diff --git a/.github/workflows/update-mirror.yml b/.github/workflows/update-mirror.yml
index 536c8a7..9734eca 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/update-mirror.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/update-mirror.yml
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ jobs:
run: |
sudo -E apt-get -qq update
sudo -E apt-get -qq install build-essential libncurses5-dev binutils bzip2 coreutils gawk gettext git patch zlib1g-dev subversion git-core gcc g++ p7zip-full libssl-dev autoconf automake libtool autopoint curl wget vim nano python3 python3-pip xz-utils tar unzip rsync
- sudo -E -H pip3 install -r aliyundrive-uploader/requirements.txt
sudo -E apt-get -qq clean
- name: Checkout ImmortalWrt Source Tree on Branch ${{ matrix.branch }}
@@ -104,24 +103,6 @@ jobs:
[ -d "uploader-keys" ] || mkdir -p "uploader-keys"
cp -f "$UPLOADER_CONF" "uploader-keys/$UPLOADER_TYPE.json"
- - name: Upload Files to AliyunDrive
- env:
- UPLOADER_TYPE: "alidrive"
- ALI_DRIVE_ID: ${{ secrets.ALI_DRIVE_ID }}
- run: |
- ./uploader-cache/detect-upload-files.sh
- [ "$(ls -A "package-sources"/* | wc -l)" -gt "0" ] || exit 0
- pushd aliyundrive-uploader
- [ -f "../uploader-keys/$UPLOADER_TYPE.json" ] && cp -f "../uploader-keys/$UPLOADER_TYPE.json" "config.json" || ./gen-alidriveconf.sh
- [ -f "../uploader-keys/$UPLOADER_TYPE.db" ] && cp -f "../uploader-keys/$UPLOADER_TYPE.db" "db.db"
- python3 main.py || echo "Never mind."
- popd
- ./uploader-cache/gen-downloaded-hash.sh
- [ -d "uploader-keys" ] || mkdir -p "uploader-keys"
- cp -f "aliyundrive-uploader/config.json" "uploader-keys/$UPLOADER_TYPE.json"
- cp -f "aliyundrive-uploader/db.db" "uploader-keys/$UPLOADER_TYPE.db"
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
needs: update-mirror
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4bbc323..bcef21c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
## Reference
diff --git a/aliyundrive-uploader/AliyunDrive.py b/aliyundrive-uploader/AliyunDrive.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 72d7560..0000000
--- a/aliyundrive-uploader/AliyunDrive.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# +-------------------------------------------------------------------
-# | 阿里云盘上传类
-# +-------------------------------------------------------------------
-# | Author: Pluto
-# +-------------------------------------------------------------------
-import json
-import math
-import os
-import requests
-from tqdm import tqdm
-from common import DATA, LOCK_TOKEN_REFRESH
-import common
-status: 0:未上传,1:上传成功,2:正在上传,-1:上传失败
-class AliyunDrive:
- def __init__(self, drive_id, root_path, chunk_size=10485760):
- self.status = 0
- self.create_time = 0
- self.start_time = common.get_timestamp()
- self.finish_time = 0
- self.spend_time = 0
- self.drive_id = drive_id
- self.root_path = root_path
- self.chunk_size = chunk_size
- self.filepath = None
- self.realpath = None
- self.filename = None
- self.hash = None
- self.part_info_list = []
- self.part_upload_url_list = []
- self.upload_id = 0
- self.file_id = 0
- self.part_number = 0
- self.filesize = 0
- self.headers = {
- 'authorization': DATA['access_token'],
- 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
- }
- self.id = None
- def load_task(self, task):
- tmp = [
- "id",
- "filepath",
- "realpath",
- "filesize",
- "hash",
- "status",
- "create_time",
- "finish_time",
- "spend_time",
- "drive_id",
- "file_id",
- "upload_id",
- "part_number",
- "chunk_size",
- ]
- if task['drive_id'] == '' or int(task['drive_id']) == 0:
- task['drive_id'] = self.__getattribute__('drive_id')
- for v in tmp:
- self.__setattr__(v, task[v])
- def load_file(self, filepath, realpath):
- self.filepath = filepath
- self.realpath = realpath
- self.filename = os.path.basename(self.realpath)
- self.print('【{filename}】正在校检文件中,耗时与文件大小有关'.format(filename=self.filename), 'info')
- self.hash = common.get_hash(self.realpath)
- self.filesize = os.path.getsize(self.realpath)
- self.part_info_list = []
- for i in range(0, math.ceil(self.filesize / self.chunk_size)):
- self.part_info_list.append({
- 'part_number': i + 1
- })
- message = '''=================================================
- 文件名:{filename}
- hash:{hash}
- 文件大小:{filesize}
- 文件路径:{filepath}
-'''.format(filename=self.filename, hash=self.hash, filesize=self.filesize, filepath=self.realpath)
- self.print(message, 'info')
- def token_refresh(self):
- try:
- data = {"refresh_token": DATA['config']['REFRESH_TOKEN']}
