.

value The float value of parses data.

boolVlue The bool value of parses data.

success used to determine the result of the deserialize operation.

type The type String of parses data e.g. string, int, double, boolean, array, object, null and undefined.

typeNum The type (number) of parses data in form of the following jsonDataType value.

FirebaseJson::UNDEFINED = 0

FirebaseJson::OBJECT = 1

FirebaseJson::ARRAY = 2

FirebaseJson::STRING = 3

FirebaseJson::INT = 4

FirebaseJson::FLOAT = 5

FirebaseJson::DOUBLE = 6

FirebaseJson::BOOL = 7 and

FirebaseJson::NULL = 8


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2022 K. Suwatchai (Mobizt)

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person returning a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.