Most ODK devs are using OS X or Linux. Occasionally problems surface for Windows users due to code changes or tool changes. Such problems commonly include file path separators and file permissions differences from Linux/OSX. However in general it is possible to develop ODK using Android Studio on Windows.
None currently
None currently
- Change line endings to Unix. Settings > Editor > Code Style > General (tab) > Line Separator :: Unix and Mac OS (\n)
- Configure the Terminal environment settings for Java:
Settings > Tools > Terminal
JAVA_HOME=C:/Program Files/Android/Android Studio/jre
- Accept SDK licenses if necessary. Run from the Terminal in Android Studio using your own username AppData path:
"C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat" --licenses
- To be able to run / debug tests using Android Studio, edit the JUnit configuration to use a classpath file instead of a bloated classpath string (which maxes out the tiny Windows limit for environment variables): Run > Edit Configurations... > (left pane)Templates > Android JUnit > (right pane)Shorten command line: classpath file
- To work around file permissions differences on Windows that appear as errant file edits, tell Git to ignore permissions differences by changing the git config:
core.filemode = false
- More info: