Refer to the following for additional documentation to configure NFS storage.
This section provides steps to configure the image-registry operator to use NFS storage for a lab environment. NFS storage for the image registry is not recommended in production.
Set up registry mountpoint on the NFS host. Update the reference to * to your own
mkdir -p /exports/registry
chmod -R 777 /exports/registry
chown -R nfsnobody:nfsnobody /exports/registry
echo "/exports/registry *,sync,no_wdelay,root_squash,insecure)" >> /etc/exports
exportfs -rv
From the oc cli, create a persistent volume of at least 100Gi. Use the sample registry-volume.pv.yml
and update the reference to the NFS server to your own
oc apply -f registry-volume.pv.yml
Then, follow the remaining steps from the documentation to configure NFS storage.
The following steps to enable the image registry default route were taken from the documentation. In OpenShift Container Platform, the Registry Operator controls the registry feature. The Operator is defined by the
Custom Resource Definition (CRD).
Patch the Image Registry Operator CRD:
oc patch --type merge -p '{"spec":{"defaultRoute":true}}'