This Readme aims as an explanation of how the project setup works. When deploying service with complex micro architecture we need some kind of configuration so the setup works across different machines in their own development environment. This project setup serve as a configuration file generator. At the moment we used ansible to do multiple tasks to generate config files for developer's environment.
The setup is a series of Ansible task. It was recommended that you understand what Ansible is, and how it is used to provision files. However, to only use this project setup (not to develop), you can just use existing scripts provided here and or adapt it to your project configuration.
Each task does idempotent things, which is changing state or generating necessary files. There are several steps included:
- Generating docker-compose.override.yml
This docker-compose files is used to override base docker-compose file of the project. Some project configuration needed explicit specific values, such as IP Address for testing or domain name. Some things that is necessary for deployment can also be set, for example default port forward. Some member of the team might also needs to develop some certain part of the project, but not the other. This make it possible to toggle or switch of some part of a complex project.
- Generating PyCharm configuration
We heavily used Jetbrains IDE to develop our project. In the past, we have to setup the interpreters and run configuration to truly use the capabilities of the IDE. It is really painful to set multiple environment variables and run configuration for a complex project, and it is also troublesome for new team members to join the development workflow.
This step tries to simplify that problems with that design in mind. The
setup will generate certain PyCharm configuration files in your .idea
folders, which is located in the root of your project and used by PyCharm.
This will contain information/configuration:
a. Project interpreter to use b. Source file mappings to remote interpreter (docker container) c. Run configurations
Additionally this step will also inject Project interpreter definition into your local PyCharm installations.
- Extra file configurations
This step will generate extra file configuration needed by the project. The detail of this step may vary between project.
In order for you to use this setup, first copy file on development/group_vars/all.sample.yml
and paste it as all.yml
file in that same directory. Modify all variables
there according to your installations.
Then, open your project in PyCharm so your .idea
folder will be generated.
Lastly, run setup script to generate all configuration files.
The explanation of the script can be seen below.
There are basically several steps.
- Check ansible is working.
You have to install ansible. Run following command in this folder:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, run check script
ansible -i development/hosts all -m ping
ansible-playbook -i development/hosts development/site.yml --list-tasks --list-hosts
It should print that your local machine is responding ansible and lists all the task that will run
- Run setup
To run the ansible tasks itself, do this:
ansible-playbook -i development/hosts development/site.yml
This will run all the project setup and should return ok
- Write shortcut for developers
This folder only contains basic and generic way of using this setup. It is more recommended to write these scripts as shortcut. For example, create a Makefile target to perform this tasks, so it can be executed from the root of the project.
Assuming that this Ansible Project Setup root folder is always be placed
inside deployment/ansible
subdirectory, then you can add the following
Makefile targets to your root project Makefile command.
# Define environment variable to be used by docker-compose automatically
# Define Project Prefix name
export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=[The Name of The Project]
# Define docker-compose file location to use. We can use multiple docker-compose file for overriding values.
export COMPOSE_FILE=deployment/docker-compose.yml:deployment/docker-compose.override.yml
# Define ansible project setup location
export ANSIBLE_PROJECT_SETUP_DIR=deployment/ansible
# This target checks ansible
@echo "Check ansible command"
@ansible -i ${ANSIBLE_PROJECT_SETUP_DIR}/development/hosts all -m ping
@ansible-playbook -i ${ANSIBLE_PROJECT_SETUP_DIR}/development/hosts ${ANSIBLE_PROJECT_SETUP_DIR}/development/site.yml --list-tasks --list-hosts $(ANSIBLE_ARGS)
# This target do the actual project setup
@echo "Setup configurations using ansible"
@ansible-playbook -i ${ANSIBLE_PROJECT_SETUP_DIR}/development/hosts ${ANSIBLE_PROJECT_SETUP_DIR}/development/site.yml $(ANSIBLE_ARGS)
Notes for the setup:
a. You had to specify the location of this Ansible Project Setup. b. You had to specify the location of your docker-compose file so you can easily use it in docker-compose command as default value c. It is possible that PyCharm will ask you to restart after the setup finished. Restart accordingly. d. Running setup-ansible will destroy all your current Run Configuration, because it can't coexists.
If you did step 3, then step 1 and 2 can be executed using make target that you made.
- Create the interpreter
You have to actually build the docker container and run it, before it
is actually being used by Project Interpreter. Typically you want to do
something like make build up web
to build and start the ssh container.