After a Weak-Two by the opponents followed by a Takeout Double and a pass by responder, 2NT is a conventional response, requesting (but not insisting) on a relay to 3♣. This allows Advancer to distinguish between minimum, intermediate, and maximum hands.
2NT: Relay to 3♣
pass, 3♦, 3♥: to play (7 or fewer HCP)
3♠: 4 hearts, spade stopper, GF
3NT: to play, no heart suit, stopper
The 3♣ Relay may be bypassed with 22+ HCP or 9+ playing tricks
3♣, 3♦, 3♥: semi-positive (8-11 HCP)
3♠: game values, 4 hearts, no stopper
3NT: game values, no heart suit, no stopper