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Releases: katyukha/Odood


12 Dec 21:15
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Release 0.2.0 (2024-12-12)


  • New experimental command odood deploy that could be used to deploy production-ready Odoo instance.
  • Added experimental support for Odoo 18
  • Added new command odood repo fix-series that allows to set series for all modules in repo to project's serie.
  • Added automatic builds of docker images with pre-installed Odoo.


  • Pre-commit related commands moved to pre-commit subcommand.
    Thus, following commands now available to work with pre-commit:
    • odood pre-commit init
    • odood pre-commit set-up
    • odood pre-commit run
  • Change command odood server run. Command uses execv to run Odoo,
    thus, Odoo process will replace Odood process. Thus, option --detach
    is not available here. If you want to start Odoo in background, then
    odood server start command exists. Instead, this command (odood server run)
    is designed to run Odoo with provided args in same way as you run Odoo binary directly.
    For example, following command
    odood server run -- -d my_database --install=crm --stop-after-init,
    that will install crm module, will be translated to odoo -d my_database --install=crm --stop-after-init,
    that will be ran inside virtualenv of current Odood project.
    • Added new option --ignore-running that allows to ignore server running.
    • Removed option --detach as it does not have sense. Use odood server start instead.
  • Changed generation of default test db name.
    Before it was: odood<serie>-odood-test
    Now it will be: <db_user>-odood-test


24 Oct 11:40
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v0.2.0-beta.3 Pre-release


Release 0.2.0 (unreleased)


  • New experimental command odood deploy that could be used to deploy production-ready Odoo instance.
  • Added experimental support for Odoo 18
  • Added new command odood repo fix-series that allows to set series for all modules in repo to project's serie.


  • Pre-commit related commands moved to pre-commit subcommand.
    Thus, following commands now available to work with pre-commit:
    • odood pre-commit init
    • odood pre-commit set-up
    • odood pre-commit run
  • Change command odood server run. Command uses execv to run Odoo,
    thus, Odoo process will replace Odood process. Thus, option --detach
    is not available here. If you want to start Odoo in background, then
    odood server start command exists. Instead, this command (odood server run)
    is designed to run Odoo with provided args in same way as you run Odoo binary directly.
    For example, following command
    odood server run -- -d my_database --install=crm --stop-after-init,
    that will install crm module, will be translated to odoo -d my_database --install=crm --stop-after-init,
    that will be ran inside virtualenv of current Odood project.
    • Added new option --ignore-running that allows to ignore server running.
    • Removed option --detach as it does not have sense. Use odood server start instead.


24 Oct 11:22
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v0.2.0-beta.2 Pre-release


Release 0.2.0 (unreleased)


  • New experimental command odood deploy that could be used to deploy production-ready Odoo instance.
  • Added experimental support for Odoo 18
  • Added new command odood repo fix-series that allows to set series for all modules in repo to project's serie.


  • Pre-commit related commands moved to pre-commit subcommand.
    Thus, following commands now available to work with pre-commit:
    • odood pre-commit init
    • odood pre-commit set-up
    • odood pre-commit run
  • Change command odood server run. Command uses execv to run Odoo,
    thus, Odoo process will replace Odood process. Thus, option --detach
    is not available here. If you want to start Odoo in background, then
    odood server start command exists. Instead, this command (odood server run)
    is designed to run Odoo with provided args in same way as you run Odoo binary directly.
    For example, following command
    odood server run -- -d my_database --install=crm --stop-after-init,
    that will install crm module, will be translated to odoo -d my_database --install=crm --stop-after-init,
    that will be ran inside virtualenv of current Odood project.
    • Added new option --ignore-running that allows to ignore server running.
    • Removed option --detach as it does not have sense. Use odood server start instead.


17 Oct 14:59
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v0.2.0-beta.1 Pre-release


Release 0.2.0 (unreleased)


  • New experimental command odood deploy that could be used to deploy production-ready Odoo instance.
  • Added experimental support for Odoo 18


  • Pre-commit related commands moved to pre-commit subcommand.
    Thus, following commands now available to work with pre-commit:
    • odood pre-commit init
    • odood pre-commit set-up
    • odood pre-commit run
  • Change command odood server run. Command uses execv to run Odoo,
    thus, Odoo process will replace Odood process. Thus, option --detach
    is not available here. If you want to start Odoo in background, then
    odood server start command exists. Instead, this command (odood server run)
    is designed to run Odoo with provided args in same way as you run Odoo binary directly.
    For example, following command
    odood server run -- -d my_database --install=crm --stop-after-init,
    that will install crm module, will be translated to odoo -d my_database --install=crm --stop-after-init,
    that will be ran inside virtualenv of current Odood project.
    • Added new option --ignore-running that allows to ignore server running.
    • Removed option --detach as it does not have sense. Use odood server start instead.


15 Sep 18:23
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v0.2.0-alpha.3 Pre-release


Release 0.2.0 (unreleased)


  • New command odood odoo run that allows to run Odoo itself.
  • New command odood deploy that could be used to deploy production-ready Odoo instance.


  • Pre-commit related commands moved to pre-commit subcommand.
    Thus, following commands now available to work with pre-commit:
    • odood pre-commit init
    • odood pre-commit set-up
    • odood pre-commit run


13 Sep 14:52
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v0.2.0-alpha.2 Pre-release


Release 0.2.0 (unreleased)


  • New command odood odoo run that allows to run Odoo itself.
  • New command odood deploy that could be used to deploy production-ready Odoo instance.


  • Pre-commit related commands moved to pre-commit subcommand.
    Thus, following commands now available to work with pre-commit:
    • odood pre-commit init
    • odood pre-commit set-up
    • odood pre-commit run


15 Aug 13:53
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Release 0.1.0 (2024-08-15)


  • New command odood venv pip that allows to run pip from current venv.
  • New command odood venv npm that allows to run npm from current venv.
  • New command odood venv python that allows to run python from current venv.
  • New command odood venv ipython that allows to run ipython from current venv.
  • Added new option --ual to command odood repo add that allows to automatically
    update list of addons when repository was added.
  • New command odood venv run that allows to run any command from current venv.
  • New command odood repo run-pre-commit to run pre-commit for the repo.


  • Database restoration reimplemented in D,
    thus now it restores db dump and filestore in parallel.


16 May 09:55
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v0.0.16-rc3 Pre-release


Release 0.0.16 (Unreleased)


  • New command odood venv pip that allows to run pip from current venv.
  • New command odood venv npm that allows to run npm from current venv.
  • New command odood venv python that allows to run python from current venv.


  • Database restoration reimplemented in D,
    thus now it restores db dump and filestore in parallel.


03 Dec 19:46
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v0.0.16-rc2 Pre-release


Release 0.0.16 (Unreleased)


  • Database restoration reimplemented in D,
    thus now it restores db dump and filestore in parallel.


05 Nov 19:53
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v0.0.16-rc1 Pre-release


Release 0.0.16 (Unreleased)


  • Database restoration reimplemented in D,
    thus now it restores db dump and filestore in parallel.