- post = requests.post(
- 'https://websv.aliyundrive.com/token/refresh',
- data=json.dumps(data),
- headers={
- 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
- },
- verify=False,
- timeout=3
- )
- try:
- post_json = post.json()
- # 刷新配置中的token
- common.set_config('REFRESH_TOKEN', post_json['refresh_token'])
- except Exception as e:
- self.print('refresh_token已经失效', 'warn')
- raise e
- DATA['access_token'] = post_json['access_token']
- self.headers = {
- 'authorization': DATA['access_token'],
- 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
- }
- DATA['config']['REFRESH_TOKEN'] = post_json['refresh_token']
- finally:
- return True
- def create(self, parent_file_id):
- create_data = {
- "drive_id": self.drive_id,
- "part_info_list": self.part_info_list,
- "parent_file_id": parent_file_id,
- "name": self.filename,
- "type": "file",
- "check_name_mode": "auto_rename",
- "size": self.filesize,
- "content_hash": self.hash,
- "content_hash_name": 'sha1'
- }
- # 覆盖已有文件
- if DATA['config']['OVERWRITE']:
- create_data['check_name_mode'] = 'refuse'
- request_post = requests.post(
- 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2/file/create',
- # 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/adrive/v2/file/createWithFolders',
- data=json.dumps(create_data),
- headers=self.headers,
- verify=False
- )
- requests_post_json = request_post.json()
- if not self.check_auth(requests_post_json):
- return self.create(parent_file_id)
- # 覆盖已有文件
- if DATA['config']['OVERWRITE'] and requests_post_json.get('exist'):
- if self.recycle(requests_post_json.get('file_id')):
- self.print('【%s】原有文件回收成功' % self.filename, 'info')
- self.print('【%s】重新上传新文件中' % self.filename, 'info')
- return self.create(parent_file_id)
- self.part_upload_url_list = requests_post_json.get('part_info_list', [])
- self.file_id = requests_post_json.get('file_id')
- self.upload_id = requests_post_json.get('upload_id')
- common.save_task(self.id, {
- 'drive_id': self.drive_id,
- 'file_id': self.file_id,
- 'upload_id': self.upload_id,
- })
- return requests_post_json
- def get_upload_url(self):
- self.print('【%s】上传地址已失效正在获取新的上传地址' % self.filename, 'info')
- requests_data = {
- "drive_id": self.drive_id,
- "file_id": self.file_id,
- "part_info_list": self.part_info_list,
- "upload_id": self.upload_id,
- }
- requests_post = requests.post(
- 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2/file/get_upload_url',
- data=json.dumps(requests_data),
- headers=self.headers,
- verify=False
- )
- requests_post_json = requests_post.json()
- if not self.check_auth(requests_post_json):
- return self.get_upload_url()
- self.print('【%s】上传地址刷新成功' % self.filename, 'info')
- return requests_post_json.get('part_info_list')
- def upload(self):
- with open(self.realpath, "rb") as f:
- task_log_id = common.log('正在上传【%s】0%%' % self.filename, self.id, 'info')
- with tqdm.wrapattr(f, "read", desc='正在上传【%s】' % self.filename, miniters=1,
- initial=self.part_number * self.chunk_size,
- total=self.filesize,
- ascii=True
- ) as fs:
- while self.part_number < len(self.part_upload_url_list):
- upload_url = self.part_upload_url_list[self.part_number]['upload_url']
- total_size = min(self.chunk_size, self.filesize)
- fs.seek(self.part_number * total_size)
- res = requests.put(
- url=upload_url,
- data=common.read_in_chunks(fs, 16 * 1024, total_size),
- verify=False,
- timeout=None
- )
- if 400 <= res.status_code < 600:
- common_get_xml_value = common.get_xml_tag_value(res.text, 'Message')
- if common_get_xml_value == 'Request has expired.':
- self.part_upload_url_list = self.get_upload_url()
- continue
- common_get_xml_value = common.get_xml_tag_value(res.text, 'Code')
- if common_get_xml_value == 'PartNotSequential':
- self.part_number -= 1
- continue
- elif common_get_xml_value == 'PartAlreadyExist':
- pass
- else:
- self.print(res.text, 'error')
- # res.raise_for_status()
- return False
- self.part_number += 1
- common.update_task_log(task_log_id,
- '正在上传【%s】%.2f%%' % (
- self.filename, ((self.part_number * total_size) / self.filesize) * 100))
- udata = {
- "part_number": self.part_number,
- }
- common.save_task(self.id, udata)
- return True
- def complete(self):
- complete_data = {
- "drive_id": self.drive_id,
- "file_id": self.file_id,
- "upload_id": self.upload_id
- }
- complete_post = requests.post(
- 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2/file/complete', json.dumps(complete_data),
- headers=self.headers,
