@@ -174,10 +184,10 @@ const loading = computed(() => status.value === "pending");
Data returned by **useAuthStore**:
* `logged`: Boolean, whether the user is authorized
-* `token`: Cookie, sanctum token
* `user`: User object, user stored in pinia store
* `logout`: Function, remove local data and call API to remove token
* `fetchUser`: Function, fetch user data
+* `hasRole`: Function, checks the role
### Nuxt Middleware
@@ -204,8 +214,8 @@ https://github.com/k2so-dev/laravel-nuxt/assets/15279423/9b134491-1444-4323-a7a3
## Links
* [Nuxt 3](https://nuxt.com/)
-* [Nuxt UI](https://ui.nuxt.com/)
-* [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/)
+* [Nuxt UI 3](https://ui3.nuxt.dev/)
+* [Tailwind CSS 4](https://tailwindcss.com/)
* [Laravel 11x](https://laravel.com/docs/11.x)
## License