- reactivated App
- updated slurm submit specs for Perlmutter (from Cori)
- added an authorized user list which can exceed the input size limit of 500 Gbp
- hide App
- remove deprecated ContigSet output type
- tidy up App Docs
- use release AssemblyUtil
- updated icon
- added arg to limit input size by Gbp
- added mer size defaults of 21,33,55,77,99
- added scaff mer sizes with default of 99,33
- Update to MetaHipMer v2.1.0.1-357
- dropping the 127 kmer arg
- use PrgEnv-cray/6.0.10
- use upcxx/2022.3.0
- Update to MetaHipMer v2.0.2a
- Split out metagenome and plant assembly into separate apps
- Switch to new HPC model for execution
- Update to 1.2.2-7
- Made input mandatory
- Added parameter to filter short length contigs from assembly
- Update to
- Support for new runner
- Removed single-end from allowed types
- Update to new SDK and Python3
- Add debug option