- verify=False
- )
- requests_post_json = complete_post.json()
- if not self.check_auth(requests_post_json):
- return self.complete()
- self.finish_time = common.get_timestamp()
- self.spend_time = self.finish_time - self.start_time
- if 'file_id' in requests_post_json:
- self.print('【{filename}】上传成功!消耗{s}秒'.format(filename=self.filename, s=self.spend_time), 'success')
- return True
- else:
- self.print('【{filename}】上传失败!消耗{s}秒'.format(filename=self.filename, s=self.spend_time), 'warn')
- return False
- def create_folder(self, folder_name, parent_folder_id):
- create_data = {
- "drive_id": self.drive_id,
- "parent_file_id": parent_folder_id,
- "name": folder_name,
- "check_name_mode": "refuse",
- "type": "folder"
- }
- requests_post = requests.post(
- 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/adrive/v2/file/createWithFolders',
- data=json.dumps(create_data),
- headers=self.headers,
- verify=False
- )
- requests_post_json = requests_post.json()
- if not self.check_auth(requests_post_json):
- return self.create_folder(folder_name, parent_folder_id)
- return requests_post_json.get('file_id')
- def get_parent_folder_id(self, filepath):
- self.print('检索目录中', 'info')
- filepath_split = (self.root_path + filepath.lstrip(os.sep)).split(os.sep)
- del filepath_split[len(filepath_split) - 1]
- path_name = os.sep.join(filepath_split)
- if path_name not in DATA['folder_id_dict']:
- parent_folder_id = 'root'
- parent_folder_name = os.sep
- if len(filepath_split) > 0:
- for folder in filepath_split:
- if folder in ['', 'root']:
- continue
- parent_folder_id = self.create_folder(folder, parent_folder_id)
- parent_folder_name = parent_folder_name.rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep + folder
- DATA['folder_id_dict'][parent_folder_name] = parent_folder_id
- else:
- parent_folder_id = DATA['folder_id_dict'][path_name]
- self.print('已存在目录,无需创建', 'info')
- self.print('目录id获取成功{parent_folder_id}'.format(parent_folder_id=parent_folder_id), 'info')
- return parent_folder_id
- def recycle(self, file_id):
- # https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2/batch
- requests_data = {
- "requests": [
- {
- "body": {
- "drive_id": self.drive_id,
- "file_id": file_id
- },
- "headers": {
- "Content-Type": "application/json"
- },
- "id": file_id,
- "method": "POST",
- "url": "/recyclebin/trash"
- }
- ],
- "resource": "file"
- }
- requests_post = requests.post(
- 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2/batch',
- data=json.dumps(requests_data),
- headers=self.headers,
- verify=False
- )
- requests_post_json = requests_post.json()
- if not self.check_auth(requests_post_json):
- return self.recycle(file_id)
- return True
- def check_auth(self, response_json):
- if response_json.get('code') == 'AccessTokenInvalid':
- self.print('AccessToken已失效,尝试刷新AccessToken中', 'info')
- if self.token_refresh():
- self.print('AccessToken刷新成功,准备返回', 'info')
- return False
- self.print('无法刷新AccessToken,准备退出', 'error')
- if 'code' in response_json.keys():
- self.print(response_json, 'error')
- common.suicide()
- return True
- def print(self, message, print_type='info'):
- func = 'print_' + print_type
- return getattr(common, func)(message, self.id)
diff --git a/aliyundrive-uploader/Client.py b/aliyundrive-uploader/Client.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 956e31e..0000000
--- a/aliyundrive-uploader/Client.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# +-------------------------------------------------------------------
-# | Client.py
-# +-------------------------------------------------------------------
-# | Author: Pluto
-# +-------------------------------------------------------------------
-# 配置信息
-import json
-import os
-import sqlite3
-import sys
-from AliyunDrive import AliyunDrive
-from common import get_running_path, get_config, DATA, get_config_file_path, qualify_path, \
- get_all_file_relative, LOCK, get_db_file_path, save_task, get_timestamp, date, suicide
-import common
-class Client():
- tasks = []
- database_file = get_db_file_path()
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def __upload(self, drive):
- try:
- drive.upload()
- except Exception as e:
- status = False
- for index in range(int(DATA['config']['RETRY'])):
- self.print('【%s】正在尝试第%d次重试!' % (drive.filename, index + 1), 'warn', drive.id)
- if drive.upload():
- status = True
- break
- if not status:
- drive.status = -1
- return drive
- # 提交
- if drive.complete():
