diff --git a/src/language-service/src/schemas/integrations/selectors.ts b/src/language-service/src/schemas/integrations/selectors.ts
index c8280445e7..8bf777f14f 100644
--- a/src/language-service/src/schemas/integrations/selectors.ts
+++ b/src/language-service/src/schemas/integrations/selectors.ts
@@ -492,6 +492,12 @@ export interface TextSelector {
     multiline?: boolean;
+    /**
+     * llows adding list of text strings. If set to true, the resulting value of this selector will be a list instead of a single string value.
+     * https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/blueprint/selectors/#text-selector
+     */
+    multiple?: boolean;
      * Allows adding a prefix to the input field.
      * https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/blueprint/selectors/#text-selector