In this project,the current humidity and temperature data is shown over the internet using the ThingSpeak Server. It is accomplished by the data communication between Arduino,DHT11 Sensor Module,ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module. Celcius scale thermometer and percentage scale humidity meter displays the ambient temperature and humidity on ThingSpeak Server for live monitoring from anywhere in the world.
- Arduino Uno
- DHT11
- ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module
- Jumper Wires
- Breadboard
- Humidity and Temperature sensor DHT11 senses the humidity and temperature data.
- Arduino Uno extracts the DHT11 sensor's data as suitable number in percentage and celcius scale and sends it to Wi-Fi module.
- Wi-Fi module ESP8266 sends the data to ThingSpeak's server.
- finally,ThingSpeak analyses the data and shows it in a graph form.