- drive.status = 1
- else:
- drive.status = -1
- return drive
- def init_config(self):
- config = {
- "REFRESH_TOKEN": "refresh_token",
- "DRIVE_ID": "drive_id",
- "ROOT_PATH": "root",
- "FILE_PATH": get_running_path(),
- "CHUNK_SIZE": 104857600,
- "RESUME": False,
- "OVERWRITE": False,
- "RETRY": 0,
- "RESIDENT": False,
- "VERSIONS": "v2021.0729.1800"
- }
- if not os.path.exists(get_config_file_path()):
- self.print('请配置好config.json后重试', 'error')
- with open(get_config_file_path(), 'w') as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(config))
- suicide()
- try:
- config.update(get_config())
- DATA['config'] = config
- except Exception as e:
- self.print('请配置好config.json后重试', 'error')
- raise e
- def init_command_line_parameter(self):
- unset_keys = []
- for k in range(len(sys.argv)):
- if sys.argv[k] == '--resident' or sys.argv[k] == '-r':
- DATA['config']['RESIDENT'] = True
- unset_keys.append(k)
- for v in unset_keys:
- del sys.argv[v]
- # 命令分配
- if len(sys.argv) == 3:
- # 网盘保存路径
- DATA['config']['ROOT_PATH'] = sys.argv[2]
- # 读取文件路径
- abspath = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
- elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
- # 读取文件路径
- abspath = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
- else:
- # 读取配置文件里的
- abspath = DATA['config']['FILE_PATH']
- DATA['config']['FILE_PATH'] = os.path.dirname(abspath)
- DATA['config']['ROOT_PATH'] = qualify_path(DATA['config']['ROOT_PATH'])
- if not DATA['config']['RESIDENT']:
- if os.path.exists(abspath):
- if os.path.isdir(abspath):
- # 目录上传
- self.tasks = get_all_file_relative(abspath)
- self.tasks = list(map(lambda x: os.path.basename(abspath) + os.sep + x, self.tasks))
- else:
- # 单文件上传
- self.tasks = [os.path.basename(abspath)]
- else:
- self.print('该文件夹不存在:%s,请重试' % abspath, 'error')
- # 获取目录的父目录以上传该目录并且格式化目录
- DATA['config']['FILE_PATH'] = qualify_path(DATA['config']['FILE_PATH'])
- def init_database(self):
- conn = sqlite3.connect(self.database_file)
- cursor = conn.cursor()
- cursor.execute('''create table IF NOT EXISTS task
- primary key autoincrement,
- filepath TEXT default '' not null,
- realpath TEXT default '' not null,
- filesize INTEGER,
- hash TEXT default '' not null,
- status INTEGER default 0 not null,
- drive_id TEXT default '' not null,
- file_id TEXT default '' not null,
- upload_id TEXT default '' not null,
- part_number INTEGER default 0 not null,
- chunk_size INTEGER default 104857600 not null,
- create_time INTEGER default 0 not null,
- finish_time INTEGER default 0 not null,
- spend_time INTEGER default 0 not null
- cursor.execute('''create table IF NOT EXISTS task_log
- id INTEGER not null
- constraint task_log_pk
- primary key autoincrement,
- task_id INTEGER,
- log_level TEXT default 'info' not null,
- content TEXT default '' not null,
- create_time INTEGER default 0 not null
- def upload_file(self, task):
- save_task(task['id'], {
- 'status': 2
- })
- drive = AliyunDrive(DATA['config']['DRIVE_ID'], DATA['config']['ROOT_PATH'], DATA['config']['CHUNK_SIZE'])
- # 加载任务队列
- drive.load_task(task)
- # 刷新token
- # drive.token_refresh()
- if not os.path.exists(task['realpath']):
- drive.status = -1
- return drive
- drive.load_file(task['filepath'], task['realpath'])
- # 创建目录
- LOCK.acquire()
- try:
- parent_folder_id = drive.get_parent_folder_id(drive.filepath)
- finally:
- LOCK.release()
- # 断点续传
- if DATA['config']['RESUME'] and DATA['config']['DRIVE_ID'] == task['drive_id']:
- if 0 not in [
- drive.drive_id,
- drive.part_number,
- drive.chunk_size,
- ] and not drive.file_id and not drive.upload_id:
- # 获取上传地址
- drive.part_upload_url_list = drive.get_upload_url()
- # 上传
- return self.__upload(drive)
- # 创建上传
- create_post_json = drive.create(parent_folder_id)
- if 'rapid_upload' in create_post_json and create_post_json['rapid_upload']:
- drive.finish_time = get_timestamp()
- drive.spend_time = drive.finish_time - drive.start_time
- self.print('【{filename}】秒传成功!消耗{s}秒'.format(filename=drive.filename, s=drive.spend_time), 'success',
- drive.id)
- drive.status = 1
- return drive
- # 上传
- return self.__upload(drive)
- def save_task(self, task):
- task_id = task.id
- tmp = [
- "filepath",
- "realpath",
- "filesize",
- "hash",
- "status",
- "create_time",
- "finish_time",
- "spend_time",
- "drive_id",
- "file_id",
- "upload_id",
- "part_number",
- "chunk_size",
- ]
- data = {}
- for v in tmp:
- data[v] = task.__getattribute__(v)
- if data[v] is None:
- data[v] = ''
