Here we go again. This will be my second attempt at #100DaysOfCode. My previous attempt ended on day 65 due to unforseen circumstances, and burn out. I will succeed this time!
Today's Progress: I forked and setup this repo. I have been working through the new revamped version of The Odin Project. Many things have changed since the last time I worked on it. Many modules were added before the module I had worked up to. I am going back to catch up on those new modules now.
Thoughts: I'm excited and motivated to start on this again! I've invited my friend Chase to join me on this journey as well!
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Today's Progress: Today I worked on my Nightfox theme project.
Thoughts: I learned about semantic highlighting in vscode today. It gave me a lot more control on the elements I can style for my nightfox theme.
Link(s) to work
Today's Progress: Today I decided to work on some Exercism exercises.
Thoughts: I completed the "High Score Board" exercise. I need more practice working with objects so this was a great way to start working with them more.
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