This repository contains the projects under the Low level Programming Curriculum of Holberton. The projects containing here is mainly focused on using the C programming language.
Project | Description |
0x00-hello_world | Getting to know the C programming language. |
0x01-variables_if_else_while | Using the if , if ... else statements. We get to know how to use arithmetic, logical and relational operators. How to declare variables and loops. How to use printf printf and loops. |
0x02-functions_nested_loops | How to create functions and use nested loops. |
0x03-debugging | Finding and fixing errors. |
0x04-more_functions_nested_loops | How to use functions and nested loops. |
0x05-pointers_arrays_strings | How to use pointers. Differentiating between pointers and arrays. How to use strings and how to manipulate them. |
0x06-pointers_arrays_strings | Usage of pointers, arrays and strings. |
0x07-pointers_arrays_strings | More of pointers, arrays and strings. |
0x08-recursion | Implementing recursion and in what situations you should/shoudn't implement recursion. |
0x09-static_libraries | Knowing a static library, how does it work, how to create one, and how to use it. |
0x0A-argc_argv | Knowing to use arguments passed to your program. |
0x0B-malloc_free | Learn how to use malloc and free. |
0x0C-more_malloc_free | More of using malloc and free. |
0x0D-preprocessor | Recognizing macros and how to use them and learning how to guard your header files. |
0x0E-structures_typedef | Learning structures, when, why and how to use them. |
0x0F-function_pointers | Knowing to use function pointers. |
0x10-variadic_functions | Using variadic functions. |
0x12-singly_linked_lists | Learning to use linked lists. |
0x13-more_singly_linked_lists | More of singly linked list. |
0x14-bit_manipulation | Manipulate bits and use bitwise operators. |
0x15-file_io | Learning of how to create, open, close, read and write files. |
0x17-doubly_linked_lists | What and how to use doubly linked lists. |
0x18-dynamic_libraries | Usage of dynamic libraries, how does it work, how to create one, and how to use it. |