- return save_task(task_id, data)
- def print_config_info(self):
- s = ''
- for k in DATA['config'].keys():
- s += "\n\t\t%s:%s" % (k, DATA['config'][k])
- content = '''=================================================
- 阿里云盘上传工具启动成功
- 当前时间:%s%s
-''' % (date(get_timestamp()), s)
- self.print(content, 'info')
- def print(self, message, print_type, id=0):
- func = 'print_' + print_type
- return getattr(common, func)(message, id)
diff --git a/aliyundrive-uploader/common.py b/aliyundrive-uploader/common.py
deleted file mode 100644
index da170a6..0000000
--- a/aliyundrive-uploader/common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# +-------------------------------------------------------------------
-# | 公共函数类
-# +-------------------------------------------------------------------
-# | Author: Pluto
-# +-------------------------------------------------------------------
-import hashlib
-import json
-import os
-import sys
-import threading
-import time
-from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
-from sqlite import sqlite
-LOCK = threading.Lock()
-LOCK_TOKEN_REFRESH = threading.Lock()
-DATA = {
- 'access_token': '',
- 'time_period': 600,
- 'config': {},
- 'folder_id_dict': {},
- 'task_template': {
- "filepath": None,
- "filesize": 0,
- "hash": '',
- "status": 0,
- "create_time": time.time(),
- "finish_time": 0,
- "spend_time": 0,
- "drive_id": '0',
- "file_id": '0',
- "upload_id": '0',
- "part_number": 0,
- "chunk_size": 104857600,
- }
-def suicide():
- os._exit(1)
-def ctrl_c(signalnum, frame):
- suicide()
-# 处理路径
-def qualify_path(path):
- if not path:
- return ''
- return path.replace('/', os.sep).replace('\\\\', os.sep).rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep
-# 获取运行目录
-def get_running_path(path=''):
- if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
- return os.path.dirname(sys.executable) + path
- elif __file__:
- return os.path.dirname(__file__) + path
-def get_config_file_path():
- return get_running_path('/config.json')
-def get_db_file_path():
- return get_running_path('/db.db')
-# 读取配置项
-# @param key 取指定配置项,若不传则取所有配置[可选]
-def get_config(key=None):
- # 判断是否从文件读取配置
- if not os.path.exists(get_config_file_path()): return None
- with open(get_config_file_path(), 'rb') as f:
- f_body = f.read().decode('utf-8')
- if not f_body: return None
- config = json.loads(f_body)
- for value in [
- ]:
- if value in config:
- DATA['config'][value] = bool(config[value])
- config['ROOT_PATH'] = qualify_path(config.get('ROOT_PATH')).rstrip(os.sep)
- # 取指定配置项
- if key:
- if key in config: return config[key]
- return None
- return config
-def set_config(key, value):
- config = get_config()
- # 是否需要初始化配置项
- if not config: config = {}
- # 是否需要设置配置值
- if key:
- config[key] = value
- with open(get_config_file_path(), 'w') as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(config))
- f.flush()
- return True
-def get_db():
- return sqlite().dbfile(get_db_file_path())
-def get_hash(filepath, block_size=2 * 1024 * 1024):
- with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
- sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
- while True:
- data = f.read(block_size)
- if not data:
- break
- sha1.update(data)
- return sha1.hexdigest()
-def get_all_file(path):
- result = []
- get_dir = os.listdir(path)
- for i in get_dir:
- sub_dir = os.path.join(path, i)
- if os.path.isdir(sub_dir):
- result.extend(get_all_file(sub_dir))
- else:
- result.append(sub_dir)
- return result
-def get_all_file_relative(path):
- result = []
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- return result
- get_dir = os.listdir(path)
- for i in get_dir:
- sub_dir = os.path.join(path, i)
- if os.path.isdir(sub_dir):
- all_file = get_all_file_relative(sub_dir)
- all_file = map(lambda x: i + os.sep + x, all_file)
- result.extend(all_file)
- else:
- result.append(i)
- return result
-def print_info(message, id=None):
- message = message.__str__()
- # i = random.randint(34, 37)
- i = 36
- log(message, id, 'info')
- print('\033[7;30;{i}m{message}\033[0m'.format(message=message, i=i))
-def print_warn(message, id=None):
- message = message.__str__()
- log(message, id, 'warn')
- print('\033[7;30;33m{message}\033[0m'.format(message=message))
-def print_error(message, id=None):
- message = message.__str__()
- log(message, id, 'error')
- print('\033[7;30;31m{message}\033[0m'.format(message=message))
-def print_success(message, id=None):
- message = message.__str__()
- log(message, id, 'success')
