Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ssh_server_id | string | A unique id used to identify this SSH Server | [optional] |
ssh_server_name | string | The name to identify this SSH Server | [optional] |
ssh_server_host | string | The hostname or ip address of the SSH Server | [optional] |
ssh_server_port | int | The port to connect to on the SSH Server | [optional] |
ssh_server_user | string | The username used to connect to the SSH Server | [optional] |
finger_print | string | The md5 fingerprint used to identify the SSH Server | [optional] |
sha_finger_print | string | The SHA fingerprint used to identify the SSH Server | [optional] |
public_key | string | The SSH public key created for this instance | [optional] |
status | string | The current connection status to this SSH Server | [optional] |