- Add V2 Clients for Text tracks, Tags, Usage, Player Bidding Configs, Originals, Media Renditions, Thumbnails.
- Update Playlists client to include watchlist.
- Add the following V2 clients- Advertising, Analytics, Channels, Events, Imports, Media, Playlists, Protection Rules, Uploads, VPB Configs, Webhooks
- Rename V1 client package from com.jwplayer.jwplatform.client to com.jwplayer.jwplatform.v1 This is a Breaking change
- Update README to include usage documentation for V2 client.
- Stop using nested exception handling
- Bump junit dependency to v4.13 for CVE patch
- Javadoc updates
- Security upgrade of puppycrawl
- Add param for headers to requests() and upload()
- Bugfix the Exception Factory
- Add support for POST request endpoints.
- Refactor exception handling such that exceptions are no longer nested classes of the factory. This is a breaking change.
- Initial version of the client.
- Initial test version of the client.