- print('\033[7;30;32m{message}\033[0m'.format(message=message))
-def date(timestamp=None):
- if not timestamp:
- timestamp = get_timestamp()
- return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(timestamp))
-def get_timestamp():
- return int(time.time())
-def log(message, id=None, log_level='info'):
- task_log_id = None
- if not id is None:
- db = get_db()
- idata = {
- 'task_id': id,
- 'content': message,
- 'log_level': log_level,
- 'create_time': get_timestamp(),
- }
- task_log_id = db.table('task_log').insert(idata)
- file = get_running_path('/log/' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime()) + '.log')
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(file)):
- os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(file))
- with open(file, 'a') as f:
- f.write('【{date}】{message}\n'.format(date=date(time.time()), message=message))
- return task_log_id
-def update_task_log(task_log_id, message):
- db = get_db()
- return db.table('task_log').where('id=?', task_log_id).update({
- 'content': message
- })
-def get_xml_tag_value(xml_string, tag_name):
- DOMTree = parseString(xml_string)
- DOMTree = DOMTree.documentElement
- tag = DOMTree.getElementsByTagName(tag_name)
- if len(tag) > 0:
- for node in tag[0].childNodes:
- if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
- return node.data
- return False
-def load_task():
- db = get_db()
- return db.table('task').where('finish_time=?', 0).order('create_time asc').limit('25').select()
-def save_task(task_id, udata):
- db = get_db()
- return db.table('task').where('id=?', (task_id,)).update(udata)
-def create_task(data):
- db = get_db()
- db.table('task').insert(data)
-def read_in_chunks(file_object, chunk_size=16 * 1024, total_size=10 * 1024 * 1024):
- load_size = 0
- while True:
- if load_size >= total_size:
- break
- data = file_object.read(chunk_size)
- if not data:
- break
- load_size += 16 * 1024
- yield data
diff --git a/aliyundrive-uploader/gen-alidriveconf.sh b/aliyundrive-uploader/gen-alidriveconf.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 32ad8e3..0000000
--- a/aliyundrive-uploader/gen-alidriveconf.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
-# Copyright (C) 2021 ImmortalWrt.org
-cat > "$PWD/config.json" <
-# +-------------------------------------------------------------------
-import os
-import signal
-import time
-from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
-from AliyunDrive import AliyunDrive
-from Client import Client
-from common import DATA, print_error, get_db, get_timestamp, print_info, load_task, create_task, suicide, ctrl_c
-if __name__ != '__main__':
- suicide()
-signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, ctrl_c)
-signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, ctrl_c)
-client = Client()
-# 数据库初始化
-# 配置信息初始化
-# 命令行参数初始化,读取文件列表
-# 输出配置信息
-db = get_db()
-# 是否常驻运行
-if not DATA['config']['RESIDENT']:
- for v in client.tasks:
- tmp = DATA['task_template'].copy()
- tmp.update({
- "filepath": v,
- "realpath": DATA['config']['FILE_PATH'] + v,
- "create_time": get_timestamp(),
- })
- find = db.table('task').where('filepath=? and realpath=?', (tmp['filepath'], tmp['realpath'],)).find()
- if find:
- print_info('【%s】已存在任务队列中,跳过' % tmp['filepath'])
- else:
- create_task(tmp)
-def thread(task):
- drive = client.upload_file(task)
- drive.finish_time = get_timestamp()
- drive.spend_time = drive.finish_time - drive.start_time
- if drive.status != 1:
- print_error(os.path.basename(drive.filepath) + ' 上传失败')
- client.save_task(drive)
-def distribute_thread(tasks):
- if not DATA['config']['MULTITHREADING'] or int(DATA['config']['MAX_WORKERS']) <= 0:
- for task in tasks:
- thread(task)
- else:
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=int(DATA['config']['MAX_WORKERS'])) as executor:
- for task in tasks:
- # 提交线程
- executor.submit(thread, task)
-# 定时任务
-def crontab():
- def crontab_tasks():
- # 定时刷新token
- (AliyunDrive(DATA['config']['DRIVE_ID'], DATA['config']['ROOT_PATH'],
- DATA['config']['CHUNK_SIZE'])).token_refresh()
- time_period = DATA['time_period']
- crontab_tasks()
- while True:
- if time_period <= 0:
- try:
- crontab_tasks()
- except Exception as e:
- print_error(e.__str__())
- finally:
- time_period = DATA['time_period']
- else:
- time_period -= 1
- time.sleep(1)
-is_RESIDENT = DATA['config']['RESIDENT']
-while True:
- client.tasks = load_task()
- if len(client.tasks) <= 0:
- if not is_RESIDENT:
- suicide()
- else:
