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Mapbox Qt SDK

Travis Bitrise

Provides Qt example applications and APIs via QMapboxGL and QQuickMapboxGL:

QMapboxGL - implements a C++03x-conformant API that has been tested from Qt 4.7 onwards (Travis CI currently builds it using both Qt 4 and Qt 5).

QQuickMapboxGL - implements a Qt Quick (QML) item that can be added to a scene. Because QQuickFramebufferObject has been added in Qt version 5.2, we support this API from this version onwards.

Mapbox Qt QML example


Qt supports many platforms - so far we have been testing our code on Linux and macOS desktops, as well as embedded devices such as Raspberry Pi 3.

If you need to maintain backwards compatibility with prior releases of Qt, chose QMapboxGL. Otherwise, go for QQuickMapboxGL.

Both QMapboxGL and QQuickMapboxGL requires a Mapbox access token at runtime - you need to provide it by setting the environment variable MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN:


Optionally, you can specify a custom style to the QMapboxGL example application:


Using QMapboxGL

QMapboxGL is a QObject - MapWindow provides an example QGLWidget that contains a QMapboxGL object. If you use QMapboxGL in non-standard Qt widgets, make sure to initialize the GL extensions required by Mapbox whenever possible:



For Linux (Ubuntu) desktop, together with these build instructions, you also need:

sudo apt-get install qt5-default qtlocation5-dev qtpositioning5-dev \
qml-module-qtquick2 qml-module-qtpositioning qml-module-qtgraphicaleffects \
qml-module-qtquick-layouts qml-module-qtquick-controls


For macOS desktop, you can install Qt 5 via Homebrew:

brew install qt5

Since Homebrew doesn't add Qt to the path, you'll have to do that manually before running any Make target:

export PATH=/usr/local/opt/qt5:$PATH

We provide the following build targets for our Qt SDK:

Build instructions

Qt library

make qt-lib to build the qmapboxgl shared library. Public API headers can be found in platform/qt/include folder.

QMapboxGL example application

make qt-app or make run-qt-app to run the application at the end of build.

QQuickMapboxGL example application:

make qt-qml-app or make run-qt-qml-app to run the application at the end of build.