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239 lines (176 loc) · 9.09 KB

File metadata and controls

239 lines (176 loc) · 9.09 KB


Release 0.2.1 (2025-01-23)


  • Added new command entrypoint that is available only in version for docker images, that is used as entrypoint for docker container and that is responsible for applying configuration from environment variables to Odoo configuration file before any further action.
  • Added new command odood odoo recompute that allows to recompute computed fields for specified model in specified database.

Release 0.2.0 (2024-12-12)


  • New experimental command odood deploy that could be used to deploy production-ready Odoo instance.
  • Added experimental support for Odoo 18
  • Added new command odood repo fix-series that allows to set series for all modules in repo to project's serie.
  • Added automatic builds of docker images with pre-installed Odoo.


  • Pre-commit related commands moved to pre-commit subcommand. Thus, following commands now available to work with pre-commit:
    • odood pre-commit init
    • odood pre-commit set-up
    • odood pre-commit run
  • Change command odood server run. Command uses execv to run Odoo, thus, Odoo process will replace Odood process. Thus, option --detach is not available here. If you want to start Odoo in background, then odood server start command exists. Instead, this command (odood server run) is designed to run Odoo with provided args in same way as you run Odoo binary directly. For example, following command odood server run -- -d my_database --install=crm --stop-after-init, that will install crm module, will be translated to odoo -d my_database --install=crm --stop-after-init, that will be ran inside virtualenv of current Odood project.
    • Added new option --ignore-running that allows to ignore server running.
    • Removed option --detach as it does not have sense. Use odood server start instead.
  • Changed generation of default test db name. Before it was: odood<serie>-odood-test Now it will be: <db_user>-odood-test

Release 0.1.0 (2024-08-15)


  • New command odood venv pip that allows to run pip from current venv.
  • New command odood venv npm that allows to run npm from current venv.
  • New command odood venv python that allows to run python from current venv.
  • New command odood venv ipython that allows to run ipython from current venv.
  • Added new option --ual to command odood repo add that allows to automatically update list of addons when repository was added.
  • New command odood venv run that allows to run any command from current venv.
  • New command odood repo run-pre-commit to run pre-commit for the repo.


  • Database restoration reimplemented in D, thus now it restores db dump and filestore in parallel.

Release 0.0.15 (2023-10-30)


  • Added ability skip addons specified in file during install/update/upgrade.
  • Added new options to odood test command:
    • --file that could be used to pass the path to file to read addons to test from
    • --skip-file read names of addons to skip from file


  • Installation of dependencies from manifest is now optional. It is frequent case, when authors of module place incorrect dependencies in manifest, thus installation of addon may fail.


  • Fix error when running addons install/update/uninstall with non-existing logfile. This was caused by attempt to determine starting point of logfile to search for errors happened during operation. Now this case is handled correctly.

Release 0.0.14 (2023-10-04)


  • Added new options --skip and --skip-re to odood test command, that allow to not run tests for specified addons. Useful in cases, when there is need to skip some addons found via options --dir and --dir-r
  • Added new options --skip and --skip-re to odood addons install/update/uninstall commands. Useful in cases, when there is need to skip some addons found via options --dir and --dir-r
  • Added new option --skip-errors to odood addons install/update/uninstall commands, that allows to not fail when installing addons in database, thus allowing to install addons to other databases, and fail in the end.
  • Added new option --install-type to odood init and odood venv reinstall-odoo commands, thus, now it is possible to install Odoo as git repo or as unpacked archive depending on this option


  • Load Python dynamically, thus make Odood more portable.
  • Finally, make Odood portable. Now we have universal deb package, that could be installed on most debian-based repos newer then ubuntu:20.04
  • Commands odood addons install/update/uninstall now will report Odoo errors raised during addons installation.

Release 0.0.13 (2023-09-08)


  • Command odood addons generate-py-requirements that allows to generate requirements txt files for specified modules.
  • Added new option --tdb to odood db create command, that allows to use automatically generated default name for tests database.
  • Added new command odood db list-installed-addons. This command could be used to print to stdout or file list of addons installed on specific databases.

Release 0.0.12 (2023-08-14)


  • Command odood odoo shell that allows to open odoo shell for specified db.
  • Added release for debian:bullseye


  • Implement backup of database on D level. This way it provides better error handling.
  • Added ability to cache downloads if ODOOD_CACHE_DIR environment variable is set.

Release 0.0.11 (2023-07-27)


  • New option --simplified-log added to odood test command. Thus it is possible to display meaningful log info (log level, logger, message).


  • Command odood venv reinstall-odoo now backups old odoo by default. But it is possible to disable backup with option --no-backup
  • Now it is allowed to specify only name of backup to restore database from. In this case, Odood will try to find corresponding backup in standard backups directory of project.


  • Correctly handle --additional-addons passed for tests in case when migration test enabled: update that addons before running tests.

Release 0.0.10 (2023-07-08)


  • New option --all to odood db backup command, that allows to backup all databases within single command.
  • New command info that will display info about project, optionally in JSON fromat.
  • New option --file to odood addons install and odood addons update commands. This option allows to get list of addons to install / update from provided file. This way, it is possible to avoid specifying list of addons manually.
  • New option --install-file to odood db create command, that will automatically install modules from specified files.
  • New option --coverage-ignore-errors to odood test command, that allows to ignore coverage errors, that a frequent case during migration tests (because files available on start may disapear during migration).
  • New option --recreate to db restore command, thus it is possible to automatically drop database before restoration if needed.
  • Added flag --backup to venv update-odoo command.
  • Added new command odood venv reinstall-odoo, that could be used to reinstall odoo to different version in same venv. This could be used for migrations to avoid the need to setup new machine for migrated instance.


  • Command odood db backup: when --dest option supplied and it is existing directory, then database will be backed up in this directory with automatically generated name of backup.
  • Automatically supply --ignore-errors to coverage when running migration tests

Release 0.0.9 (2023-06-01)


  • New option --ual to odood addons install and odood addons update comands
  • New option --additional-addon to odood test command
  • New options for odood addons list command:
    • --with-price and --without-price for odood addons list command
    • --color=price to highlight addons that have or have no prices
    • --table to output list of addons as table
  • New command odood venv install-py-packages that could be used to easily install python packages in Odood virtualenv environment
  • New option --warning-report to odood test command: if this option provided, then Odood will print uniq list of warnings in the end of test run

Release 0.0.8 (2023-05-05)


  • Add new option --color=installable to addons list command
  • Added command odood ci fix-version-conflict to resolve version conflicts in module manifests


  • odood test command: show error report by default, but add option to disable it.
  • Clone repos recursively optionally. Before this change, command odood repo add was clonning repositories recursively (parse odoo_requirements.txt file in clonned repo and clone dependencies mentioned there). After this change, recursive add repo is optional, end could be enable by option odood repo add --recursive ...
  • odoo test with option --isw will additionally ignore following warning: unknown parameter 'tracking'