- print_info('当前无任务,等待新的任务队列中', 0)
- time.sleep(5)
- continue
- distribute_thread(client.tasks)
diff --git a/aliyundrive-uploader/requirements.txt b/aliyundrive-uploader/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fe130a..0000000
--- a/aliyundrive-uploader/requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/aliyundrive-uploader/sqlite.py b/aliyundrive-uploader/sqlite.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a54d5b1..0000000
--- a/aliyundrive-uploader/sqlite.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import sqlite3
-import os, re, time
-def get_running_path(path=''):
- if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
- return os.path.dirname(sys.executable) + path
- elif __file__:
- return os.path.dirname(__file__) + path
-class sqlite():
- # ------------------------------
- # 数据库操作类 For sqlite3
- # ------------------------------
- DB_FILE = None # 数据库文件
- DB_CONN = None # 数据库连接对象
- DB_TABLE = "" # 被操作的表名称
- OPT_WHERE = "" # where条件
- OPT_LIMIT = "" # limit条件
- OPT_ORDER = "" # order条件
- OPT_GROUPBY = "" # group by条件
- OPT_FIELD = "*" # field条件
- OPT_PARAM = () # where值
- __LOCK = get_running_path() + 'sqlite_lock.pl'
- def __init__(self):
- self.DB_FILE = 'data/default.db'
- def GetConn(self):
- # 取数据库对象
- try:
- if self.DB_CONN == None:
- self.DB_CONN = sqlite3.connect(self.DB_FILE)
- if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
- self.DB_CONN.text_factory = lambda x: str(x,
- encoding="utf-8", errors='ignore')
- else:
- self.DB_CONN.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x,
- "utf-8", "ignore")
- except Exception as ex:
- print(ex)
- return "error: " + str(ex)
- def dbfile(self, path):
- if not os.path.isfile(path):
- raise RuntimeError("数据库文件不存在。")
- self.DB_FILE = path
- return self
- def table(self, table):
- # 设置表名
- self.DB_TABLE = table
- return self
- def where(self, where, param):
- # WHERE条件
- if where:
- self.OPT_WHERE = " WHERE " + where
- self.OPT_PARAM = self.__to_tuple(param)
- return self
- def __to_tuple(self, param):
- # 将参数转换为tuple
- if type(param) != tuple:
- if type(param) == list:
- param = tuple(param)
- else:
- param = (param,)
- return param
- def order(self, order):
- # ORDER条件
- if len(order):
- self.OPT_ORDER = " ORDER BY " + order
- return self
- def groupby(self, group):
- if len(group):
- self.OPT_GROUPBY = " GROUP BY " + group
- return self
- def limit(self, limit):
- # LIMIT条件
- if len(limit):
- self.OPT_LIMIT = " LIMIT " + limit
- return self
- def field(self, field):
- # FIELD条件
- if len(field):
- self.OPT_FIELD = field
- return self
- def log(self, msg):
- log_file = "/www/server/panel/logs/error.log"
- if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
- with open(log_file, "a", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
- fp.write("\n" + msg)
- else:
- with open(log_file, "a") as fp:
- fp.write("\n" + msg)
- def select(self):
- # 查询数据集
- self.GetConn()
- try:
- self.__get_columns()
- sql = "SELECT " + self.OPT_FIELD + " FROM " + self.DB_TABLE + self.OPT_WHERE + self.OPT_GROUPBY + self.OPT_ORDER + self.OPT_LIMIT
- result = self.DB_CONN.execute(sql, self.OPT_PARAM)
- data = result.fetchall()
- # 构造字典系列
- if self.OPT_FIELD != "*":
- fields = self.__format_field(self.OPT_FIELD.split(','))
- tmp = []
- for row in data:
- i = 0
- tmp1 = {}
- for key in fields:
- tmp1[key] = row[i]
- i += 1
- tmp.append(tmp1)
- del (tmp1)
- data = tmp
- del (tmp)
- else:
- # 将元组转换成列表
- tmp = list(map(list, data))
- data = tmp
- del (tmp)
- self.__close()
- return data
- except Exception as ex:
- return "error: " + str(ex)
- def get(self):
- self.__get_columns()
- return self.select()
- def __format_field(self, field):
- fields = []
- for key in field:
- s_as = re.search('\s+as\s+', key, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
- if s_as:
- as_tip = s_as.group()
- key = key.split(as_tip)[1]
- fields.append(key)
- return fields
- def __get_columns(self):
- if self.OPT_FIELD == '*':
- tmp_cols = self.query('PRAGMA table_info(' + self.DB_TABLE + ')', ())
- cols = []
- for col in tmp_cols:
- if len(col) > 2: cols.append(col[1])
- if len(cols) > 0: self.OPT_FIELD = ','.join(cols)
- def getField(self, keyName):
- # 取回指定字段
- try:
- result = self.field(keyName).select()
- if len(result) != 0:
- return result[0][keyName]
- return result
- except:
- return None
- def setField(self, keyName, keyValue):
- # 更新指定字段
- return self.save(keyName, (keyValue,))
- def find(self):
- # 取一行数据
- try:
- result = self.limit("1").select()
- if len(result) == 1:
- return result[0]
- return result
- except:
- return None
- def count(self):
- # 取行数
- key = "COUNT(*)"
- data = self.field(key).select()
- try:
- return int(data[0][key])
- except:
- return 0
- def add(self, keys, param):
- # 插入数据
- self.write_lock()
- self.GetConn()
- self.DB_CONN.text_factory = str
- try:
- values = ""
- for key in keys.split(','):
- values += "?,"
- values = values[0:len(values) - 1]
- sql = "INSERT INTO " + self.DB_TABLE + "(" + keys + ") " + "VALUES(" + values + ")"
- result = self.DB_CONN.execute(sql, self.__to_tuple(param))
- id = result.lastrowid
- self.__close()
- self.DB_CONN.commit()
- self.rm_lock()
- return id
- except Exception as ex:
- return "error: " + str(ex)
- # 插入数据
- def insert(self, pdata):
- if not pdata: return False
- keys, param = self.__format_pdata(pdata)
- return self.add(keys, param)
- # 更新数据
- def update(self, pdata):
- if not pdata: return False
- keys, param = self.__format_pdata(pdata)
- return self.save(keys, param)
- # 构造数据
- def __format_pdata(self, pdata):
- keys = pdata.keys()
- keys_str = ','.join(keys)
- param = []
- for k in keys: param.append(pdata[k])
- return keys_str, tuple(param)
- def addAll(self, keys, param):
- # 插入数据
- self.write_lock()
- self.GetConn()
- self.DB_CONN.text_factory = str
- try:
- values = ""
- for key in keys.split(','):
- values += "?,"
- values = values[0:len(values) - 1]
- sql = "INSERT INTO " + self.DB_TABLE + "(" + keys + ") " + "VALUES(" + values + ")"
- result = self.DB_CONN.execute(sql, self.__to_tuple(param))
- self.rm_lock()
- return True
- except Exception as ex:
- return "error: " + str(ex)
- def commit(self):
- self.__close()
- self.DB_CONN.commit()
- def save(self, keys, param):
- # 更新数据
- self.write_lock()
- self.GetConn()
- self.DB_CONN.text_factory = str
- try:
- opt = ""
- for key in keys.split(','):
- opt += key + "=?,"
- opt = opt[0:len(opt) - 1]
- sql = "UPDATE " + self.DB_TABLE + " SET " + opt + self.OPT_WHERE
- # 处理拼接WHERE与UPDATE参数
- tmp = list(self.__to_tuple(param))
- for arg in self.OPT_PARAM:
- tmp.append(arg)
- self.OPT_PARAM = tuple(tmp)
- result = self.DB_CONN.execute(sql, self.OPT_PARAM)
- self.__close()
- self.DB_CONN.commit()
- self.rm_lock()
- return result.rowcount
- except Exception as ex:
- return "error: " + str(ex)
- def delete(self, id=None):
- # 删除数据
- self.write_lock()
- self.GetConn()
- try:
- if id:
- self.OPT_WHERE = " WHERE id=?"
- self.OPT_PARAM = (id,)
- sql = "DELETE FROM " + self.DB_TABLE + self.OPT_WHERE
- result = self.DB_CONN.execute(sql, self.OPT_PARAM)
- self.__close()
- self.DB_CONN.commit()
- self.rm_lock()
- return result.rowcount
- except Exception as ex:
- return "error: " + str(ex)
- def execute(self, sql, param=(), auto_commit=True):
- # 执行SQL语句返回受影响行
- self.write_lock()
- self.GetConn()
- try:
- result = self.DB_CONN.execute(sql, self.__to_tuple(param))
- if auto_commit:
- self.DB_CONN.commit()
- self.rm_lock()
- return result.rowcount
- except Exception as ex:
- return "error: " + str(ex)
- # 是否有锁
- def is_lock(self):
- n = 0
- while os.path.exists(self.__LOCK):
- n += 1
- if n > 100:
- self.rm_lock()
- break
- time.sleep(0.01)
- # 写锁
- def write_lock(self):
- self.is_lock()
- with(open(self.__LOCK, 'w+'))as f:
- f.write("True")
- # 解锁
- def rm_lock(self):
- if os.path.exists(self.__LOCK):
- os.remove(self.__LOCK)
- def query(self, sql, param=()):
- # 执行SQL语句返回数据集
- self.GetConn()
- try:
- result = self.DB_CONN.execute(sql, self.__to_tuple(param))
- # self.log("result:" + str(result))
- # 将元组转换成列表
- data = list(map(list, result))
- return data
- except Exception as ex:
- return "error: " + str(ex)
- def create(self, name):
- # 创建数据表
- self.write_lock()
- self.GetConn()
- with(open('data/' + name + '.sql', 'rb')) as f:
- script = f.read().decode('utf-8')
- result = self.DB_CONN.executescript(script)
- self.DB_CONN.commit()
- self.rm_lock()
- return result.rowcount
- def fofile(self, filename):
- # 执行脚本
- self.write_lock()
- self.GetConn()
- with(open(filename, 'rb')) as f:
- script = f.read().decode('utf-8')
- result = self.DB_CONN.executescript(script)
- self.DB_CONN.commit()
- self.rm_lock()
- return result.rowcount
- def __close(self):
- # 清理条件属性
- self.OPT_WHERE = ""
- self.OPT_FIELD = "*"
- self.OPT_ORDER = ""
- self.OPT_LIMIT = ""
- self.OPT_GROUPBY = ""
- self.OPT_PARAM = ()
- def close(self):
- # 释放资源
- try:
- self.DB_CONN.close()
- self.DB_CONN = None
- except:
- pass